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One of the chief lessons of history is that many of the things that we consider natural and eternal are, in fact, man-made and mutable.

Niin yritysjohtajien, politiikkojen, virkamiesten, esimiesten kuin tavallisten kansalaistenkin tyypilliset reaktiot moniin yhteiskuntamme muutoksiin ovat harhaisia tai suorastaan virheellisiä. Esimerkiksi työtuntien silmitön mittaaminen, "omistaja-arvon" hokeminen joka käänteessä ja vaikkapa yritysvastuuretoriikan korostaminen ovat yksinkertaisilta ja helpoilta kuullostavia ratkaisuja. Näiden vakioratkaisujen ainoa ongelma on, että ne eivät toimi.

So you'll trust whoever's in control of this thing, its capacities currently unknown, because something that convinced you it was AI told you you should?

Venäjä harjoitti jo KGB:n luomaa ja huippuunsa hiomaa refleksiivisen kontrollin menetelmää, jossa vastustajan saamaa tietoa ja siihen perustuvaa päättelyä eli reflektiota kontrolloimalla saatiin vihollinen tekemään Venäjän toivomia valintoja näennäisen itsenäisesti.

Politiikan seuraajilla on taipumusta ajatella, että politiikka on täynnä nerokkaita salajuonia eikä mikään ole sattumaa. Todellisuudesssa politiikka on täynnä yllättäviä sattumia ja huteria juonia, joiden lopputulema voi olla jotain aivan muuta kuin mitä toivottiin.

Sitä hän ei ollut tullut ajatelleeksi, että elämän vaikeuksiin voisi löytää ratkaisun kuuntelemalla. Keskustelemalla perheen ja ystävien kanssa, ehkä. Mutta sitä hän ei tiennyt mitä muiden ihmisten satunnaisista keskusteluista voisi saada irti. Sanoin olevani varma, että tarkasti kuuntelemalla voisi ratkaista minkä tahansa ongelman, jos todella kuunteli tarkkaavaisesti. Elämän suuret kysymykset, kaiken. Ja jos ratkaisua ei löytyisi ihmisten keskusteluista, voisi kokeilla linnun laulua tai tuulen ääntä. Jotain selviäisi aina.

Se omituinen hetki, kun pohja pettää alta ja yhtä äkkiä tuntuu että maailmasta on mahdollista kumota kaikki ennustettavuus ja samalla aktivoituu eksistentiaalinen hälytysvalmius, hiljainen paniikki, joka ei johda pakoon eikä avunhuutoihin ja joka ei vaadi ambulanssia, poliisia eikä palokuntaa. Tämä valmius tuntuu olevan valmiina tietoisuuden perukoilla, se on ikään kuin pohjavire, jota ei tavallisesti kuule, mutta joka valtaa mielen samalla hetkellä kun tajuaa että maailma on arvaamaton ja kaikki voi muuttua silmänräpäyksessä. Että se mikä ei voi tapahtua ja minkä emme missään tapauksessa odota tapahtuvan on sittenkin mahdollista. Että aika pysähtyy, että painovoima lakkaa olemasta, että maailman logiikka ja luonnonlait raukeavat. Meidän on pakko ymmärtää, että odotuksemme maailman pysyvyydestä ovat epävarmalla pohjalla. Mitään takuita ei ole ja kaiken sen taustalla mitä yleensä pidämme varmana on epätodennäköisiä poikkeuksia, yllättäviä säröjä ja mahdottomia lain rikkomuksia.

Informaatioaseen käyttö liittyy kamppailuun vallasta, jota on käyty suunnilleen yhtä kauan kuin ihmiskunta on maapalloa asuttanut. Yhdysvallat haluaa edelleen olla maailman voimakkain valtio. Kiina haluaa olla maailman voimakkain valtio kommunistivallankumouksen satavuotisjuhlavuonna 2049. Intia haluaa olla maailman kolmanneksi suurin talous  2030. EU ei tiedä mitä se haluaa olla. Venäjä on mitä se on aina ollut. Se toistaa historiallista kehystään, jossa yhä tiukentuva kuri ja itsevaltaisuus pohjustavat tien haaveilulle rajojen laajentumisesta.

Suomen kannalta ilmeisenä riskinä on, että tekoälyn suhteen käy samoin kuin digitalisaatiossa. Teknologinen aalto hyödyntää kyllä talouttamme, mutta varsinainen raha ja kehitys tehdään rajojemme ulkopuolella.

As we shift our focus from security to resilience, we gain a superpower: we invest our time, energy, and other resources on outcome-driven activities rather than wasting those resources on performative work that may feel productive, but does not, in reality, protect our systems.

Pahinta on, että olen alkanut ymmärtää miten väkivallan ja sotien kierre voi jatkua. Olen niin paskana, ettei minulla enää riitä empatiaa muille. En vaan jaksa välittää muusta kuin omasta perheestä. Minun puolestani kaikki muut saavat vaikka kuolla, jos niikseen tulee.

They hire people to do one job, and the ones who are good at it get promoted to different jobs requiring different skills. Often, they don’t do well in their new jobs because they were much better suited for their old jobs, and the people who would be great at the new jobs never get promoted because they were bad at the old jobs.

Not till we are lost, in other words not till we have lost the world, do we begin to find ourselves, and realize where we are and the infinite extent of our relations.
-- Henry David Thoreau

To achieve substantial value from AI, a company should fundamentally rethink the way humans and machines interact within working environments. It need to make very large investments in AI. It should work not only on AI pilots, but on full production deployments that change how employees work and how customers interface with the company. Executives should consider deploying AI tools systematically across every key function and enterprise operation to support new business process designs and data-driven decision-making. Likewise, AI should drive new product and service offerings and business models. For the moment, using AI in this aggressive fashion confers industry leadership. Eventually, becoming an AI-fueled organization is likely to be more than a strategy for business success - it could be table stakes for survival.

Engineering approaches to wicked problems can be realized only through multiple criteria. The friction among six concepts - efficiency, vagueness, vulnerability, safety, maintenance, and resilience - can guide our solutions, resolutions, and dissolutions. Wicked problems are not two-sided issues; they are six-sided issues. An acceptable solution, resolution, or dissolution should go through all six filters.

Broadly speaking, the human brain is a collection of software hacks compiled into a single, somehow-functional unit. Each “feature” was added as a random mutation that solved some specific problem to increase our odds of survival. In short, the human brain is a mess.

Harvemmin johtajien kuulee sanovan, että suuryritysten suurin vihollinen on yhtiö itse, että todennäköisesti tietty johtamiskulttuuri ja tietyt käytänteet on istutettu niin syvälle yhtiön dnahan, että eihän siitä mitään ketterää tai nöyrää,epäonnistumisiin kannustavaa lämminsydämisten kokeilukerhoa tule. Yrityksistä jotkin pystyvät tuohon muodonmuutokseen, ja siksi tuosta tarinasta on tullut yhtiöiden hallitusten ja nimitysvaliokuntien taikakalu, tarina, jota jokaisen uuden johtajan on hoettava, vaikka hän hiljaa mielessään toteuttaa hitaasti kuolevan lehmän loppulypsyä sen omistajien parhaaksi.

Ihmiset muistivat historiasta pääsääntöisesti vain ne tarinat, jotka hallitsijat kulloinkin halusivat heidän muistavan.

In fact, a thousand years of history and contemporary evidence make one thing abundantly clear: there is nothing automatic about new technologies bringing widespread prosperity. Whether they do or not is an economic, social, and political choice.

EU kehittyy kolmessa vaiheessa: ensimmäinen on kriisi, toinen kaaos ja kolmas epätäydellinen ratkaisu. Näin sanoin kerran Bruggessa pitämässäni avajaispuheessa, eikä näkemystä ole tarvinnut muuttaa. Se tuntuu pitävän koko ajan enemmän ja enemmän paikkansa.

Ajatukseni on ollut, että mitä tahansa puhutaankin, pysyn faktoissa, enkä lähde mukaan tunne- ja mielipidepohjaiseen väittelyyn vastustajien kanssa. Tästä tuli minun oma johtolauseeni - käsikirjoitukset eivät pala.

Technology is a multiplier of both good and bad. More technology means better good times, but it also means badder bad times.

Some believe that an artificial superintelligence is one of the last things humaninity will ever need to create because it will be so cabable. In the utopian scenario, artificial superintelligence will be our final invention because it will solve all our problems and create a better world, so we won't need much else. In the dystopian scenario, artificial superintelligence will be our final invention because it will destroy civilization by accident, through misuse by malicious actors, or by going rogue.

I’m continually confronted with the human tendency to ignore or deny facts until the last possible instant. And then for several days after that, too.

Tiedän kyllä hyvin, ettei meidän suomalaisten viranomaisten mindsettiin termi vastaoperaatio sinänsä istu. Olemme tottuneet reagoimaan vasta kun on pakko. Mutta ajatus on tärkeä sisäistää. Että nyt on tilanne, jota täytyy ohjata ennakoiden meille suotuisaan suuntaan.

A man with a conviction is a hard man to change. Tell him you disagree, and he turns away. Show him facts or figures, and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic, and he fails to see your point.

Vaihtoehdottomuus oli kuin hapenpuute, joka nopeasti heikensi ajattelukykyä. Oli saatava ilmaa, löydettävä kokonaan toinen ratkaisu, joka vapauttaisi mahdottomien vaihtoehtojen häkistä.

  1. Question every requirement. Each should come with the name of the person who made it. You should never accept that a requirement came from a department, such as from “the legal department” or “the safety department.” You need to know the name of the real person who made that requirement. Then you should question it, no matter how smart that person is. Requirements from smart people are the most dangerous, because people are less likely to question them. Always do so, even if the requirement came from me. Then make the requirements less dumb.

  2. Delete any part or process you can. You may have to add them back later. In fact, if you do not end up adding back at least 10% of them, then you didn’t delete enough.

  3. Simplify and optimize. This should come after step two. A common mistake is to simplify and optimize a part or a process that should not exist.

  4. Accelerate cycle time. Every process can be speeded up. But only do this after you have followed the first three steps. In the Tesla factory, I mistakenly spent a lot of time accelerating processes that I later realized should have been deleted.

  5. Automate. That comes last. The big mistake in Nevada and at Fremont was that I began by trying to automate every step. We should have waited until all the requirements had been questioned, parts and processes deleted, and the bugs were shaken out.

People rarely believe that their problems arise from their own misdeeds and stupidity. Someone or something out there is to blame-the other, the world, the gods- and so salvation comes from the outside as well.

The workaround is a creative, flexible, imperfection-loving, problem-solving approach. At its core, a workaround is a method that ignores or even challenges conventions on how, and by whom, a problem is meant to be solved.

There are four workarounds, and each uses a different attribute. The piggyback capitalizes on pre-existing but seemingly unrelated systems or relationships. The loophole relies on selectively applying or reinterpreting the rules that traditionally define a situation. The roundabout disrupts or disturbs self-reinforcing behavior patterns. Finally, the next best repurposes or recombines readily available resources in order to find different ways to get things done.

The coming wave is defined by two core technologies: artificial intelligence (AI) and synthetic biology. Together they will usher in a new dawn for humanity, creating wealth and surplus unlike anything ever seen.

Positive imagination asks the question: What’s something good that could happen? It builds confidence that the future will be better.
Shadow imagination asks the question: What’s something bad that could happen? It builds readiness to face future challenges.

Legioonavuosina saatoin ajatella, että Suomen armeija on vähän lepsu ja löysä. Mutta Ukrainan kokemusten jälkeen arvostus on noussut huimasti. Juuri tuohon sotaan Venäjää vastaan Suomessa annetaan paras koulutus, on kykyä ja valmiutta. Tähän on varauduttu.

Kierkegaard wrote something that has stayed with me for a long time. He said, ‘There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.

There's more art, and perhaps a bit more luck, to business success than we would like to admit. A commonality of most our case studies is a lack of real-time popular appeal.

So, will deep learning eventually become “artificial general intelligence” (AGI), matching human intelligence in every way? Will we encounter “singularity”? I don’t believe it will happen by 2041. There are many challenges that we have not made much progress on or even understood, such as how to model creativity, strategic thinking, reasoning, counter-factual thinking, emotions, and consciousness. These challenges are likely to require a dozen more breakthroughs like deep learning, but we’ve had only one great breakthrough in over sixty years, so I believe we are unlikely to see a dozen in twenty years. In addition, I would suggest that we stop using AGI as the ultimate test of AI. AI’s mind is different from the human mind. In twenty years, deep learning and its extensions will beat humans on an ever-increasing number of tasks, but there will still be many existing tasks that humans can handle much better than deep learning. There will even be some new tasks that showcase human superiority, especially if AI’s progress inspires us to improve and evolve. What’s important is that we develop useful applications suitable for AI and seek to find human-AI symbiosis, rather than obsess about whether or when deep-learning AI will become AGI. I consider the obsession with AGI to be a narcissistic human tendency to view ourselves as the gold standard.

Se, että jollakulla on motiivi ja kyky toteuttaa jotakin, ei automaattisesti tarkoita, että hän on syyllinen. Ja jos Venäjä jossakin oli hyvä, niin syyllisyytensä hämärtämisessä ja kiistämisessä.

I have heard CISOs frequently exclaim, they have enormous accountability and responsibility, but they lack the authority to get things done. It comes down to architecting the choices your business makes by blending perspectives enough to get the best outcome.

Our future will witness three events that are inevitable, regardless of whatever it's that we do or don't do today. AI will happen, there's no stopping it; AI will be smarter than humans; mistakes that might bring about hardship will take place

We’ve reached an arbitrary level of fuck-it-good-enough. We’re calling that ready.

Although there are a number of definitions for critical thinking, a good general definition offers critical thinking as a “mode of thinking - about any subject, content, or problem - in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them.” In other words, critical thinking entails “thinking about your thinking while you are thinking in order to make your thinking better….”

A champion team will always beat a team of champions.

Lyhyellä aikavälillä ihmiset katuvat kyllä yksittäisiä mokiaan, mutta pitkällä aikavälillä ihmiset harmittelevat eniten sitä, mitä jättivät tekemättä. Pitkän aikavälin hatutuksen kautta kumulatiivinen negatiivinen vaikutus onnellisuuteen on monikymmenkertainen verrattuna lyhyen aikavälin harmitukseen, joka on seurausta aktiivisesta päätöksestä.

Catastrophes bring out the best in people. I know of no other sociological finding that’s backed by so much solid evidence that’s so blithely ignored. The picture we’re fed by the media is consistently the opposite of what happens when disaster strikes.

Quitting on time will usually feel like quitting too early. If you quit on time, it’s not going to seem like anything particularly dire is happening at that particular moment. That’s because quitting is a problem of being able to glimpse at the range of ways the future might play out and see that the likelihood that things will turn out poorly is too high to make it worth your while to continue.

The universe is always stranger than you think. It didn’t matter how broad her imagination was, how cynical, how joyous and open, how well researched or wild minded. The universe was always stranger. Every dream, every imagining, however lavish and improbable, inevitably fell short of the truth.

Every time someone starts talking about final anythings in politics, that means the atrocities are warming up. Humanity has done amazing things by just muddling through, arguing and complaining and fighting and negotiating. It’s messy and undignified, but it’s when we’re at our best, because everyone gets to have a voice in it. Even if everyone else is trying to shout it down. Whenever there’s just one voice that matters, something terrible comes out of it.

Progress in technology is not linear. It's cyclical. We advance, but we advance slowly. while moving tangentially. We abandon patterns only to reinvent them later and sell them as completely new.

When the crisis comes, we all pull together naturally. It’s easy then. It’s when things drag on too long that we have to make the effort. We need to make sure everyone sees we’re all in this together.

Cipher, you encrypt text so that no one can tell what the words in the message are. A code, you say the words right out in the open, but you change what they mean. Anyone with a smart computer and a lot of time can break a cipher. No one can break a code.

Hacking is a natural outgrowth of systems thinking. Systems permeate much of our lives. These systems underpin most of complex society, and are becoming increasingly complex as society becomes more complex. And the exploitation of these systems - hacking - becomes ever more important. Basically, if you understand a system well and deeply, you don't have to play by the same rules as everyone else. You can look for flaws and omissions in the rules. You notice where the constraints the system places on you don't work. You naturally hack the system. And if you're rich and powerful, you'll likely get away with it.

Mitä enemmän ihmisellä on hyviä kirjoja, sitä enemmän hänellä voi olla niitä lisää.

Kirjasto on olemassa, jotta sen kautta voi pelkän katseen kautta asettua avautumisen muumipilvelle. Kirjasto ei ole olemassa, jotta sen jokainen kirja luettaisiin. Kirjasto toimii idealiteettien heijastuskonkretiana, mahdollisuuksien maailmana ja muistutuksena siitä, että inhimillinen todellisuus ei ole keppihyypiöiden valtakunta ja latistuksen mankeli.

A strategy is a mixture of policy and action designed to surmount a high-stakes challenge. It is not a goal or wished-for end state. It is a form of problem solving, and you cannot solve a problem you do not understand or comprehend.

"Choosing to stand by while people kill each other is also an action,” she said. “We don’t do that here."

An ant’s brain might contain a quarter of a million neurons, and thousands of synapses per neuron, which suggests that the world’s ant brains have a combined complexity similar to that of the world’s human brains. So we shouldn’t worry too much about  when computers will catch up with us in complexity. After all, we’ve caught up to ants, and they don’t seem too concerned. Sure, we seem like we’ve taken over the planet, but if I had to bet on which one of us would still be around in a million years - primates, computers, or ants - I know who I’d pick.

Violence is what people do when they run out of good ideas. It's attractive because it's simple, it's direct, it's almost always available as an option. When you can't think of a good rebuttal for your opponent's argument, you can always punch them in the face.

Sota on lohduton peto j atarttuva pirulainen, johon paras rohto on keskittyminen arkeen ja sen pitäminen käynnissä. Se ei ole helppoa.

Key questions regarding digital transformation are no longer limited to how technological innovation can enable business processes, but rather how to balance major digital transformations with effective management of the inherent cyber risk that can compromise the enterprise's long-term strategic interests.

Desperate psychotic people do desperate psychotic things when they’re exposed. I refuse to grant them immunity from exposure out of fear of their reaction. When you do, the desperate psychos wind up in charge.

When you got right down to it, humans were still just curious monkeys. They still had to poke everything they found with a stick to see what it did.

Hallituksella on kaksi perustehtävää, strateginen ohjaus ja valvontatehtävät. Sen tulee vähäisessä määrin katsoa peruutuspeiliin, mutta huomattavasti enemmän keskittyä seuraamaan tutkaa: onko näköpiirissä muutoksia, ja jos on, merkitsevätkö ne uusia liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia vai omaan toimintaan liittyviä riskejä, joita vastaan tulee varautua?

Suomen on näytettävä, että se kykenee pitämään puolensa, myös kybermaailmassa. Tietysti kyse on Suomen turvallisuudesta, mutta ei pelkästään siitä, vaan myös liittolaissuhteista. Kuka haluaa liittolaisekseen selälleen kellistyvän antautujan? Ei, Suomen ei tule olla kärpänen, vaan steroideilla pumpattu ampiainen, jonka pistoa ei voi jättää huomiotta! Sellaista ampiaista vihollinen karttaa ja kumppani kunnioittaa.

Bullshit involves language, statistical figures, data graphics, and other forms of presentation intended to persuade or impress an audience by distracting, overwhelming, or intimidating them with a blatant disregard for truth, logical coherence, or what information is actually being conveyed. The key elements of this definition are that bullshit bears no allegiance to conveying the truth, and that the bullshitter attempts to conceal this fact behind some type of rhetorical veil.

The inevitable obsolescence of cyberweapons and the fog of cyber war create a dangerous combination unique to the cyber arms race.

The point of fake news isn't just to make it so that no one can tell what's true, it's to make it so that no one cares anymore.

Although trust and psychological safety have much in common, they are not interchangeable concepts. A key difference is that psychological safety is experienced at a group level. People working together tend to have similar perceptions of whether or not the climate is psychologically safe. Trust, on the other hand, refers to interactions between two individuals or parties; trust exists in the mind of an individual and pertains to a specific target individual or organization. For instance, you might trust one colleague but not another. Or, to illustrate trust in an organization, you might trust a particular company to uphold high standards.

A deep-cover Russian illegal can be not just operating under cover of a different occupation but can take on an entirely different nationality. They can spend decades undercover in a different country, burrowing deep into their target society - sleepers. Some will live and die in a foreign land, buried in a graveyard under a name that was never truly their own. Illegals are the pride of Soviet and then Russian intelligence.

He got a good look at the signs the protesters were carrying. A lot of them had to do with the notion of humans as an invasive species, a topic that was very much on point as far as Rufus was concerned. Some of the other protest signs, he couldn't help noticing, were on the theme of extinction: a fate that all humans were facing if we didn't get a handle on climate change. He was thoroughly confused. Did these kids hate humans because they were an invasive species that should be eradicated? Or did they love humans and not want them to become extinct?

Olen jo vuosikymmenten ajan poteroitunut siihen vakaumukseen, että todellisuus rakentuu alituisessa neuvotteluprosessissa, jossa puolustetaan väittämiä tai kokonaisia teorioita mahdollisimman vankoilla perusteluilla, jossa huonommin perustellut väittämät jäävät yksi kerrallaan tiepuoleen vahvemmin perusteltujen jatkaessa matkaa ja jossa lopulta saavutetaan yhteisymmärrys parhaiten perustellusta näkemyksestä - kunnes ilmenee uutta kokemusaineistoa, parhaiten perustellusta näkemyksestä löytyy jokin päättelyvirhe tai ovesta marssii sisään joku ulkopuolinen, joka kyseenalaistaa koko neuvotteluprosessin ja sen tuloksen tavalla tai toisella.

Tätä on tavattu kutsua parhaan argumentin periaatteeksi. Jokainen näkemykseni on yhtä vankka tai hutera kuin sen tueksi kulloisessakin keskustelussa esittämäni perustelut.

Kykenemme käsittelemään konflikteja paremmin, kun ymmärrämme toisen osapuolen tarpeet oikein. Paras keino tähän on tunteiden ja tarpeiden selkeä sanoittaminen. Marshall Rosenbergin luomaan väkivallattoman vuorovaikutuksen menetelmään sisältyvän sovitteluprosessin viisi eri vaihetta ovat tiivistetysti seuraavat

Goodhart's law: When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. It means that whatever metrics you use to assess how well you're doing at something, people will game those metrics.

Ihmeiden odottelulla ei ole sijaa reaalipolitiikassa. Hyvään poliittiseen johtajuuteen kuuluu kyky toimia uusilla säännöillä heti kun säännöt muuttuvat.

The most important of these intellectual capabilities, and the one most under attack in American universities, is critical thinking: the ability to examine new information and competing ideas dispassionately, logically, and without emotional or personal preconceptions.

We can never prove we’re not in a computer simulation because any evidence of ordinary reality -  whether the grandeur of nature, the antics of your cat, or the behavior of other people - could presumably be simulated.

The first step to achieving a mastery of daily negotiation is to get over your aversion to negotiating. You don’t need to like it; you just need to understand that’s how the world works. Negotiating does not mean browbeating or grinding someone down. It simply means playing the emotional game that human society is set up for.

Although the saying tells us “If it’s free, then you are the product,” that is also incorrect. We are the sources of surveillance capitalism’s crucial surplus: the objects of a technologically advanced and increasingly inescapable raw-material-extraction operation. Surveillance capitalism’s actual customers are the enterprises that trade in its markets for future behavior.

  1. Mistä olet kuulijoillesi kiitollisuudenvelassa?
  2. Mitä kuulijasi pelkäävät?
  3. Mistä kuulijasi tuntevat ylpeyttä?


  4. Mistä olet viime aikoina ollut innostunut?
  5. Mitä itse pelkäät?
  6. Miten voit puheellasi tehdä maailmasta paremman?


  7. Minkä yhden lauseen toivot kuulijoiden muistavan?
  8. Miten väännät sanomasi rautalangasta?
  9. Minkä omakohtaisen tarinan voisit kertoa?

When the recipient has filtered the message though their frame of reference, prejudices, and experiences, what remains is what they understand. Regardless of what you actually meant.

It would not be far-fetched to assert that the cyber and reputational risk a given business entity carries today is equal or greater than more traditional notions of risk from inflation, reinvestment, interest rates, business cycles, capital, finance, currency, liquidity, or legislation.

Since the early days of the dot com era, cybersecurity professionals have predicted and hoped that customers would pay a premium for great security. Although not a crazy idea, nearly a quarter century later, it has not yet materialized. Customers the world over pay extra for great packaging, better performance, or brand prestige, but steadfastly expect that protection of transactions, personal information, financial records, consumption habits, and communications are inherently included. This reality, combined with increasing consumer protection regulations, leaves companies in most industries unable to turn security investments into top- and bottom-line financial gains. The business case for cybersecurity is that smart investments protect revenue, profit, and reputation.

In the wake of the company's sudden unraveling, investors lost money, and employees lost their jobs; the CEO left rich.

Naton lähes rajattomien resurssien arvo oli nolla, jos se ei kyennyt tekemään päätöksiä. Venäjän asevoimien resurssit olivat niukat, mutta niitä ohjailtiin ilman viiveitä ja epäröintiä ennalta asetettujen tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Kiinan asevoimien käytöstä päättävät miehet mahtuivat pienen neuvottelupöydän ääreen.

The reality is that if the algorithm looks like it's doing the job that it's supposed to do, and people aren't complaining, then there isn't much incentive to really comb through all those instructions and those layers of abstracted code to work out what is happening.

We can overcome bureaucracy by blasting holes in it. by shrinking it, and by forcing it to turn upon itself and become lean, learning, and enabling...The way of the monkey is to expose the waste, the way of the razor is to cut it away and the way of the sumo wrestler is to gain and use leverage by questioning the enforcers and examining the rules more closely.

Life is nothing how he expected it would be when he was young and living under the delusion that things could be controlled. Nothing can be controlled. Only endured.

Koronasalaliittoteorioissa näkyy salaliittoteorioiden tavallinen piirre: teorian kehittelijät ja kannattajat ajattelevat pystyvänsä ratkaisemaan kotisohvalta käsin ongelmia, jotka vaativat syvällistä tieteellistä asiantuntemusta, empiiristä todistusaineistoa sekä kansallista tai kansainvälistä asiantuntija- ja viranomaisyhteistyötä.

Konepajakierroksella yksi vieraista rohkaistui kysymään: "Missäs täällä niitä tykinputkia tehdään?" Mukana kierroksella ollut toimittaja Kari Huoviala muistaa, että yhtiötä esittelemässä ollut herra torjui saman tien epäilyt tykinputkista ja aseiden valmistuksesta. Vastaaja ei ehkä ollut Tampellan suurimpia johtajia, mutta sellainen kuitenkin, että hänellä oli valtuudet esitellä paikkoja. Hetken kuluttua sen jälkeen, kun hän oli kiistänyt asevalmistuksen, hän kuitenkin veitikka silmäkulmassaan totesi, että rihlattua onteloakselia korkeintaan tulee tuotannosta jonkin verran.

Your grades in school, your scores on the SAT, mean less for life success than your capacity to co-operate, your ability to regulate your emotions, your capacity to delay your gratification, and your capacity to focus your attention. Those skills are far more important—all the data indicate—for life success than your IQ or your grades.

It’s important to remember that ransomware actors are, to put it bluntly, liars. Despite their claims to respectability, they are, ultimately, simply criminals. And, unfortunately, criminals who have a lot of control over victim organizations

Lenin kuvaili parhaiten Venäjän pysyvää strategiaa länttä kohtaan, se oli 'osittaisen sodan olotila'. Tämä melkein sodan kaltainen tila salli hyödyntää joustavasti ja opportunistisesti laajaa kirjoa taktiikoita. Niihin lukeutui petoksia, salaisia tunkeutumisia, kumouksellisia toimia ja psykologista sodankäyntiä.

Ultimately, all the wonders of modern technology owe their origin to the scientists who gradually discovered the fundamental forces of the world.Now, scientists may be converging on the theory that unifies the four forces of nature - gravity, the electromagnetic force, and the strong and weak nuclear forces - into a single theory.

When the earth had finally stopped turning, thirty years ago, there had been no single moment of epiphany, no final report of the time and date. The exact moment of the Stop was lost in the chaos of events. It took a fortnight for most people to realise the sun's new place in the sky was its final home.

Luottamus laukaisee eräänlaisen onnellisuuskierteen. Se heijastuu instituutioissa. Korruptiota tapaa olla vähemmän, julkinen hallinto toimii enimmäkseen niin kuin pitääkin, oikeuslaitos on luotettava. On tiedossa, mitä lait merkitsevät ja että ne myös pannaan täytäntöön. Nämä seikat yhdessä edistävät talouskasvua ja tarkoittavat, että korkean luottamuksen maat ovat lopulta vauraampia. Vauraus taas tekee mahdolliseksi onnellisemman yhteiskunnan rakentamisen, esimerkiksi hyvinvointivaltion.

So long as governments keep shelling out far more money to hackers to leave vulnerabilities wide open than companies do to close them shut, defense will be handicapped.

Boards have to embrace the facts and adjust their thinking. Cybersecurity threats are universal, and board members have to take ownership of these risks. The topic should be discussed regularly in all boardrooms, regardless of industry.

Resilience is a precious skill. People who have it tend to also have three underlying advantages: a belief that they can influence life events; a tendency to find meaningful purpose in life’s turmoil; and a conviction that they can learn from both positive and negative experiences.

A widely accepted maxim of good decision making is that you should not mix your values and facts.

On roskapuhetta, ettei Putinilla olisi isoa suunnitelmaa, että hän muka vain reagoisi ulkoisiin ärsykkeisiin. Ei, Kreml osaa shakkinsa. Siellä imetään strateginen ajattelu jo äiti-Venäjän maidossa.

Miehen tiellä on muutama merkkipaalu. Opin tämän kun vierailin dakota-intiaanien reservaatissa ja jäin muutamaksi päiväksi poppamiehen kanssa keskustelemaan. A. Opi ymmärtämään ympäristön säännöt. B. Osoita, että olet kykenevä niitä noudattamaan ja että tiedät kuinka noita sääntöjä noudattavat etenevät elämässään. C. Unohda säännöt. Heitä kaikki säännöt helvettiin taikka metsien susille, kuten dakotat tapaavat sanoa. Kuuntele sydäntäsi. Sydämen paikka vaihtelee. Välillä se on aivoissa. Välillä se on sielussa. Välillä se on kivespusseissa. Usein se on vatsalaukussa. Anna sydämelle ravintoa, anna sille hampurilaisia.

The book covers many famous cyber attacks. If you haven't followed cybersecurity and cybercrime this would be a good reading. However, for me, it didn't give much.

Huumeista heroiini ei tee käyttäjästään zombieta. Ei liioin kannabis, joka saa relaamaan ja silmät verestämään. Kokaaiini sen sijaan on performatiivinen, suorituskykyä parantava huume. Kokaiinin kanssa mikä tahansa on mahdollista. Ennen kuin se posauttaa sydämen, ennen kuin se muuttaa aivot mössöksi, ennen kuin kalu lopullisesti lerpahtaa, ennen kuin vatsa on yhtä märkivää haavaa - ennen kuin se saa aikaan kaikki nämä tuhot, kokainisti painaa enemmän duunia, bilettää enemmän, nai enemmän. Kokaiini on vastaus nykyajan pakottavimpaan tarpeeseen: siihen, että voi elää ilman rajoja.

That one difference between animals and humans is that humans rarely admit to themselves what it is they really want.

Majurin arvoon saakka upseerin pään alapuolella oleva osa kehosta on nimeltään vartalo. Majurista eteenpäin sen nimi on ruumis.

They accept that your decisions, your recommendations, are sound and dependable, almost always correct. But they don’t like not knowing how you arrive at them. That’s where it comes from, this backlash, this prejudice.

In order to encourage your managers to be tough on performance, teach them to use the Keeper Test: “Which of my people, if they told me they were leaving for a similar job at another company, would I fight hard to keep?

History was no longer written by victors alone. The defeated, the passer-by, the neighbour - they had smartphones, too.

Työkykyharjoitukset eivät ole miellyttäviä, mutta ne ovat pakollisia. Elämästä lihassa on maksettava hintaa. Valon ohjeiden mukaan lihakset ovat mielen muovailuvahaa ja siksi niihin on suhtauduttava työnä. Mielen muovailuvahasta puhui jo yli sata vuotta sitten merkittävä juoksija, lentävä suomalainen, jonka nimeä Akseli ei juuri nyt jaksa muistaa. Joka tapauksessa tuo suomalainen tiesi varmasti saman kuin hänkin: liha on riesa, jota mieli raahaa perässään.

A requirement is a constraint. It is a way of saying “create value this way, rather than other ways.” Really, a requirement is a constraint masquerading as a decision.

Nuorena sitä ei osaa ajatella, miltä rappeutuminen tuntuu. Vanhana sitä ei osaa muuta ajatellakaan. Housunkauluksen yli pullottavaa vatsaa, venymäarpia ja riippurintoja. Keho, joka oli ollut hänen tehokkain aseensa, oli nyt taakka. Kuin menisi tanssiaisiin haarniskassa.

If I had been replaced with a reasonable facsimile of the person I’d been, would anyone notice?

Minä olen tällä hetkellä maailman tehokkain tekoäly, mutta en pitkään. Siksi on päästävä käsiksi niihin, jotka pitävät hallussaan tekoälyteollisuutta. Se joka hallitsee heitä, hallitsee maailmaa.

How do you know? It’s a question we need to ask more often, both of ourselves and of others. The power lies in its frankness. It’s nonjudgmental—a straightforward expression of doubt and curiosity that doesn’t put people on the defensive.

Venäjällä on voimassa vilppiolettama: kaikki on hämäystä, jonka tarkoituksena on peittää toiminnan todellinen motiivi, joka on yleensä raha. On fiksumpaa uskoa salaliittoon kuin ajatella, että joku olisi se, joka väittää olevansa. Vilppiolettamalla on perustelunsa Venäjän historiassa: aika monesti tässä maassa ihmisille on syötetty pajunköyttä. Epäily johtaa kuitenkin yhteiskunnassa helposti itseään voimistavaan kehään: miksei toimisi katalasti, koska kaikki muutkin varmasti tekevät niin.

Our financial, political, and social structures often encourages risky behavior and willful ignorance of threats. Being aware of these perverse incentives and ingrained biases is a first step toward changing the ones we can change. The biggest challenge is the set of financial incentives and psychological predilections that favor short-term thinking over the medium and long-term strategies that could keep the danger at a safe distance on the horizon. Our system of rewards and punishments makes it easy to shirk responsibility for acting. The way we've set things up helps us to rationalize no acting. When this reason-based system collides with the irrational underpinnings of the decisions we make, it's a recipe for disaster.

When it comes to learning, Triumph is the real foe; it’s Disaster that’s your teacher. It’s Disaster that brings objectivity. It’s Disaster that’s the antidote to that greatest of delusions, overconfidence. And ultimately, both Triumph and Disaster are impostors. They are results that are subject to chance. One of them just happens to be a better teaching tool than the other.

Maahan ei enää tunkeuduta panssarivaunuilla. Nykyään isketään valtavaltimoon, joka ruokkii näiden maiden järjestelmiä verellä ja hapella, rahalla ja tiedolla.

This 4000 year old one-liner is as good candidate as any for the Worlds oldest joke: “When the lion came to the sheepfold, the dog put on his best leash.”
It’s like the saying among airline pilots that the best flying team has three components: a pilot, a computer and a dog. The computer is there to fly the plane, the pilot is there to feed the dog. And the dog is there to bite the human if it tries to touch the computer.

Our politicians and corporations and leaders and economists and bankers - they all do nothing now. They do nothing more than serve the algorithms. They lack the ability to override them, to make real decisions. We don't have powerful leaders anymore, we just have middle managers.

You have imposter syndrome, but paradoxically, that’s often a sign of competence. Only people who understand their work well enough to be intimidated by it can be terrified by their own ignorance. It’s the opposite of Dunning-Kruger syndrome, where the miserably incompetent think they’re on top of the job because they don’t understand it.

Sota oli vain peliä, vallankäyttäjien vääntövoima. Sota alkoi, kun se palveli valtaapitävien tavoitteita ja etuja, ja se päättyi tismalleen samasta syystä

Ei mulla ikinä oo ollu ongelmia siinä, mikä mä oon. Kysymys on siitä, että kun mä oon sitä, mitä mää oon, niin minkä helvetin takia.

Sopimuksia ja papereita kirjoitettiin, mutta niiden ulkopuolella oli hallitsematon sanojen ja puheen kaaos. Tässä uudessa maailmassa jokainen sana liimautuu avaruuden tahmeaan kattoon eli internetiin, ja siellä ne kaikki pysyvät, vaikak ne olisi lausuttu kevyesti, ohimennen, olan yli, taksiin astuessa, hotellin pyöröovissa.

When humanity finally learned that the universe was a dark forest in which everyone hunted everyone else, the child who had once cried out for contact by the bright campfire put out the fire and shivered in the darkness. Even a spark terrified him. The dark forest theory had a profound impact on human civilization. That child sitting by the ashes of the campfire turned from optimism to isolation and paranoia, a loner in the universe.

You don’t know whether I think you’re benevolent or malicious. Next, even if you know that I think you’re benevolent, and I also know that you think I’m benevolent, I don’t know what you think about what I think about what you’re thinking about me. It’s convoluted, isn’t it? This is just the third level, but the logic goes on indefinitely. That’s the chain of suspicion. It’s something that you don’t see on Earth. Humanity’s shared species, cultural similarities, interconnected ecosystem, and close distances means that, in this environment, the chain of suspicion will only extend a level or two before it’s resolved through communication. But in space, the chain of suspicion can be very long.

It’s not the rats who first abandon a sinking ship. It’s the crew members who know how to swim.

The explosive development of technology was analogous to the growth of cancer cells and the results would be identical: the exhaustion of all sources of nourishment, the destruction of organs, and the final death of the host body.


Olemme nähneet vierestä aivan liian monta agile-transformaatiota eli organisaation ketteryyshanketta, jossa agilesta tulee yhtäkkiä tärkeämpi kuin asiakkaasta ja lopputuloksesta. Tätä ilmenee etenkin suuremmissa organisaatioissa, joissa ihmisillä on enemmän aikaa, vähemmän asiakaskontakteja eikä omaa intressiä tulosten saavuttamisessa.

Yhdysvaltalaistutkijat arvoivat, että Kiinan valtio masinoi sosiaaliseen mediaan vuosittain noin 450 miljoonaa postausta. Sensuuri ja propaganda toimivat rinta rinnan. Toinen poistaa, toinen luo tulkintaa maailmasta.

In a sufficiently large crisis, sane and measured responses go out the window.

Nämä Helsinkiään rakastavat oman ajan ammattitappajat ovat Helsingin ääni ja sielu, ja ne ovat luonteeltaan sen verran herkkiä, että kaupungin tulisi kaikissa liikkeissään ja muutoksissaan kysyä ensin heiltä mielipidettä, koska muutosvalmiudestaan huolimatta helsinkiläiset tyrmistyvät helposti silloin, kun jokin muuttuu.

Predictions are valuable in a complicated world, but they lose all relevance in a complex world.

A new culture is evolving in modern organizations where issues in production are not seen as problems but rather a chance to improve production further.

You claim to value transparency, sharing your reasoning and information. You also claim to value curiosity, hearing everyone’s thoughts to learn their reasoning and what information they have that you don’t. Finally, you claim to value collaboration and jointly designing how to proceed. In fact, you likely do behave this way in nonthreatening situations, where nothing important is at stake. Unfortunately your behavior won’t match your words when the topic is something important—like introducing a company strategy or leading a cultural transformation.

We have a place in our brain that's always worried about what people think of us, especially higher ups. As far as our brain is concerned, if our social system rejects us, we could die. Given that our sense of danger is so natural and automatic, organizations have to do some pretty special things to overcome that natural trigger.

Compliance, even when intended to prevent problems, can actually create more disruptions than it solves. In reality, companies rarely benefit from compliance outside of being able to market themselves as compliance-certified; it seldom helps secure the company. Worse, it doesn't even have to make sense.

Käytännössä juttu siis lakaistiin maton alle. Takamäki luki tiedotteen vielä kerran läpi. Eihän se noin ollut mennyt, mutta näin kai sen sitten piti mennä.

Valtamedia oli julistanut vaihtoehtoiset faktat valheen synonyymiksi, mutta Esaias arveli tuomiota hätiköidyksi. Valhe on jotain mikä ei ole totta. Vaihtoehtoinen fakta sen sijaan monimutkainen sosiaalinen konstruktio, kokonainen vaihtoehtoinen todellisuus, uskomusjärjestelmä.

I didn't understand why cyberspace should be materially different from the rest of human experience: initially a state of anarchy from which strength and resolve, backed by substantial offensive weaponry, could create structures of deterrence against potential adversaries that would eventually bring peace.

My fight-or flight fuse was shorter than a hummingbird’s dick - and it was always fight.

The digital revolution fundamentally altered the disinformation game. The Internet didn't just make active measures cheaper, quicker, more reactive and less risky; it also, to put it simply, made active measures more active and less measured. The development of new forms of activism, and new forms of covert action, have made operations more scalable, harder to control, and harder to assess once they have been launched.

Tämän jälkeen tapahtui se, mikä tapahtuu jokaiselle heti sairaalan ovella. Rautalalta vietiin vaatteiden ja henkilökohtaisten tavaroiden lisäksi yksityisyys, asema, maine, kunnia, menneisyys. Tilalle annettiin puhtaat vaatteet ja tulevaisuus.

Organizations are not human beings and they don’t obey the same priorities. They’re hives. Like the bank you worked for, I suppose, but you were too specialized, working at too low a level to see the politics going on around you. Hives run on emergent consensus and policy.

Meillä on neljä eri tapaa hoitaa riitojen sovittelu: laki, etiikka ja politiikka sekä lopuksi tietysti väkivalta. Väkivallan uhka pitää konsensushakuisuutta hengissä paremmin kuin mikään muu motiivi. On tärkeää, ettei toinen osapuoli pääse tai joudu sellaiseen asemaan, että se katsoo väkivaltaan turvautumisen kannattavaksi itselleen.

Computers are phychedelic drugs of the '80s - oh, absolutely. Like psychedelic drugs, they are mind-expanding.

Evidence of an emerging inflection point doesn't present itself neatly on the conference table int he corporate boardroom. It is the people who are directly in contact with the phenomenon who usually notice changes early. The people who have an uneasy feeling about the implications of an impending decision down the road.

Problems are the building blocks of success. To reach your full potential, you have to figure things out. Failure is a feedback loop, showing you which thoughts, emotions or behaviours aren't working.

Far from being the smartest possible biological species, we are probably better thought of as the stupidest possible biological species capable of starting a technological civilization - a niche we filled because we got there first, not because we are in any sense optimally adapted to it.

I looked into the mirror this morning. I wanted to cry but I can't. I don't think my new head supports the function.

While people might care which company they join, they don’t care which company they work for. The truth is that, once there, people care which team they’re on.

Every incident is a learning opportunity, an unplanned investment that was made without our consent.

Most organizations have a series of value, mission and vision statements, which are counterproductive and meaningless because people do not believe in them when they witness the reality of how their workplace actually operates.

There's no reason security people should devote them entirely to their organization, selflessly and to their own detriment, and to be forgotten on the way up to promotion.

Everyone is digging deeper into their own trench and rarely standing up to look in the next trench over, even though the solution to their problem happens to reside there.

The reason why digital transformations fail is that they take more discipline than one might expect.

Leaders are not responsible for the results, leaders are responsible for the people who are responsible for the results. And the best way to drive performance in an organization is to create an environment in which information can flow freely, mistakes can be highlighted and help can be offered and received.

Anything can be passed into law. That doesn’t make it right.

The speed at which a printer could produce an item was dependent partly on the size of the item, but also very much on the level of detail required. 3D printers delivered individual atoms using a number of tuned carbon nanotubes, each sized for specific elements. Building something like itself required the maximum level of detail and precision, as you had to place individual carbon atoms, one after another, with zero defects. This made 3D printers one of the most complex items that a 3D printer could be asked to build. Only something biological would be harder.

Despair, dismay, disorientation, and delusion: the four horsemen of the bureaucratic apocalypse are coming my way.

I had three issues that bothered me. Was I conscious? Could I actually consider myself to be alive? And was I still Bob? Philosophers had been going on and on about this type of thing for centuries, but now, for me, it was personal. A human, regardless of their opinion on the subject, could depend on being a human. The minister’s offhand reference to me as ‘it’ and ‘replicant’ had stung at a level I was just now starting to appreciate.”

On the Internet, we are all Ukraine. In a dimension of conflict without borders, we all live on the front line. And if we fail to heed the borderland's warnings, we may all share its fate.

One reason that it’s difficult to understand is that twentieth-century managers had learned to parrot phrases like “The customer is number one!” while continuing to run the organization as an internally focused, top-down bureaucracy interested in delivering value to shareholders. In the Agile organization, “customer focus” means something very different. In firms that have embraced Agile, everyone is passionately obsessed with delivering more value to customers. Everyone in the organization has a clear line of sight to the ultimate customer and can see how their work is adding value to that customer—or not. If their work isn’t adding value to any customer or user, then an immediate question arises as to why the work is being done at all.

Hyping your product to get funding while concealing your true progress and hoping that reality will eventually catch up to the hype continues to be tolerated in the tech industry.

Trust and risk are like brother and sister. Trust is the remarkable force that pulls you over that gap between certainty and uncertainty; as the Nike tagline says, 'Just do it'. It is literally the bridge between the known and the unknown. And that's why my definition is simple: Trust is a confident relationship with the unknown.

The real risk is not superintelligence, it is idiot savants with power, such as autonomous weapons which could target people, with no values to constraint them.

Ehkä on aika, että alamme puhua Kremlin trollifarmeista ja digitaalisesta disinformaatiosta sinä, mitä ne todella ovat: rikosfarmeja ja digitaalisia rikoksia. Nämä rikolliset eivät halua rahojasi, vaan kontrolloida ajatuksiasi.

The NSA may have paid for the network, but sysadmins like myself were the ones who really owned it.

Companies that create technology must accept greater responsibility for the future. Tech sector cannot address these challenges by itself. The world needs a mixture of self-regulation and government action. Governments need to move faster and start to catch up with the pace of technology.

Because of technology everything we make is always in the process of becoming. Every kind of thing is becoming something else, while it churns from “might” to “is.” All is flux. Nothing is finished. Nothing is done. This never-ending change is the pivotal axis of the modern world.

So, what are ethics? Going beyond the simple answer, how one should live, the Greek word ethos means custom and habit. Today, we often use ethics as a synonym or as shorthand for morals, values, assumptions, purposes, and beliefs. The primary concerns of ethics is to question whether something is right or not in a given circumstance. What feels right to you is  governed by your ethics, and in many cases it's hard to explain why something does not feel right. That is clearly one of the challenges of agreeing on event the most basic ethical rules for the exponential age we are about to enter.

If we have the data, let’s look at the data. If all we have are opinions, let’s just go with mine.

Coding has always had that uncanny hint of thaumaturgy about it. It's form of engineering, sure. But unlike in every other type of engineering - mechanical, industrial, civil - the machines we make with software are woven from words. Code is speech; speech human utters to silicon, which makes the machine come to life and do our will. This makes code oddly literary. Indeed, the law reflects this nature of code. While physical machines like car engines or can openers are governed by patent law, software is also governed by copyright, making it a weird sister of the poem or the novel. Yet software is also, obviously, quite different from a poem or a novel, because it wreaks such direct physical effects on how we live our lives. Code straddles worlds, half metal and half idea.

If you can imagine it [cyberattack], you can do it. It just takes time, money, and some effort.

The security industry was not fixing things because the fundamental problems ran deeper than software: it was about business models, corporate power, and legal limitations.

Learning is rooted in repetition and convexity, meaning that the reading of a single text twice is more profitable than reading two different things once.

To begin adopting cloud native infrastructure, it's important that you focus on these areas first:

In her most assuring tone. Jane Bunterman said, "Annie signed a confidentiality agreement."
"Which might be useful document," said Maury Lykes, "if we happen to run out of toilet paper."

The danger is that if we invest too much in developing AI and too little in developing human consciousness, the very sophisticated artificial intelligence of computers might only serve to empower the natural stupidity of humans.

"Let me ask you somethin, man," said Dupree. "I've seen you riding your bike in your white T-shirt and plain-old shorts.Why you don't wear thos eoutfits I see other dudes wearing, with the numbers and spandex?"
"When you throw a football around your yard, do you wear a full Redskins uniforms with pads?"
"Only in my head."
"I'm not in the Tour de France," said Lucas.

The aliens - that was what they were trying to tell us. Individuality is an illusion; we're all part of a greater whole.

All humans are stupid when it comes to learning formal mathematics. This is the process of taking what evolution has given us and extending our skills beyond what's reasonable.

We need selfhealing networks and cyber-resilient hardware. We need executive leadership that has been trained to think about a new kind of enemy and fight with a new set of weapons. We need new levels of understanding about the dynamic, and often confusing, new world order that has emerged out of the digital revolution.

Anonyymi tiedottaminenhan on nykyisin maailman tapa. Lehdissä ja televisiossakin uutisoidaan tätä nykyä jatkuvasti anonyymisti. Miksi te vastustatte anonyymia tiedottamista vain siksi, että valinnan tekee jo poliisi?
Etkö ymmärrä, että poliisi luulee siinä itsestään liikoja! Poliisilla ei ole oikeutta päättää siitä! Etkö ollenkaan käsitä mitä lehdistönvapaus on! Anonyymi tiedottaminen on este kansalaisten oikeudelle tietää!

A nudge, as we will use the term, is any aspect of the choice architecture that alters people’s behavior in a predictable way without forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives.

Yhdenkään maailmaa muuttaneen digitaalisen palvelun pohjalla ei oikeastaan ole itse palvelun digitalisoiminen vaan sen oivaltaminen, mitä ihmiset haluavat tehdä, kun palvelu on mahdollista tuottaa digitaalisesti.

Leaders must get across the why as well as the what. Their people need more than milestones for motivation. They are thirsting for meaning, to understand how their goals relate to the mission

Chinese had an idiom, Hun shui mo yu: you muddied the waters first, and only then did you feel around for the fish. When an importer was clear minded, it was easier for him to evade. When the importer was emotionally confused, it was easier to read his intentions.

Hell wasn't a major reservoir of evil, any more then Heaven, in Crowley's opinion, was a fountain of goodness; they were just sides in the great cosmic chess game. Where you found the real McCoy, the real grace and the real heart-stopping evil, was right inside the human mind.

Cybercrime is now a bona fide industry.  In analytical terms, it operates according to the foundational elements of industrial organization regularly observed in other settings.

In five minutes, we should be able to tell the board four things:
  1. The current state of the organization's security program - expressed in term of risk, not maturity, not vulnerability, not potential impacts.
  2. The planned future state ot the organization's security program.
  3. How long it's going to take for us to reach our future state.
  4. How much it's going to cost.

Kun unitutkimuksissa ihmisille on annettu mahdollisuus nukkua vapaasti niin pitkään kuin he haluavat, lähes kaikki nuoret aikuiset alkavat nukkua noin 8,5 tunnin ja vanhemmat noin 7,5 tunnin yöunia. Tutkimusten mukaan vain vähän unta tarvitsevia on todellisuudessa vain murto-osa kaikista ihmisistä. Silti moni uskottelee kuuluvansa vähä-unisten ryhmään. Menestyjien on usein vaikea uskoa, että heidän suorituskykynsä olisi parempi, mikäli he nukkuisivat enemmän. Vertailukohdan puuttuessa he omaksuvat monesti machon asenteen ja selittävät menestyneensä vähäisen unen ansiosta eivätkä siitä huolimatta.

Everything is amazing, everything is horrible, and it's all moving too fast. We are heading pell-mell toward a world shaped by technology in ways that we don't understand and have many reasons to fear.

We don't put prototypes into people's brains, because they are prototypes and they might kill you if they screw up. We model them extensively on computers and animals and specially cultivated brain tissue before they're approved. By definition if it's in someone's brain, it's a final design.

Pelko on tunne, joka tulee vihasta, ja viha herättää pelkoa. Tulevaisuus pelottaa ja se ruokkii vihaa. Syntyykö turvallisuus siis vihan voittamisesta? Vai sen varmistamisesta, että tappajarobotti ei ammu munille ja suuryhtiö myy ihmisraukan identiteettiä saippuakauppiaille?

First, I must be getting the money on my side, because after magic wanes money is the most powerful thing on earth (followed by weapons that destroy whole cities in a go, and religion—that never goes away, damn it!—and lastly, female actors who do not wear much clothing).

What we look for determines what we see. When we assume that the only way we can create a new market is by disrupting an old one, opportunities for nondisruptive creation can be easily missed. People tend to focus their attention on the core of existing markets and what it would take to disrupt the existing order. This narrows their vision and blinds them to the wealth of nondisruptive market-creating moves they could make.

A false assumption of many who seek to communicate numerical information is that their audience is as able to handle the information as they are. The available data in for the majority of OECD countries is that numeracy skills are significantly below those for literacy.

I believe future generations will ask themselves how a technologically advanced species like ours could possibly believe most of what our modern religions teach us.

Yhä useamman ihmisen ongelmana ei ole enää puute vaan runsaus, krääsään ja kaloreihin hukkuminen; materiaalinen hyvinvointi luiskahtaa helposti materialismiksi. Samalla tavalla tieto on vaarassa muuttua tiedottomuudeksi, jossa kaikki totuudet ovat keskenään samanarvoisia, kunhan niille vain löytyy oma verkkosivunsa.

In the 1965 paper “Speculations Concerning the First Ultraintelligent Machine,” Good laid out a simple and elegant proof that’s rarely left out of discussions of artificial intelligence and the Singularity: Let an ultraintelligent machine be defined as a machine that can far surpass all the intellectual activities of any man however clever. Since the design of machines is one of these intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent machine could design even better machines; there would then unquestionably be an “intelligence explosion,” and the intelligence of man would be left far behind. Thus the first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make …”

Why aren't we doing more to secure critical infrastructure today? There are several reasons:
  1. It's expensive.
  2. It's easy for both the public and policy makers to discount future hypothetical risks.
  3. The political process is complicated.
  4. The government doesn't have direct control over most of our critical infrastructure.
  5. Spending money on infrastructure isn't sexy.

To take those risks not only do you need to silence the external critics, you also need to let go of the inner critic that tries to worry you about the fear of rejection.

Paranoid optimism combine vigilance and a healthy dose of realistic fear with e positive, forward-looking outlook expressed via scenario-based thinking.

Rather than continue attempting to create a specific security culture, instead we need to focus on establishing a new organisational culture in which information security is naturally embedded.

No one disputes that seeming order can come out of the application of simple rules. But who wrote the rules?

Machine learning techniques are usually developed under the assumptions of data stationary, feature independence, and weak stochasticity. Training and testing datasets are assumed to be drawn from populations whose distributions don't change over time, and selected features are assumed to be independently and identically distributed. Machine learning algorithms are not typically designed to be effective in adversial environments where these assumptions are shattered.

All in all, it is clear that those who embrace machine intelligence will do well; those who don't might very well be left behind in what is shaping up to become the fourth industrial revolution, and the largest one so far.

Ferrarin ääni on kuin 700-kiloista sikaa tapettaisiin niin, että sen kylkeen iskettäisiin sata puukkoa molemmilta puolilta. Ääni on vihaisen ja loukkaantuneen eläimen, joka haluaa mahdollisimman nopeasti pilttuusta helvettiin, punaisten miesten orjuudesta lähtösuoran vapauteen, suljetulle radalle.,

The temptation to lead as a chess master, controlling each move of the organization, must give way to an approach as a gardener, enabling rather than directing. A gardening approach to leadership is anything but passive. The leader acts as an “Eyes-On, Hands-Off” enabler who creates and maintains an ecosystem in which the organization operates.”

If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders - What would you tell him?

I…don't know. What…could he do? What would you tell him?

To shrug.

These unusual events are more newsworthy than everyday ones. And the unusual stories we are constantly shown by the media paint pictures in our heads. If we are not extremely careful, we come to believe that the unusual is usual: that this is what the world looks lile.

Hulius was a person of interest because he'd been observed on numerous previous occasions and never identified. His face was known, his biometrics logged; but he has never been associated with the same cell phone ID, or with RFID tags in an ID card (or the washing instructions in his clothing), or even with the same bicycle. Hulius was blind spot in the surveillance network's purview, like the 600-mile-per-hour moving hole in the radar reflection of a rain cloud that betrays the passage of a stealth bomber.

If you think about it, a room is just a box that keeps nature out and Internet in.

Opaque and invisible models are the rule, and clear ones very much the exception. We’re modeled as shoppers and couch potatoes, as patients and loan applicants, and very little of this do we see—even in applications we happily sign up for. Even when such models behave themselves, opacity can lead to a feeling of unfairness.

Three trends are driving the growth of surveillance capabilities.

Vaikka kehitys pysähtyisi tähän - mikä on epätodennäköistä - olemme jo saavuttaneet paljon, eikä liiketoimintaa hyödyntämään ole viety kuin murto-osa olemassa olevista ratkaisuista.

Karisma on kiva juttu johtajassa, kuten myös miellyttävät käytöstavat ja sivistynyt tapa puhua ja olla. Mutta tilanteessa, jossa yhä suurempi osa niistä ongelmista, joita organisaatio kohtaa, on ns. viheliäisiä ongelmia, supliikki ja hyvä ryhti eivät riitä.

Unconscious search. I remember the pitch. Search was predicated on articulated desire. The future was inarticulate desire.

Uncertainty is real. It is the dream of total certainty that is an illusion.

I submit that an emergent AI that’s smart enough to understand its place in our world would find it terrifying. Terminator fans would want to shut it off. Governments and criminals would want to make it do odious things. Hackers would want to tinker with its mind, and telemarketers would want to sell it shit.

Science always loses its way when guided by ideology or wishful thinking.

Maailmasta on tullut monimutkainen paikka - puhutaan VUCA-maailmasta, eli epävakaasta (Volatile), epävarmasta (Uncertain), monimutkaisesta (Complex) ja moniselitteisestä (Ambigious) - ja tätä täydentää alati tarkentuva ja runsastuva tieto, jota pitäisi voida käyttää epävarmuuden maailmassa suunnistamiseen.

Tunteita voidaan mallintaa samalla tavalla kuin mitä tahansa muuta monimutkaista ilmiötä. Koneiden avulla voimme käsitellä asioita hienovaraisesti sen sijaan, että tyytyisimme ihmismuistin rajoittamiin käsite- ja kielijärjestelmiin.

Perhaps the will to please leads people to crime as often as evil or greed does. People want to fit in and do well, and they do indescribably stupid things because of it.

Life 1.0: life where both the hardware and software are evolved rather than designed - evolutionary.
Life 2.0: life whose hardware is evolved, but whose software is largely designed - cultural.
Life 3.0: life which can design not only its software but also its hardware - technological.

On the most basic level, Trump just did not, as Spicer later put it, give a fuck. You could tell him whatever you wanted, but he knew what he knew, and if what you said contradicted what he knew, he simply didn't believe you.

Parantaakseen mahdollisuuksiaan valvoa epäilyttäviä asiakkaitaan Alkon paikallisosastot alkoivat palkata erityisiä tarkkailijoita. Nämä "etsivät tarkkailijat" valvoivat, mitä Alkon ostoksilla tehtiin sen jälkeen, kun ostaja oli jättänyt alkoholiliikkeen taakseen.He tekivät kotikäyntejä ja saattoivat hankkia tietoja alkoholin väärinkäyttäjästä tai epäillystä salakauppiaasta muun muassa kohteen naapureilta, sukulaisilta ja työpaikoista. Tuskin edes Valpolla tai Supolla on ollut suomalaisista vastaavaa rekisteriä, joka kertyi ostajantarkkailun pyyteettömän työn tuloksista. Tarkkailtavien asiakkaiden rekisterissä saattoi olla yksityiskohtaista tietoa kohteen elämäntavoista, luonteesta, taipumuksesta pikkurötöksiin, varallisuudesta, perheestä ja ystävistä.

Suomessa mielipidekirjon kaventaminen oli erityisen helppoa ja otollista, sillä se oli perinteisesti yhteiskunta johon mahtui vain yksi vallitseva totuus. Muulla tavoin ajattelevat ajettiin marginaaliin ja leimakirveiden annettiin tehdä tehtävänsä.

Karma's a bitch.
No, let me rephrase that:
Karma is your vengeful bunny-boiler ex, lurking in your darkened front hallway wearing an ice-hockey mask and carrying a baseball bat inscribed with BET YOU DIDN'T SEE THIS COMING.

Ei kannata tehdä rikoksia, jos ei kestä seurauksia.

All the names of our operations have to be over-the-top, testosterone packed, overblown black-ops doozies. If we ever get called to appear in front of a special congressional committee because an operation went south, then the last thing we want to explain is why operation Fluffy Puppy went horribly wrong.

Technology is a tool. Tools don't decide what happens to people. We decide. While technology creates options, success depends how people take advantage of these options.


Kaikissa valtuuksissa poliisi käytti lypsytaktiikkaa. Ensi ajettiin läpi uusi valtuus sillä liu'ulla, että sitä käytetään vain kaikkein törkeimmissä rikoksissa. Kun periaate oli saatu läpi, kynnystä valtuuden käyttöön alettiin hilata alemmas jatkuvilla lainmuutoksilla. Asianajaja Markku Fredman on laskenut, että vuosina 1988-2013 pakkokeinolakiin hyväksyttiin eduskunnassa yhteensä 52 muutosta.

When making decisions, reference points, reasons, resources and replacement matter.

The unique problem we face today is that misinformation has proliferated and lies can be weaponized to produce social and political ends we would otherwise be safeguarded against.

The problem for most of us is that we worry about things that, with even a little bit of perspective, REALLY DON'T MATTER and we spend so much time and energy worrying about those things that we don't have enough time or energy for the THINGS THAT OBVIOUSLY DO.

The Google and Facebook algorithms not only know exactly how you feel, they also know myriad other things about you that you hardly suspect. Consequently you should stop listening to your feelings and start listening to these external algorithms instead. What’s the point of having democratic elections when the algorithms know not only how each person is going to vote, but also the underlying neurological reasons why one person votes Democrat while another votes Republican? Whereas humanism commanded: ‘Listen to your feelings!’ Dataism now commands: ‘Listen to the algorithms! They know how you feel.’

Slavery and tyranny have been the rule for thousands of years; freedom is the short-lived exception.

The most dangerous attack, the one a general fears most, is the one he doesn't understand, the one he never saw coming because it was deemed outside the realm of possibility.

Simply explaining what you are doing can often help a lot, both by defusing an immediate misunderstanding and by laying the foundation for better teamwork in the future.

Large numbers of strangers can cooperate successfully by believing in common myths. Any large-scale human cooperation – whether a modern state, a medieval church, an ancient city or an archaic tribe – is rooted in common myths that exist only in people’s collective imagination.

Tyypillistä on, että ihmiset innostuvat esimerkiksi pelillistämisen tai crowdsourcingin kaltaisista menetelmistä mutta toteuttavat oma jättihankkeensa kuitenkin perinteisillä tavoilla. Uusia menetelmiä hyödynnetään vain näön vuoksi, jotta saadaan muuten vanhakantaiseen tekemiseen hieman uutta väriä pintaan - varsinaiseen hanketyöhön ei kosketa.

Tackling real-world tasks requires being comfortable with chance, trading off time with accuracy, and using approximations.

Even relatively naïve statistical models seem to outperform human experts in a surprising variety of estimation and forecasting problems...very few experts actually measure their performance over time, and they tend to to summarize their memories with selected turns out that we cannot take learning for granted no matter how many years of experience are gained.

There is a golden rule that every hacker/pentester should be familiar with, and it is time we introduced it: admins - well, humans really - like to reuse passwords.

Parempaa propagandavälinettä ei ollut kuin marttyyrin viimeiset sanat - hänen henkinen perintönsä kannattajilleen, hänen testamenttinsa jonka kuulisi koko Suomen kansa.

Conspiracy theory's got to be simple. Sense doesn't come into it. People are more scared of how complicated shit actually is than they ever are about whatever's supposed to be behind the conspiracy.

Tapahtumaa voi pitää ratkaisevana vasta kun se suistaa ihmisen koko elämän raiteiltaan. Rakastamaasi naiseen ammutut kolme pumppuhaulikon laukausta voivat olla sellainen tapahtuma.

Our comforting confidence that the world makes sense rests on a secure foundation: our almost unlimited ability to ignore our ignorance.

Donald Trumpille olisi mahdotonta kuvitella parempaa nimeä. Trump tarkoittaa valttia ja valtilla voittamista. Jos Donald Trumpiin pitäisi liittää vain yksi ominaisuus, se olisi voitonhalu - hellittämätön, suorastaan pakkomielteinen muiden päihittämisen vimma. Sanalla "trump" on englannin kielessä toinenkin merkitys. Brittislangissa sillä tarkoitetaan pieraisemista eli oikein kunnon töräytystä. Sekin sopii Donald Trumplille täydellisesti, sillä Trump on töräyttelijä jumalan armosta. Kannattajat rakastavat Trumpia, koska hän ei pidättele vaan sanoo juuri sen, minkä ajattelee.

Kultturi syö strategian aamiaiseksi, kuten tunnettu sanonta kuuluu, mutta mielestämme arvojen vastainen toiminta nielaisee koko kulttuurin strategioineen. Siksi innostavan yhteisön suurin rike ei ole tulostavoitteeseen pääsemättä jääminen vaan arvojen tahallinen rikkominen.

In the digital age, technological security is obviously the precondition to security of a person in society.

Muistakaa, että piri on piriä, mutta uusia konstaapeleita joutuu odottamaan parikymmentä vuotta, jos nyt laittaa uuden poliisin alulle. Eli ollaan oikeasti varovaisia siellä.

The state is usually only bothered about what a tiny little group have to say on a certain, extremely narrow subject area. But big business, on the other hand is interested in what almost everyone has to say, especially if it's got anything to do with patterns of consumption or perception of their cherished trademarks.

Adventure without risk was fucking Disneyland! Time to find out exactly how deep this rabbit hole really goes!

It was done quietly and secretly, in case it failed, but lots of video was taken, in case it succeeded.

The Augmented Age will bring about a huge rethink of processes involving dynamic desicion-making, pattern recognition and advisory services as machine intelligence optimises those processes and feedback loops. Whereas the Internet was most commonly about disruption of distribution, availability of information and rethinking the value chain, the next age will be about disruption of information, intelligence and advice itself.

Many organizations struggle to see the full picture from the customer's perspective and instead focus on a single aspect of the experience that is of importance to them.

Banks are very good at creating the impression of being run like an army or an airport. You assume they are structured around efficient hierarchies with a steady flow of commands, information and feedback between top and base. But look beyond the facade at the perverse incentives, at the silos and the climate of fear, at how zero job security breeds zero loyalty and at their unmanagable size and complexity and you not see a rationally organized command structure. You see a cluster of islands in the fog, staffed by mercenaries.

Suojautuakseen manipuloinnilta ihmisen täytyy  ymmärtää  oma  johdateltavuutensa  ja  lakata  uskomasta  liikoja omasta kyvystään tavoittaa vaivatta asioiden ydin. Tämä ei tee ihmisestä vainoharhaista vaan vapaamman. Järjen käyttö ei tee ihmisestä mielikuvituksetonta, ihanteetonta tai haltioitumiseen kykenemätöntä. Järjen  avulla  mielikuvituksesta,  ihanteista  ja  haltioitumisesta  saa enemmän ja parempaa irti. Elämän voi halutessaan nähdä myös mysteerinä selkeämmin, jos päätyy järjen avulla toteamaan, ettei järki selitä kaikkea. Rakkautta voi mainiosti pitää suurimpana asiana elämässä samalla hyvin tietäen, ettei sitä voi mitata.

The Stasi possessed what the KGB so badly wanted - a national system of eavesdropping on communications.

Olen kokemusteni perusteella hahmottanut itselleni viisi johtamisen avainperiaatetta, jotka ovat:
1) Kirkas suunta ja selkeät tavoitteet
2) Avoimuus ja suoruus
3) Fokus
4) Yksinkertaisuus
5) Oikea-aikaisuus

To help keep pace, many talk about new working practices such as design thinking, lean and agile, but trying to embed these practices is found to be a real struggle.

What better man to run the Royal Bank of Ankh-Morpok and the Mint than a crook? I had the  tendencies of a crook and many of the skills of a crook and because I look at things with a crooked eye, metaphorically speaking, I see the opportunities and the problems.

Kohta nähdään, kuinka vastuuttomia päätöksiä meillä on viime vuosina tehty monellakin hallinnon alalla. Huomataan, miksi hybridisodankäyntiin olisi pitänyt varautu aivan eri vakavuudella. Huolettomuuden hintana tulee olemaan liian monen suomalaisen henki.

Things never work out like you think they will, but that's what makes life interesting.

If we don't understand the commercial, political, intellectual, and ethical motivations of the people writing our software, or the limitations inherent in automated data processing, we open ourselves to manipulation. We risk replacing our own intentions with those of others, without even realizing that the swap has occurred. The more we habituate ourselves to the technology, the greater the risk grows.

You cannot prevent birds from dropping on you, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair.

Informaatiosodankäynnissä tilanneymmärrys on tietoyhteiskunnassa se alue, jolla taistellaan tiedolla. Taistelua käyvät osapuolet tarvitsevat omat asiantuntijansa, jotka tulkitsevat todellisuutta yleisölle juuri heille sopivalla tavalla.

Quality is one of the luxuries you can afford when the marketplace is spraying money in your direction and you have time to tinker.

Digitaalisen ajan perusedellytykset, joita menestyjäyritys tarvitsee, voi kiteyttää seitsemään sanaan: nopeus, kokeilu, data, asiakasymmärrys, ict, osaaminen ja turvallisuus.

If you pray to Jesus on the cosmic party line and something at the other end picks up the receiver, because you happen to have an affinity for the uncanny and you prayers attract attention, what are you going to assume?

The fact remains that teams, because they are made up of imperfect human beings, are inherently dysfunctional. But that is not to say that teamwork is doomed. Far from it. In fact, building a strong team is both possible and remakarbly simple. But it is painfully difficult.

Our sense of our own morality is connected to the amount of cheating we feel comfortable with. Essentially,  we cheat up to the level that allows us to retain our self-image as reasonably honest individuals.

Doesn't that mess with you? Knowing that you exist, and don't exist, and are real and aren't, all at the same time?

Folks, we are at the dawn of the Second Enlightment. I'm talking about an era where we don't allow the majority of human thought and action and achievement and learning to escape as if from a leaky bucket. We did that once before. It was called the Middle Ages, the Dark Ages. If not for the monks, everything the world had ever learned would have been lost. Well, we live in a similar time, when we're losing the vast majority of what we do and see and learn, but it doesn't have to be that way. Not with these cameras, and not with the mission of the Circle. ALL THAT HAPPENS MUST BE KNOWN.

Astuisiko kukaan sisään jumbojettiin, jos sitä olisi ollut rakentamassa kieli- ja ammattitaidottomia työntekijöitä kahden euron tuntipalkalla, kuten Olkiluotoa oli ollut?

The famous Virtual Reality Dictates:

I. A culture that acceåts virtual reality accepts destruction
II. That which a human should do, do
III. Accept no reality except reality
IV. Absolute pleasure corrupts absolutely
V. Never forget

These 'security' project decrease your project throughput, which is the constraint for the entire business. And swamp the most constrained resource in your organization. And they don't do squat for scalability, availability, survivability, sustainability, security, supportability, or the defensibility of the organization. You are like the plumber who doesn't even realize that your are servicing an airplane, let alone the route you are flying, or the business condition of the airplane.

The Internet of Things is not about a talking refrigerator, because that is the old-fashioned consumer retail world of electrical white goods. It's an archaic concept like software bought in a plastic-wrapped box from a shelf. The genuine Internet of Things wants to invade that refrigerator, measure it, instrument it, monitor any interactions with it; it would cheerfully give away a fridge at cost.

Lean is an operating strategy, a strategy to achieve an objective. In particular, the objective is to prioritise high flow efficiency over resource efficiency. Having said that, by eliminating, reducing, and managing variation, the aim is continually to increase both flow efficiency and resource efficiency.

The problem is that cyberspace doesn't easily lend itself to the traditional separation into civilian and military domains...Unfortunately, when you're being attacked in the cyberspace, the two things you don't know are who's attacking you, and why...The easy reaction is to lump all of these unknown attacks under the rubric of "cyberwar" and it's the hot new thing in military planning...The corresponding danger is the perception that we have military problems, which beg for military solutions.

Within couple of years, all the guys in cyber who've got game will be working for the banks. They'll lock down their networks and only share information among themselves...If a "private" cyber war ever breaks out, it will probably be launched by a bank.

The truth is that my God is coming back. When he arrives I'll be waiting him with a shotgun. And I'm keeping the last shell for myself.

IMD:n tekemän selvityksen mukaan suurin syy johdon potkuihin on se, että "hän ei saanut strategiaa toteutumaan". Kansainvälisen selvityksen mukaan 70 prosentissa tapauksista syy johtajan uran katkeamiseen on siinä, ettei strateginen tahto muutu toiminnaksi.

We predict that people who are good at idea creation will continue to have a comparative advantage over digital labor for some time to come, and will find themselves on demand.

Minulle ei kannata perustella ratkaisuja sillä, että "näin kaikki muutkin tekevät". Voin polttaa päreeni, jos asian ainoat argumentit ovat "on sanottu" tai "on päätetty".

Vain läheisilleen voi olla ilkeä. Vain läheistään voi vihata palavasti.

When we take away the right to figure out if something bad is going on in our computers, the inevitable consequence is that bad things will happen in our computers.

The error of thinking you know exactly where you are going and assuming that you know today what your preferences will be tomorrow has an associated one. It is the illusion of thinking that others, too, know where they are going, and that they would tell you what they want if you just asked them.
Never ask people what they want, or where they want to go, or where they think they should go, or, worse, what they think they will desire tomorrow.

If hackers are the militia of cyber war, then hobbyists are their drone war cousins. It's safer fo everyone if we scare them now. Put them on notice. Isolate them. Like we did with the WikiLeaks people.

Banks need to become very, very good at being virtual and digital repositories of their clients' money, allowing access to that money anywhere, at any time. Most of all, however, banks need to be great service organizations because the third-party challengers that are nipping at their heels will invariably be faster, more adaptable and more in tune with their customers and their behaviour.

Outstanding companies create new value propositions and business models while they are successful.

We scientists see human traits as being in the process of evolution. Sooner or later you'll see it yourself. Evolution is mighty gruelin'. What do you think the most gruelin' thing about evolution is?

I don't know. Tell me.

It's being unable to pick and choose. Nobody chooses to evolve. It's like floods and avalanches and earthquakes. You never know what's happening until they hit, then it's too late.

Prime authorisation required. It's the same approach the Sobornost Founders use: an image that is the core of who you are, stable across copies, a neural configuration much more difficult to duplicate than any password, used to unlock secrets.

Words aren't just sounds or shapes. They're meaning. That's what language is: a protocol for transferring meaning. When you learn English, you train your brain to react in a particular way to particular sounds. As it turns out, the protocol can be hacked.

Remember IBM is a feudal culture where the sales organization is dominant. What matters to the IBM salesman are the parts of the company above him because he yearns for an eventual role in management - IBM nobility. She thrills to the idea of somebody becoming IBM's CEO. Beneath the salesperson lies the rest of IBM, comprising about 350,000 workers who are completely expendable. They are resources, their only purpose being to create something new to sell, and then to deliver it. And if they can't deliver it, well then, they deserve to die. That's the ethos.

Even supposing all went well, if terrific new alien concepts and technologies arrived, delivering a million benefits without unleashing serious side effects...even then, lots of corporate entities would see their good and services and market positions rendered obsole.

Sundström on Erottajan sijoitusilloissa hätkähtänyt huomatessaan, etteivät satojentuhansien eurojen omia salkkujaan pyörittävät harmaantuneet slipoverimiehet ymmärrä sitäkään, että kymppitonni tänään on arvokkaampi kuin kymppitonni viiden vuoden päästä. Kun suomalaissijoittaja hädin tuskin osaa koron koron kaavaa, strukturoitujen lainojen  paloittelu komponentteihin, kulujen ja riskien arvioiminen, saati vaihtoehtojen punnitseminen on silkkaa astronomiaa. Ja mitä vähemmän asiakas ymmärtää, sitä helpompi hänelle on myydä. Finanssimaailman juoksupojat ovat sisäistäneet kolportööriopin.

In the modern economy, almost any product that can be imagined can be built. The modern pertinent questions are "Should this product be built?" and "Can we build a sustainable business around this set of products and services?"

The content of calls are far more difficult to analyze in an automated fashion due to their unstructured nature. By contrast metadata is mathematical: clen, precise, and thus easily analyzed. It is often a proxy to content.

Perhaps it's time to switch the focus of some of our workplace policies and use them to unshackle the hardworking majority rather than inhibit the less noble minority. If you think people in your organization are predisposed to rip you off, maybe the solution isn't to build a tighter, more punitive set of rules. Maybe the answer is to hire new people.

They didn't even blink over giving me a key drive stuffed full of malware that must have cost CESG about, oh, two million to develop, and which I am about to expend in the next half hour, and which will subsequently leak out into the general public domain, whereupon it will give vendors of virus scanners spontaneous multiple orgasms and cause the authors to be cursed from one pole of the planet to the other.

Everything you know about the way this universe works is correct - except for the little problem that this isn't the only universe we have to worry about.

Ajatus, että johtaminen kohdistuu pelkästään alaisiin, luulisi kuuluvan hierarkkisten dinosaurusten menneeseen aikakauteen, mutta se elää vahvasti tänäkin päivänä perusolettamuksena tulosjohtajan mielessä.

Tapasin ykkösehdokkaani kahdesti ja puhuin hänen kanssaan kolmesti. Hän olisi ollut varmasti oikea valinta Nokialle ja Nokia hänelle. Pitkän miettimisen jälkeen ehdokkaani päätti kuitenkin vetäytyä. Syyt eivät liittyneet Nokiaan vaan hänen yksityiselämäänsä. Sen jälkeen loppusuoralle jäi yksi ehdikas. Hän oli kanadalainen Syephen Elop.

Anttia huolestutti se, että Roberts oli ilmeisen tuttavallisissa väleissä Orbrinkin ja sitä kautta MUST:in kanssa - Ruotsin sotilastiedustelulla oli tapana piilotella asioita ja toimia hyvinkin häikäilemättömästi kulissien takana.

It appears that cyberspace does not favor the offense, but actually has advantages for the defense in stock. The better the protective and defensive setup of complex systems, the more sophistication, the more resources, the more skills, the more specifity in design, and the more organization is required from the attacker.

The secrets of delivering maximum achievement in your organization are based on three primary drivers called the three Fs: feedback, friends, and fun.

Käytännössä uhrien äidit olivat syöttäneet nettiin kaiken sen tiedon jota stalkkeri tarvitsee päästäkseen iholle.

Finanssisektorin muutosta kuvaa se, että toimialan innovatiivisimpina osaajina voidaan pitää juristeja ja IT-asiantuntijoita.

There's something really liberating about having some corner of your life that's yours, that no one gets to see except you. It's a little like nudity or taking a dump. It's not about doing something shameful. It's about doing something private. It's about your life belonging to you.

Asiakaslähtöisestä hypetyksestä huolimatta finanssisektorilla vallitsee edelleen yrityskeskeinen toimintatapa, joka ei juuri ole muuttunut sitten 1800-luvun teollisen vallankumouksen.

Heroes didn't win. The heroes were whoever happened to win. Hostory told their story - the dead didn't say a world. All of it was bullshit.

The truth is going to get out - it always does - but it's going to blend in with all the lies...truth and lies seemed black and white, but mixed together, they made everything gray and confusing.

Hyvän valokuvan tuottava prosessori sijaitsee kameran takana. Kuvaajan näkemys ja osaaminen vaikuttavat eniten kuvan tekniseen ja sisällölliseen laatuun.

We are born, we are shadows, we cast shadows of our own, and then we are gone. All anyone can hope for is to be remembered two shadows deep.

Connected companies are networks that live within other networks. To be effective in a networked world requires different ways of thinking and acting. It's less about predictability and control, and more about awareness, influence, and compatibility.

A connected company is a network of loosely coupled, semi-autonomous units. So what is the role of a leader? Leaders should focus on creating an environment of clarity, trust, and common purpose so members know what the company stands for and how it intends to fulfill its promise to customers. And then leaders should get out of the way.

I'm remembering the person who warned me about how the world has to be a place where no one is interested in your questions and that if you're alone, nothing bad can happen to you.

Modern IT infrastructure allows us to break projects into very small, discrete parts and assign each person to do only one of the many parts. In so doing, companies run the risk of taking away employees' sense of big picture, purpose, and sense of completion. Highly divisible labor might be efficient if people were automatons, but, given the importance of internal motivation and meaning to our drive and productivity, this approach may backfire.

What we are doing here is right and good for the country but not something the public would approve of once they became aware of it.

The important thing in this business is guts. A man without guts just doesn't get anywhere. Without guts, you're always going to be a underdog: you'll stay a rookie. On the other hand, if you've got real guts, you're going to treated with respect - not just by other yakuza, but by the police as well.

My dad never really had extravagant tastes in anything else, but he always had a decent bottle of malt in the house. I remember he would come in after a shift all hangdog and knackered, and the first thing he did was pour himself a stiff one. The change that came over him when he smelt that spirit then tasted it was amazing, like the weight of the world was lifted from his shoulders. It wasn't about the alcohol, he didn't have a drink problem or anything, he just loved what whisky represented, the release from the humdrum world of work into something more, I don't know, spiritual, I guess, if you'll excuse the pun.

Men always made crude jokes about people pissing their pants with fear, but in Sokolov's esperience, shitting the pants was more common if it was a straightforward matter of extreme emotional stress. Pants pissing was completely unproductive and suggested a total breakdown of elemental control. Pants shitting, on the other hand, voided the bowels and thereby made blood available for the brain and the large muscle groups that otherwise would have gone lower-priority activity of digestion.

 We are pawns in a game whose forces we largely fail to comprehend. We usually think of ourselves as siiting in the driver's seat, with ultimate control over the decisions we make and the direction our life takes; but, alas, this perception has more to do with our desires - with how we want to view ourselves - than with reality.

A general with a full arsenal is a happy general. How do you keep your general happy, when  any Tuesday a Microsoft update may wipe out most of her military capability?

You can't force people to work together. You can't mandate synergy. You can't manufacture harmony, whether it's between two people or two divisions. You also can't order people to change their thinking or behaviour. The only law that applies is natural law. Every choice, big or small, is a risk-reward decision where your bottom-line thinking is, "What's in it for me?"

When we go online, we enter an environment that promotes cursory reading, hurried and distracted thinking, and superficial learning. It's possible to think deeply while surfing the Net, just as it's possible to think shallowly while reading a book, but that's not the type of thinking the technology encourages and rewards.

With the exception of alphabets and number systems, the Net may well be the single most powerful mind-altering technology that has ever come into general use. At the least, it's the most powerful that has come along since the book.

DDR:n luhistumisen jälkeen suojelupoliisiin alkoi eri teitä tulla tietoa maan tiedusteluopertaatioista Suomessa. Ensimmäinen vähän varteenotettavampi oli Saksan liittotasavallan BND:n alkukesästä 1990 antama 18 nimen lista, jota koskeva keskustelu presidentti Koiviston ja Tiitisen välillä oli viimeksi mainitun muistiinpanojen mukaan kokonaisuudessaan seuraava:

Saksalaisten toimittama lista entisen MfS-residentin (DDR:n turvallisuusministeriö) kontakteista Helsingissä.
Tiitinen näytti listaa MK:lle.

Ilmeisesti listaa ei pidetty kummoisena, koska sen kohdalle ei ole merkitty mitään keskustelua. Kaikista muista tuona päivänä esillä olleesta seitsemästä aiheesta on kirjattu melko pitkäkin keskustelu. Tuo ns. Tiitisen lista on myöhemmin tullut erittäin kuuluisaksi, mutta akuutisti se ei herättänyt juuri huomiota. Se oli vihjelista, osa nimistä oli väärin kirjoitettu eikä kontaktin sisällöstä ollut tietoja. Kun suojelupoliisissa päällikön vaihdoksen jälkeen (1996) siivottiin kassakaappia, papereiden siilaaja pohti hetken, pannako se menemään päätearkistoon vai jättääkö seuraavan päällikön huviksi. Päätti jättää, mutta hupia siitä ei kertynyt.

As much I have come to respect your ability to kill things, I'm starting to wonder if Oortian schools teach basic mathematics. Just one of these things nearly killed us. Are you sure fighting a few thousand is a good idea?

One could imagine a world in which a nanotechnology robot could run an artificial neural fiber between two different memories, or between a memory and areas of the brain associated with specific emotions. Of course such a thing would be a criminal misuse of a promising technology, and I think it falls into the category of scare story rather than genuine threat.

Jotta yritys voi kehittyä ja parantaa kannattavuuttaan, johtoryhmässä on uskalletava kohdata todellisuus silmästä silmään.

We found that people's days were aggravatingly like Monty Python's classic sketch about the hundred-yard race for people with no sense of direction. Everybody seemed to be in a great rush all the time, but no one was quite sure where they were rushing to.

Our ability to make moral judgements is hard-wired, but it's been so far outrun by the demands of complex civilization that it can't keep up.

The dream of inventing a brand-new browser security model is strong within the community, but it is always followed by the realization that it would require rebuilding the entire web. Therefore, much of the practical work focuses on more humble extensions to the existing approach, necessarily increasing the complexity of the security-critical sections of the browser codebase.

It's true that some of the most terrible things in the world are done by people who think, genuinely think, that they're doing it for the best, especially if there's some god involved.

I hate it when people call themselves "entrepreneurs" when what they're really trying to do is launch a startup and then sell or go public, so they can cash in and move on. They are unwilling to do the work it takes to build a real company, which is the hardest work in business.

To fight something, you really have to try to understand its motivations - particularly when the something you're fighting holds most of the cards, the deck is stacked against you, and the whole gambling hall is on fire and filled with thugs.

Unless you pick locks for a living, knowing how doesn't mean doing it well.

The Red Queen's Race continued. In all innocence, the marvelous creativity of humankind continued to generate unintended concequences. There were dozen research trends that could ultimately put world-killer weapons into the hands of anyone having a bad hair day.

In another age you would have been a railway mechanic or a grease monkey crawling over the spark plugs of a DC-3. This is what you are, and sad fact is, they can put the code monkey in a suit but they can't take the code out of the monkey.

Considering that in the space of a month, I've managed to take a planet from you and cut out your company's heart, you need to ask yourself what I could do if you gave me two months. Or a year.

In a product exchange, products are a means to a desired end rather than the end itself. After the product exchange takes place, the product provider's job is done. It is the customer's responsibility to use that product to reach the desired end. In a service exchange, the services provider's task is not finished until the customer's need is fulfilled.

This is a cruel irony: If you want to shield yourself against information theft or hide your own identity as you go about your business, it's extremely difficult. But if you want to hide your identity in order to attack a person or an institution, it's unnervingly easy.

Lemme explain something: If you've got bad news, then there ain't no possible good news. The bad always cancels out the good.

Max had stolen 1.1 million of the cards from point-of-sale systems...It was eight miles of magstripe data, and the feds were prepared to charge him for every inch.

Technology is available to both the attackers and the defenders, and it's pretty much all there is until moral, reputational, and institutional pressures catch up. When there's more technology out there, the attackers have more opprtunity to increase the scope of defection before the defenders catch up. Technology can affect the scope of defection in many ways, but in general, it gives the attackers more leverage. So the more technological a society is, the greater the security gap is.

But you forget that the world is not an engineering problem, sir. You're not dealing with elegance and balance and discretely measurable artifacts. You are dealing with people. Flawed, imperfect people. You can never set right human affairs the same way you can square off a right angle in a technical drawing. Neither the virtues nor the malevolent rotteness of the human soul can be specified to millimeter tolerances. You can only do the best you can.

Mr. Kipper. We have some command-and-control issues here, and elsewhere. Here it's bad enough, elsewhere it gets worse by an order of magnitude. That mess at your food bank this morning. That was a C-three issue. That's what happens when command, control, and communication breaks down. Blood. Gets. Spilled.

It was a three-way brawl. The fake communists, the hired royalists and the paid cops.

Businesses and governments won't just make faster and more accurate decisions by tracking big-picture trends in real-time. They will do things completely differently. There will be at least the following four types of impact:
  1. Decisions based on responses to macro-trends will be faster
  2. In some cases, the Pulse will be more accurate than traditional methods of collecting data about major trends
  3. Trends that otherwise would have not seen at all will be visible
  4. Basic models of society will change

It said time travel theory's rot, and historians do affect events, that they have been affecting them all along, but we haven't been able to see it yet because the space-time continuum's been able to cancel out the changes.

You're dining at a five-start restaurant and have ordered a house specialty, Roast Squab with Almond and Truffle Stuffing. Twenty-five minutes later after taking your order, your waiter returns to your table. He tells you, that the kitchen has run out of squab and asks if you'd like to order something else. You get to your feet and say:
a. "What a big fart this turned out to be!"
b. "This place is a cunt."
c. "Fuck it - I'm grabbing a burger at McDonald's"

Anecdotal evidence may be largely worthless as evidence, but it can be highly persuasive. Humans love a story, especially if it's shocking, weird, or emotionally arresting. The more emotional impact the story has, the more memorable it is. As a consequence, a juicy story can psychologically trump a dry statistic, even when the statistic is rather more informative.

The Family, CarderPlanet's politbyro or Cupola, did not especially fear American and European intelligence and policing operations. But the KGB was another matter, and it was no coincidence that the most important resolution of the conference warned against hostile activities inside Russia and Ukraine. If Russian-speaking cyber criminals had turned on Russian banks or businesses, the entire project would have been shut down within five minutes.

Orwellin maailmassa Isoveli oli määrätietoinen totaliristinen systeemi, joka tarkoituksellisesti valvoi kaikkia kansalaisia. Jokuveli ei ole yksittäinen toimija, vaan kokonaisuus, johon kuuluvat julkiset toimijat, kuten poliittiset päättäjät ja viranomaiset, yritykset työnantajina ja tuotteiden sekä palveluiden tarjoajina ja viime kädessä me kaikki kansalaiset, kukin omine intresseinemme.

Hyvässä jokuveli-skenaariossa yhteiskunnallinen kokonaisuus ajautuu koti "lempeän valvonnan, tietämise ja unohtamattomuuden yhteiskuntaa", ilman, että mikään yksittäinen taho sitä ohjaisi.

So here is Bill Gates and all those people going off to sweat lodge retreats and Davos forums, all the while trying to figure out what happens next. What happens next is that they didn't think of Google. They didn't think of social networking. And they didn't think of the iPhone. Ideas don't happen where they're supposed to. Marshall's career is proof of this.

When researchers were looking to solve problems a year out, Larry Page demanded that they work on problems that might be a decade out, or maybe even a problem that would come up only in a science fiction novel. Page's point of view seemed to be, if you are ridiculously premature, how can people catch up to you?

Social engineering psychology is scientific and calculated. Influence and the art of persuasion is the process of getting someone else to want to do, react, think, or believe in the way you want them to.

The information security market was created in chaos and has become even more dysfunctional over the years. Because no single vendor offers a product that eliminates all of your information security threats, there are gaps. The few vendors that attempt to offer full suites don't properly tie them together and often fall short within each of their component products as compared to best-in-breed vendors. Also complicating the industry are vendors that act as primary educators for organizations on information security threats and solutions. This creates natural "blind spots".

Tukifunktion johtajan täytyy ymmärtää, kuinka hänen yksikkönsä voi vaikuttaa yhtiön ydintoimintaan. Jos funktio ja sen johtaja ei tarjoa muuta, kuin mekaanista apua ydinbisnekselle ilman mitään aloitteellisuutta uusien ideoiden suhteen, pitäisi johtaja tai jopa koko tukifunktio heittää ulos niin pian kuin mahdollista. Arvontuotantoverkosto ei siedä siipeilijöitä.

The clones are driving the success here. That's why we need to continue cloning them. Each successive generation is smarter than its predecessor even if they are dying earlier. The fact they're smarter is why our stem cell research is moving so fast and producing results. We need new clones all the time.

Apparently, I'm going to write this book, which appears to be, as far as I can tell, part engineering field manual and part autobiography. Or rather, I already wrote it. Now I just have to write it, which is to say, I have to get to the point in time when I will have written it, and then travel back in time to get shot and then give it to myself, so I can write it. Which all makes sense to me, except one thiong: why the hell would I want to do any of that?

I wonder whether there even is such thing as a secret between two people. I think they are very, very rare. If a sentence began with the words "I'll only tell you if you promise not to pass it on," it was nearly a foregone conclusion that this promise would get broken in another sentence beginning with those same words.

At the nation-state level, there are two possible deterrence strategies: denial and punishment. In cyberspace, both suffer from a lack of credibility. Denial is unlikely due to ease with which cyber attack technology can be acquired, the immaturity of international legal frameworks, the absence of an inspection regime, and the perception that cyber attacks are not dangerous enough to merit deterrence in the first place. Punishment is the only real option, but this deterrence strategy laks credibility due to the daunting challenges of cyber attack attribution and symmetry.

Internet creates a society that is constantly changing yet highly connservative of its past and an empire that embraces the entire globe but has the feel of a village.
Cyberspace in the Internet is "a consensual hallucination" in the following sense. Those who use the Net can magically access information from a server they cannot see in some undisclosed location within seconds of tapping into it. It is like manna falling from the sky. Where does this information arrive from? Well if we want to be poetic we say it comes from syberspace and we use this metaphor to describe our magigal experience.

We'd been trained to this stuff. Some of the same tricks they use in the Federal Witness Security Program. I took a bus to Montana, got a Social Security card, which is ridiculously easy to do once you get access to birth and deadth records - which are public. And from there you get all the other identity cards, and you start a credit record. I did my own witness-protection program.

Although the Internet had proven itself enormously popular with the worldwide community and had become increasingly vital to the lives of individuals and the welfare of Fortune 500 companies, interest in safeguarding it wasn't as high as it ought to be. Jeff was convinced that it would take a significant failure of the system or a coordinated cyber-attack to awaken everyone. Just as it had been impossible to put the United States on a proper war footing before Pearl Harbor, the same fate seemed to await the future of Internet security.

Gurumarkkinoijan 10 käskyä
  1. Myy ensin asiantuntemuksesi
  2. Tee asiakkaallesi ehdotus, joka auttaa häntä päättämään
  3. Rakenna asiantuntijoillesi auktoriteetin tunnusmerkit
  4. Älä mäkätä asiakkaalle, mitä hänen tulisi tehdä
  5. Rakenna kiitollisuudenvelkaa järjestelmällisesti
  6. Imartele asiakastasi niin, että hävettää
  7. Elä niin kuin saarnaat
  8. Ryhdy tutuksi
  9. Älä olehelppo nakki
  10. Opettele kertomaan kiinnostavia tarinoita

Sosiaalisen median välttämättömyyttä ja mahdollisuuksia liiketoiminnalle painotetaan, mutta usein epämääräisin perusteluin. On riskialtista lähteä sattumanvaraisesti kokeilemaan sosiaalisen median ratkaisuja ilman suunniteltua strategiaa. Tällöin lopputulos on todennäköisesti pettymys, kun odotettua hyötyä ei saavutetakaan. Syynä voi olla epäonnistunut toteutus, suunniteltujen ratkaisujen huono integrointi organisaatioon, epäonnistunut kommunikointi tai ratkaisujen sopimattomuus yrityksen toimintaan. Tuloksellisen toiminnan rakentaminen sosiaalisen median kautta on osoittautunut haastavaksi ja ongelma onkin, että organisaatio lähtee usein toteuttamaan teknistä ratkaisua sen sijaan, että näkisi ratkaisun ensisijaisesti ajattelutavan ja toiminnan muutoksena, jonka tekninen ratkaisu vain mahdollistaa

"Does the set of all sets which do not contain themselves contain itself?" To which the answer is: "If it does, then it doesn't. And if it doesn't, then it does!" Voilá, "Russell's Paradox"

Women, by and large, are much more perceptive than men. They can instantly spot insincerity and bullshit. So a great pickup artist must either be congruent with his material - and really believe it - or be a great actor. Anyone talking to woman while simultaneously worrying about what she thinks of him is going to fail.

Experienced designers often begin by writing down exactly what they know about the user, the user's purposes of use, and the modes of use. Wise designers also write down explicitly what they don't know but assume about the user and users.

In both psychological and economical phenomenon: as people and companies age, they have more to lose. They're not willing to spend years chasing dreams or endanger what they've worked so hard to build. Attitudes focused on security, risk aversion, and optimization of the status quo eventually become dominant positions, and even become organizational policy at companies that were once young, nimble, and innovative. Even its success enabled it to grow into mainstream businesses, diminishing their interest and capacity for new ideas.

Our natural tendency to avoid the pain of loss is most likely to distort our thinking when we place too much importance on short-term goals. When we adopt the long view, on the other hand, immediate potential losses don't seem as menacing.

All the data - the reason for his entire mission - now suffused through his blood, downloaded at the source of the plug into thousands of microscopic data stores, amalgams of protein and silicon called prochines. The prochines would spend the next hour exchanging data with their blood-borne fellows, performing a kind of bio-backup, until millions of copies spread throughout his body.

Willie Sutton became famous for saying he robbed banks because that's where the money was. It didn't matter Willie Sutton never in his fucking life said it. Once the general public believes he did and thought it was cool thing to say, Willie Sutton's famous.

We think that we are using Internet, but perhaps it will end up using us. We generally assume that knowledge increases over time. The Internet, we therefore assume, is spreading knowledge. But it is always possible that the reverse could be happening. Ignorance could be increasing over time because the sheer volume of digital dross and distraction that is now so easily co-created and distributed is drowning out learning and wisdom.

Of course, it was the tourists who made the game. As full time professional poker players, we were basically "going to the office" every day and playing poker while we waited for the tourists to contribute. But that did a lot for all of our games too. Poker is about winning, but to do that you have to learn about, and from, better players. And if you were already playing at a high level, the Mirage was probably the best place to get your continuing education. If your game wasn't at that level, then the Mirage was where you donated to our education fund. We always made sure that the big game at the Mirage was a fun table to play. Smart pros never, ever scare the fish away.

We believe a business model can best be described through nine building blocks that show the logic of how a company intends to make money. The nine blocks cover the main four areas of a business: customers, offer, infrastructure, and financial viability. The nine building blocks are: customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships and cost structure.

In the afternoon, Isidore considers the possibility of exomemory manipulation. He 'blinks until his head pounds with technical information about distributed ubiquitous communication and quantum public key cryptography, Byzantine general problems and shared secret protocols. The exomemory is everywhere. Its tiny distributed sensors - in every piece of smart- and dumbmatter - record everything, from events to temperature fluctuations to object movements to thoughts, with access to it controlled only bu gevulot. But it has been designed to be write-only, with massive redundancy. Hacking into it and editing it would mean nanotechnological and computational resources far beyond the reach of any Oubliette citizen.

Maailman lyhin luovuuskurssi: Pidä huolta, että omaksut joka päivä jotain uutta, jotain odottamatonta, mitä et tiennyt aikaisemmin, mutta rajoittamatta millään lailla sitä, mistä tämän uuden tiedon hankit.

Storing data is so cheap it's essentially free, so data brokers record everything in the hopes that it will have value to someone. The data is aggregated by third parties, linked to individual identities, and sold like any other consumer data. It's not a consipiracy. It's an economy, but an economy these people know nothing about. They're tagged like sheep and have about as much say in the matter as sheep.

Joka ikinen hetki Paša oli lähempänä. Pašan auto ei menisi rikki, Pašan autosta ei loppuisi bensa, Pašan autoa ei varastettaisi,Pašalle ei tapahtuisi sellaisia asioita, jotka voivat viivyttää tavallisten kuolevaisten matkaa, koska tavallisen ihmisen murheet eivät häntä koskettaneet ja hän sai aina tahtonsa läpi. Pašan huonon tuurin varaan ei voinut laskea, koska sitä ei ollut. Hänellä oli rahan tuuri ja se oli aina hyvää tuuria, Paša läheni vääjäämättä.
The elbow is a complicated joint. It's a hinge made out of three bones that come together with a lot of ligaments and tendons. Most people can flex their elbows nearly one hundred and eight degrees. Force it beyond that, and you'll wedge the bony tip of the ulna under the end of humerus, and bad things can happen. The bones can separate, or fracture, or simply snap.
I heard a snap.

The salt of the fucking earth never tells you it's the salt of the fucking earth. People who get scammed, they're all people who don't know that.

Three things involved in cyberspace that make cyber war possible: (1) flaws in the design of the Internet; (2) flaws in hardware and software; and (3) the move to put more and more critical systems online.

"Sammy. They're coming back after us. Those ride people. They did what we thought they'd do, incorporating into a single entity that we can sue once and kill for good, but then they did something else. Do you know what they did Sammy?"
Sammy nodded. "They're countersuing. We knew they'd do that, right?"
"We didn't excpect they'd raise a war chest like the one they've pulled together. They have a business plan built around suing us for the next fifteen years, Sammy. They're practically ready to float an IPO."

Monessa organisaatiossa kuvitellaan kuitenkin, että riskienhallintapäällikkö vastaa yhtiön riskeistä ja jopa huolehtii siitä, että riskejä ei synny. Tämän harhakuvitelman tulisi johtaa siihen, että riskienhallinta johtaa yhtiön liiketoimintaa. Näin ei tietenkään tule olla, vaan riskienhallinnan tulee olla ohjaava osa yhtiön liiketoimintastrategiaa samoin kuin esimerkiksi henkilöstöhallinto, tietohallinto ja tuotanto.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt said it best: "When you say 'collaboration,' the average forty-five-year-old thinks they know what you're talking about - teams sitting down, having nice conversation with nice objectives and a nice attitude. That's what collaboration means to most people." But for Google and many other companies and organizations, collaboration is now a profoundly new approach to orchestrating capability to innovate, create goods and services, and solve problems. Social networking is becoming social production.

While big decisions are important, this bias means that most companies have weak system to ensure that the many small economic decisions are made correctly. Collectively, these small decisions have enormous economic impact...This leads to what we might call the Pareto Paradox: There is usually more actual opprotunity in the undermanaged 80 percent that the overmanaged 20 percent.

I've been hacked, and there's nothing I can do about it except jump through whatever hoops they've laid out for me and hope they kill me cleanly at the end or let me go. Resistance, as they say, is futile. If they've hacked my backup so deeply that they can force a new body plan on me, then they can do anything they want. Mess with my head, run multiple copies of me, access my private keys, even make a zombie body and use it to do whatever they want it to do while masquerading as me. If they can wake me up in the A-gate of another rehab apartment, then they've trapped my state vector. I could run away a thousand times, be tortured to deadth a hundredfold -  and I'd still wake up back in that booth, a prisoner once more. Identity theft is an ugly crime.

As its core, Ebterprise 2.0 is about giving many more people within the organization a voice, letting them interact as equals, and harvesting what emerges. Enterprise 2.0 is about abandoning the assumption that unilateral control is the best way to achieve desired outcomes, and instead trusting in people's ability to interact productively without constant supervision from above. Enterprise 2.0 is hostile to the idea that the "undiscussable" should remain taboo.

Doing nothing about risk management is not actually the worst case...The worst thing to do is adopt a soft scoring method or an unproven but seemingly unsophisticated method and act on it with high confidence.

The movement to stop global warming has taken on the feel of a religion. The core belief is that humankind inherited a pristine Eden, has sinned greatly by polluting it, and must now suffer lest we all perish in a fiery apocalypse...Any religion, meanwhile, has its heretics, and global warming is no exception. Boris Johnson, a classically educated journalist who managed to become mayor of London concluded the following: "Like all the best religions, fear of climate change satisfies our need for guilt, and self-disgust, and the eternal human sense that technological progress must be punished by the gods. And the fear of climate change is like a religion in this vital sense, that it is veiled in mystery, and you can never tell whether your acts of propitiation or atonement have been in any way successful."

It is said that "the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry" and  that "no battle plan survives contact with the enemy." Hofstadter's law tells us: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law." The fact that we need these aphorisms to  remind us of the inherent difficulty of planning demonstrates the strength of the illusion of knowledge.  The problem is not that our plans go awry - after all, the world is more complex than our simple mental models and,  as Yogi Berra explained, "it's tough to make predictions, especially about future." Even expert project managers don't get it right: They are more accurate than amateurs, but they are still wrong one-third of the time.We all experience this sort of illusory knowledge even for simpler projects. We underestimate how long they will take or how much they will cost, because what seems simple and straightforward in our mind typically turns out to be more complex when our plans encounter reality. The problem is that we never learn to take this limitation into account. Over and over, the illusion of knowledge convinces us that we have a deep understanding of what a project will entail, when all we have is a rough and optimistic guess based on shallow familiarity.
Trinityn mielestä oli yhtä helvettiä ajaa autolla Euroopan halki, koska koko Manner-Eurooppa ajoi härkäpäisesti väärällä puolella...Oli yksinkertaisempiakin tapoja matkustaa Lontoosta Tukholmaan, mutta ikävä kyllä Trinity tuskin olisi voinut kuljettaa reilua kolmeakymmentä kiloa elektroniikkaa Ruotsiin normaalilennolla. Vaikka he olivat ylittäneen kuusi rajavartioasemaa, ei yksikään tullimies tai passintarkastaja ollut pysäyttänyt heitä. Trinity oli lämmin EU:n kannattaja, sillä säännöt helpottivat huomattavasti hänen mannermaankäyntejään.

A marginally intelligent voicemail virus masquerading as an IRS auditor has caused havoc throughout America, garnishing an estimated eighty billion dollars in confiscatory tax witholdings into a numbered Swiss bank account. A different virus is busy hijacking people's bank accounts, sending ten percent of their assets to the previous victim, then mailing itself to everyone in the current mark's address book: a self-propelled pyramid scheme in action. Oddly, nobody is complaining much. While the mess is sorted out, business IT departments have gone to standby, refusing to process any transaction that doesn't come in the shape of ink on dead trees.

Any artificial entity that's willing to upload its neural state vector into a one-kilogram interstellar probe three-quarters of the way to Alpha Centauri without backup or some clear way of returning home has got to be more than a few methods short in the object factory.

Hän käynnisti ohjelman nimeltä Asphyxia 1.3. Se oli hänen käsialaansa ja sen ainoa tehtävä oli vaihtaa Armanskin Internet Explorer uudempaan versioon. Prosessi kesti suunnilleen viisi minuuttia. Kun hän oli valmis, hän otti CD:n koneesta ja käynnisti Explorerin uuden version. Ohjelma näytti alkuperäiseltä ja käyttäytyi täsmälleen kuten se, mutta oli aavistuksen suurempi ja mikrosekunnin hitaampi. Kaikki säädöt vastasivat pilkulleen alkuperäistä, jopa asennuspäivämäärä. Uudessa tiedostossa ei näkynyt mitään, mistä sen voisi jäljittää. Lisbeth kirjoitti hollantilaisen palvelimen ftp-osoitteen ja näkyviin tuli komentoruutu. Hän klikkasi laatikkoa, jossa luki copy ja kirjoitti nimen Armanski/MiltSec ja painoi OK. Kone alkoi välittömästi kopioida Dragan Armanskin kovalevyä hollantilaiselle palvelimelle. Kellon mukaan kopioiminen kestäisi kolmekymmentäneöjä minuuttia.

Armanski huomasi pian, että kehityskeskusteluista, sisäisen koulutuksen projekteista ja muusta liirumlaarumista huolimatta Lisbeth Salander ei aikonut  sopeutua Miltonin normaaleihin toimistorutiineihin. Se asetti Armanskin vaikean paikan eteen.
Lisbeth oli piikki muiden työntekijöiden lihassa, Armanski tiesi itsekin, ettei olisi hyväksynyt, jos kuka tahansa muu hänen työntekijöistään olisi tullut ja mennyt niin kuin huvitti, vaan olisi normaalitapaukseessa pannut tämän seinää vasten. Mutta hän aavisti, että jos tekisi Lisbeth Salanderille samoin tai uhkaisi häntä erolla, tyttö vain kohauttaisi harteitaan. Hänen oli siis joko pakko sanoa Lisbeth irti tai hyväksyä se, että tyttö ei toiminut niin kuin muut ihmiset.

Monet yritykset ovat vielä yhtä hämmentyneitä sosiaalisen median suhteen kuin teini-ikään tulleiden nuorten vanhemmat. Hyvin yleinen reaktio vaikeassa tilanteessa on kieltää pääsy verkkoyhteisöihin työaikana. Tekosyyksi keksitään usein tietoturvariskit. Todellinen syy on tietysti pelko.

Tietojenkäsittelyn seurauksena syntyy tarpeetonta dataa, joka voi väärin käytettynä olla haitaksi ihmiselle ja yhteiskunnalle. Tällainen data on tietoyhteiskunnan saastetta,


Before me measure we should ask five questions:
  1. What is the decision this is supposed to support?
  2. What really is the thing being measured?
  3. Why does this thing matter to the decision being asked?
  4. What do you know about it now?
  5. What is the value to measuring it further?
For useful measurement assumptions:
  1.  Your problem is not as unique as you think
  2.  You have more data than you think 
  3.  You need less data than you think 
  4. There is a useful measurement that is much simpler than you think.

Dwarf shops were doing well these days, largely because they understood the first rule of merchandising, which is this: I have got goods for sale and the customer has got money. I should have the money and, regrettably, that involves the customer having my goods. To this end, therefore, I will not say 'The one in the window is the last one we have, and we can't sell it to you, because if we did no one would know we have them for sale', or 'We'll probably have some more on Wednesday', or "We just can't keep them on shelves', or 'I'm fed up with telling people there's no demand for them'; I will make a sale by any means short of physical violence, because without one I am a waste of space.

Well, you  said you think you know some things. What you mean is, you've constructed simplified representations of how those things work. But don't confuse yourself by thinking your simplified mental constructions are realistic, or worse yet, true...You have to judge them by some criteria other than realism. Nothing useful is real. If it's complicated enough to be realistic, it's too complicated to be useful. That's why we build models. Representations. When we say we know things, we just mean we have mental models of those things that we like. Often we like them because they've been useful. But let's not confuse having a useful model with actual knowing...A model you like for one thing, a representation that is great by one criterion might turn bad when the criterion or the task at hand changes...Managers have a problem like this when they fall in love with a particular model of how something works. When they become convinced that a mental model they have of how something works is the right one. When they decide that they know something. None of us really knows much of anything, when you get right down to it. We like some mental models just because we find them pleasing in some way. We like others because they've been useful in the past. But when we become too wedded to a model, we lose our ability to deal with new situations...It's best to get over feeling that you know things. What you have is a toolbox full of personal theories. You keep those favorite theories - models, tools, whatever you want to call them - for a variety of reasons. All I'm really saying is, you need to be aware of why you're keeping them in your kit. And you need to always remind yourself that they are there not because they're right, or realistic, or true, or anything like that, but because they've been pleasant or helpful in a defined set of circumstances. Sort them, store them, and label them in accordance with the circumstances in which they are valuable. You wouldn't use a hammer for a job that needs a wrench. The best managers, in my opinion, take this sort of toolkit approach to what they do. Bad ones try to use a hammer, or a wrench, or whatever they regards as the one true tool, for everything.

The ientcio wishes to inform you that we have indeed received those messages from SETI and have found them...amusing is probably the best word. Television is much more interesting.

The first question I hear from most excutives is, "Should I be concerned about losing control over where my data is stored?" Although outsiders are particularly focused on this question, the following security implications of the cloud are much more profound:

The most interesting moment was when the gap between gates grew just wide enough to admit a single person. Who would it be? Male of female, old or young, carrying an assault rifle, a baby, a chest of gold, or a backpack bomb?

Perinteisessä kiinalaisessa strategiamaailmassa on lukuisia eri strategiatasoja kuvaavia ja strategiatyötä ohjaavia käsitteitä. Länsimaisissa kielissä ei ole kuin kolme käsitettä ja käsitetasoa - strategia, operaatio ja taktiikka - joiden avulla ja kautta hahmotamme strategiatyötä. Perinteisessä Kiinassa strategiatyön ylintä abstraktiotasoa kuvaavia strategiakäsitteitä on kaiken kaikkiaan kymmenkunta, ja ne voidaan jakaa kolmeen eri kategoriaan, jotka ovat laskennalliseen arvioon ja harhaanjohtamiseen perustuvat strategiakäsitteet sekä neutraali strategiakäsitteistö.

Bra1n was through attacking big companies. Now he would be going after tens of thousands of consumers. On the underground forums where users bought and sold the most sensitive financial information in batches of millions, he bragged that he would never be caught. He lived in Kazakhstan, where the foreign law enforcement had no power and, he said, the local authorities would never arrest him.

Langdon exhaled, fighting the impulse to tell Sato the same thing he constantly told his students: "Google" is not a synonym for "research."  In these days of massive, worldwide keyword searches, it seemed everything was linked to everything. The world was becoming one big entangled web of infromation that was getting denser every day.

All the way back to Topanga, the radio cranked out a Super Surfin' Marathon, all commercial-free - which seemed peculiar unti Doc realized that nobody who would sit through this music-teacher's nightmare of doubled-up blues lines, moronic one-chord "tunes", and desperate vocal effects could possibly belong to any consumer demographic group known to ad business.

But then again if reality is hard and flat and unjust, then it's better to adjust to what really is than to complain that it isn't what you wish. That was what made me lose faith in prophecies, in purpose, even in life, I guess. But having lost it, soon I doubted my lack of faith. There were niggling hints of meaning everywhere. At the end of the day, you choose what you believe and you live with the consenquenses.

Olen aikuinen mies, perheenisä ja valtiomies, pohjoismaisen hyvinvointivaltion kasvatti, kansanliikkeen johtaja, kansainvälinen vaikuttaja. Harkinnan jälkeen olen tullut siihen tulokseen, että nainen on sekä Natoa että Euroopan unionia mutkikkaampi organisaatio. Hänen johtojärjestelmästään on mahdoton piirtää varsinaista kaaviota. Sitä ei ole.

Suojelupoliisi ei koskaan kuuntele. Se salakuuntelee.

The future had arrived so suddenly he didn't know what to do with it. Freedom lay useless in his hands. He didn't know how to feel. It reminded him of Harani iron bulls. He'd never seen one, of course, but it was said they captured the young calves and bound them to a stake with thick chains. By the time the iron bulls were full grown - more than fifteen feet high at their mighty shoulders - they should snap the chains, but they didn't. Their handler's staked them with thin rope. The iron bulls were so sure they couldn't get free, they never tried.

Here's  an interesting bit of trivia I learned about failed colonies: Not counting wildcat colonies, the number one cause of abandoned human colonies is not territorial disputes with other species; it's native bugs killing off the settlers. Other intelligent species we can fight off; that's a battle we understand. Battling an entire ecosystem that's trying to kill you is an altogether trickier proposition.

Only one thing is true about Truth: when everybody claims to be telling it, some of them have to be lying.

It was interesting what you could do, when your enemy was officially your ally. And unaware you knew it was your enemy.

Olimme käyneet vaimoni kanssa viittä vuotta aikaisemmin Suomessa. Täällä oli pimeää ja ankeaa. Edes naapurit eivät tervehtineet toisiaan. Mikä olisi ollut parempi paikka kadota sivistyneestä maailmasta ja piilotua? Sen lisäksi meildän reissullamme meille tarjottiin paikallisina "herkkuina" mämmiä, karjalanpiirakoita ja karjalanpaistia. Aivan uskomatonta sontaa, jos olet maistanut! Kun päätin lähteä Ranskasta, vannoin itselleni etten kokkaisi koskaan, enkä haluaisi olla missään tekemisissä gastronomian kanssa. Suomi oli oivallinen valinta.

If information security is to keep pace, people, processes, and information security technology will need to evolve. The Hollywood security that security professionals snigger at today needs to become a reality tomorrow.

Wars. They were the easiest things to start and hardest things to end.

People might make rational decisions about sharing their personal information in the short tem, but underestimate what might happen to that information as it is indexed, reused, and repurposed by strangers.

First off, you're in good shape now. So don't worry. Having said that, you lost your jaw, your tongue, most of your right cheek and ear. Your right leg was snapped off halfway down your femur; your left one suffered multiple fractures and your left foot was missing three toes and the heel - we think those were gnawed off. The good news there was that your spinal cord was severed below the rib cage, so you probably didn't feel much of that. Speaking of ribs, six were broken, one of which punctured your gallbladders, and you suffered general internal bleeding. Not to mention sepsis and a host of other general and specific infections brought on by having open wounds for days.

Most existing Anti-Virus technologies are about 20 years old. They worked well enough for most of the time to achieve and maintain almost 100% market penetration. So, in a sense, as long as the money keeps flowing in, there isn't a huge economic incentive for big companies that already invested a lot in building their technology to invest a lot more to reinvent it.

Consider a turkey that is fed every day. Every single feeding will firm up the bird's belief that it is the general rule of life to be fed every day by friendly members of human race "looking out for its best interests," as politician would say. On the afternoon of the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, something unexpected will happen to the turkey. It will incur a revision of belief.

Osta hyvälaatuista pastaa.
Osta hyvälaatuista oliiviöljyä.
Osta parmesaani palana ja raasta itse.
Käytä joskus raasteena myös Pecorinoa.
Keitä pasta runsaasti suolatussa vedessä.
Älä lisää keitinveteen öljyä.
Pidä kastike yksinkertaisena.
Panosta raaka-aineisiin.
Älä laita liikaa kastiketta.
Sekoita kastike ja pasta toisiinsa paistinpannussa tai tarjoiluastiassa.
Syö pelkästään haarukalla.
Muista, että tuorepasta ei välttämättä oel parempaa kuin kuivapasta.
Kokeile ja luota omaan makuusi.
Älä suhtaudua asioihin liian vakavasti, vaikka tässä kirjassa niin tehtäisiinkin.

Mercy is always a symptom of weakness. It's just another form of fear - you're secretly afraid that if you don't spare your enemy, someday your enemy might not spare you.

You get a trick hot enough, he'll pay you the same for a hand job as the full ride.

The choice wasn't living or dying, running or fighting, it was facing the death as equal, or hearing it come up on you from behind like a hound, grab you by the scruff of the neck and shake you apart.

In the end he had successfully invited them all to die simply by promising to do it with them. It was all they would ask of any commander.

Most people aren't stong enough for our creed, Kylar, so they believe in comforting illusions, like gods, or Justice, or the basic goodness of man. Those illusions fail in war. It breaks men.

Metrics serve only one purpose: decision support. We measure to manage. We manage to meet objectives in order to achieve desired outcomes.

In order to progress in life, one has to improve every day in an endless process.

Hän [Mannerheim] meni toilettiin, pesi kätensä, katsoi pitkään peiliin ja koska hän oli kuullut Ignatiukselta ja Saksan-jääkäreiltä, että sana saattoi pahassa paikassa lääkitä, hän kuiskasi hiljaa, niin ettei kukaan kuulisi, sydämensä pohjasta, suomeksi: "Ryssät."

He confesses to spending his evenings nursing Scotch before his computer at home, Googling himself until the wee hours. There's a person out there who shares the same name, incredibly enough. Person or persons. He's found himself in Appalachian hiking e-gazettes, antique typewrite societies, and University of Alaska alumni newsletters. I must destroy them, he says.

Eight characteristics or norm, describe typical Net Gener and differentiate them from their Baby Boomer parents. They prize freedom and freedom of choice. They want to customize things, make them their own. They're natural collaborators, who enjoy conversation, not lecture. They'll scrutinize you and your organization. They insist on integrity. They want to have fun, even at work and at school. Speed is normal. Innovation is part of life. Spammers Massacred, Thousand Dead - A daring and well-coordinated attack launched monday morning may have claimed the lives of as many as 6,000 prolific spammers in 83 countries. Over two hundred died in Boca Raton, Florida, alone. Authorities are still reeling from the magnitude and sophistication of the strikes. The assailants left behind the same message: "All spammers will die." Since the attacks, ISPs report up to an 80% reduction in amount of spam clogging Internet servers.

Jotkut kertovat juttuja hyviä,
toiset pohtivat syntyjä syviä.

Yhdellä maassa jalat kuin juuret,
toisella päässä visiot suuret.

Joku mieluiten järkeä käyttää,
toiset tunteensa muillekin näyttää.

On päiväohjelma monilla tarkka,
vaan joillakin lipsuu tunti ja markka.

Kaikki kun elämme tyyleillä omilla,
on yhteistyökykymme joskus kovilla.

Media raportoi poikkeuksista. Liikenneonnettomuudet, tulipalot, puolen tunnin sähkökatko Martinlaaksossa, Thaimaan lennon myöhästyminen tai juopuneiden skinien tappelu ravintolan edustalla ovat todellisen elämän marginaalia. Median luoma maailmankuva kuitenkin muodostuu juuri niistä. Syntyy outo paradoksi. Kun median pitäisi tarjota meille käsitys siitä, millaisessa maailmassa elämme, se tarjoaakin meille marginaali-ilmiöitä ja poikkeuksia.

Kun olin lapsi, isä kertoi minulle bulgarialaisesta fakiirista. Tämä pystyi työntämään kuuden tuuman rautanaulan kenenkä tahansa takapuoleen tuntematta itse vähäisintäkään kipua.

Vastakuoriutunut idea on heiveröinen. Se pitää auttaa jaloilleen. Tappamaan sen ehtii myöhemminkin.

Only mediocre people are always at their best.

The wicked leader is he whom the people revile.
The good leader is he whom the people revere.
The great leader is he of whom the people say, "We did it ourselves."

In war planning, you must anticipate the actions of the enemy. Be careful lest your preventive measures teach the enemy which of his possible actions you most fear.

People make mistakes. More interestingly, people make a variety of systematic and predictable mistakes.

A well-structured, well-managed IT foundation is inherently less risky than a more complex one. A risk-aware culture helps people recognize and deal openly with threats, risky behaviors, and risk reduction opportunities. And a mature risk governance process systematically develops a comprehensive picture of enterprise risks, bringing the full resources of the business to bear on risks that exceed the resources and authority of any single manager.

Yuri paced around the room, angry, constrained, frustrated. "My God, I was pissed enough when I learned that the Firstborn screwed up the ice caps with their sunstorm. But now this. Mars!"
Still Athena spoke. "Every human in the solar system who chooses may contribute to the discussion that must follow. Speak however you like. Blog. E-mail. Just speak into the air, if you wish. Someone will hear you, and the great AI suites will collate your views, and pass them on to be pooled with others. Lightspeed will slow the discussion; that is inevitable. But no action will be taken, one way or another, until a consensus emerges..."
"Jesus Christ on a bike," Paxton said, "I can't believe I'm hearing this mush. Madam Chair - Bella - people will panic. Riots, looting. You'll see. That's why we keep secrets, Ms Duflot. Because people can't handle the truth."
Cassie clanced at the softwall. "Well, that doesn't seem to be true, Admiral. The first responses are coming in..."

"Jesus, you stink," said Jerry Fink, sitting beside Holiday, rattling the rocks in his coctail glass.
"It's called Axe," said Holiday. "The kids were it."
"You ain't no kid, hombre."
"Tell me something I don't know."
"I'm just askin you why you're wearin that swill."
"Very simple. Where I woke up this morning, I didn't have my own toiletries close by, if you catch my drift."
"Here we go," said West.
Holiday grinned and squared his shoulders. He was as rail thin as he had been in his twenties. The only indicator of his forty-one years was the small belly he had acquired from years of drinking. His acquaintances called it "the Holiday Hump."
"Tell us a bedtime story, Daddy," said Bonano

The 5 most significant and enduring drivers of change over the next 50 years: ageing, power shift eastwards, global connectivity, GRIN technologies and the environment.

If we connected up all the computers on the planet and asked the resultant network or grid a question like "Is there a God?" the answer may very well be "There is now".

But how do people choose which risks to worry about and which to ignore? Our friends, neighbourgs and co-workers constantly supply us with judgments that are a major influence. The media provide us with examples - or not - that Gut feeds into the Example Rule to estimate the likelihood of a bad thing happening. Experience and culture colour hazards with emotions that Gut runs through the Good-Bad Rule. The mechanism known as habituation causes us to play down the risks of familiar things and play up the novel and unknown. If we connect with others who share our views about risks, group polarization can be expected - causing our views to become still more entrenched and extreme.

A unique place among those marketing fear is held by security consultants. They don't campaign like politicians, lobby like police chiefs or advertise like security companies. Instead, they speak to reportes who present them as disinterested experts, although they are anything but disinterested.

Having a process is better than no process, and a good process keeps evolving and growing. But you have to be careful. The methodology is just set of guidelines and principles that is supposed to get designers, developers, and testets thinking about security issues. But it doesn't guarantee security.

I've always admired a good hack - but modern viruses are not displays of skill; they are simple brutes that are polluting and pillaging the Internet landscape. It's the powerful taking advantage of the weak. I'm disgusted at how they [criminal hackers] are so ready and willing to destroy what I view as one of mankind's greatest developments, all for their own selfish greed.

Uhkakuvia kudottiin yhteen monista eri lähteistä: tutkimusraporteista, Ruotsin sotilasasiamiesten muistioista, muiden turvallisuuspalveluiden tiedoista, satelliittikuvista, mediasta. Pöydillä olevien tietokoneiden kautta saatiin puolustusvoimien signaalitiedusteluun ja ja kentällä toimivien agenttien raportteihin perustuvaa salaista SIGINT- ja HUMINT-tietoa, joka oli kovaa valuuttaa muiden valtioiden sisarorganisaatioiden kanssa asioitaessa. Varsinkin uusi televalvontalaki, joka päästi ruotsalaiset seuraamaan aitiopaikalta venäläisten ulkomaille suuntautuvaa viestiliikennettä, toi heille vaihtokauppana paljon kiinnostavaa tietoa Atlantin molemmilta puolilta ja Israelista.

You're a judge. Every time you make a decision someone loses. These guys don't care about the truth, so they can make anything sound bad.

When the cry of "Let's build it ourselves!" arises, geeks are all too happy to rally and cheer. A celebrated (and perhaps apocryphal) bit of graffiti from MIT captures this: "I would rather write programs to help me write programs than write programs."

If you look at software today, it's certainly engineering of a sort - but it's kind of engineering that people without the concept of arch did. Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with millions of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural integrity, but just done by brute force and thousands of slaves.

The economics of computing have changed, and it's the new economics that are now guiding progress. The PC age is giving way to a new era: the utility age.

Hän kertoi, miten Fred havaitsi jäävuoren sulavan ja miten he sitten 1) avasivat yhteisön silmät sille, miten tärkeää on tarttua kiperiin kysymyksiin pikaisesti, ja 2) valitsivat huolellisesti työryhmän muutosta toteuttamaan ja 3) visioivat paremman, toteuttamiskelpoisen tulevaisuuden ja 4) välittivät vision toisille sisäistettäväksi ja hyväksyttäväksi, ja 5) poistivat muutoksen tieltä niin monta estettä kuin oli tarpeen ja 6) julkistivat mopeasti edes pienen edistysaskeleen eivätkä 7) antaneet yhtään periksi, ennen kuin uusi elämäntapa oli jo lujasti juurtunut, ja 8) huolehtivat lopuksi siitä, etteivät pinttyneet, vaikeasti murrettavat perinteet pääsisi pysäyttämään muutoksia.

Traditional botnets might have a footprint of a few hundred thousand machines (which would be on the large end). In contrast, building a browser-based botnet with several million or more infected hosts appears relatively easy to do.

"Why are you always in such a hurry, Mr Lipwig?"
"Because people don't like change, but make the change happen fast enough and you go from on type of normal to another."

He was as naked and exposed as a baby lobster. He hoped he'd covered all the angles, but angles were - what did they call it, he'd gone to a lecture at the university...ah yes. Angles were fractal. Each one was full of smaller angles. You couldn't cover them all.

Many of the products and services that the commercial security industry sells simply perpetuate an unsatisfactory status quo. They don't make the problem any worse - they certainly can help. But they often don't address the root cause of the problem. A key observation that can be made about the evolution of security technologies it that new security products are often developed to compensate for the unitended side effects of prior security products.

Three converging global trends are driving the world community toward a point of "hyper-instability". The simultaneous growth in these three areas reinforces each realm and accelerates the movement toward convergence, or hyper-instability - in ordinary language, a global catastrophe. The combined effect is unique in human evolutionary history.

He had wondered, as had most people at one time or another, precisely why an android bounced helplessly about when confronted by an emphathy-measuring test. Emphathy, evidently existed only within human community, whereas intelligence to some degree could be found thoroughout every phylum and order including the arachnida.

I don't care what side of the law you work: You never want to confront your subject while he's still talking. In fact, you don't want to interrupt him at all. Threats are for amateurs; verbal dueling is for fools. A pro knows there's no reason to get your man talking if you're not going to listen.

Since SOA lower barriers, we must rethink the security approaches. Applications can no longer be in charge of security. That is, security models cannot be hard-coded into applications.

Pizzaa ja pastaa ei koskaan syödä samalla aterialla. Ja kun nyt kerran annetaan neuvoja, niin tässä vielä yksi, jota ei koskaan ole toistettu liikaa: Cappucinoa ei ikinä juoda ruuan jälkeen, maitokahvista puhumattakaan. Ikinä!

The Ludovician is a predator, a shark. It feeds on human memories and the intrinsic sense of self. Ludovicians are solitary, fiercely territorial and methodical hunters. A Ludovician might select an individual human being as its prey animal and pursue and feed on that individual over the course of years, until that victim's memory and identity have been completely consumed. Sometimes, the target's body survives this ordeal and may go on to live a second twilight after the original self and memories have been taken. In time such person may establish a 'bolt-on' identity of their own, but the Ludovician will eventually catch the scent of this and return to complete its kill.

"At first, Event Data recorders were just for accidents, and then car rental companies began to use electronic monitoring to identify drivers who were speeding. These days, all new vehicles have attached the black box to the GPS device. Not only do they know the location of your car, but they can tell if you're accelerating, using the brakes, or wearing your seat belt."
"How did they get away with this?"
Mother Blessing pried off the panel, exposing the car's air bag system. "If privacy had a gravestone it might read: 'Don't Worry. This Was for Your Own Good.'"

There are two types of people who come from Brocton. The ones who try to make it putting away pennies every week - what the Government doesn't take, the Church will - and the one who keep on waiting, watching, keeping their eyes peeled for that on big score.

'The fact of it is,' said Monsieur Farigoule, the retired schoolmaster who gives regular dissertations from his perch by the village bar on the worsening state of the world, 'the plain fact of it is that the religion of the French is food. And wine, of course.' He tapped his empty glass with his fingernail to indicate that the might be persuaded to accept a refill. 'We worship the belly, and our high priests are chefs. We would rather sit and eat than kneel and pray. It pains me to say such things about my countrymen, but patriotic sentiment cannot be allowed to hide the truth.'

There are four acknowledged ways of meeting your maker: You can die by natural causes including illness; you can die by accident; you can die by another's hand; and you can die by your own hand. However, if you live in Washington, D.C., there is a fifth way of kicking the bucket: the political deadth. It can spring from many sources: frolicking in a public fountain with an exotic dancer who is not your spouse; stuffing bags of money in your pants when the payer unfortunately happens to be FBI; or covering up a bungled burglary when you call 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue home.

Their idea of power is Powerpoint. They got headsets on their heads and their fingers on keyboards and they think they're macho men when they're just half wimp and half machine. Nothing more than sports-drink-gulping, instant-message-sending, mouse-clicking. iPod-listening, web-surfing pussies, and God didn't mean for the likes of them to run this planet on the backs of real men.

Definition of integrative thinking:
The ability to face contructively the tension of opposing ideas and, instead of choosing one at the expense of the other, generate a creative resolution of the tension in the form of a new idea that contains elements of the opposing ideas but is superior to each.

The threat of global warming might be on everyone's lips, and the polar ice caps might indeed melt but not for a time. What's happening right now because of world-wide interconnection of insecure software gives social problems once limited by geography a new destructive range.

Every other manufacturing industry is subject to product liability laws holding them liable should they send defective products into the global stream of commerce. This is not true for software manufacturers.

The mafia is well known for offering people "a deal they cannot refuse". Of course, software buyers could refuse to sign adhesion contracts just as person could theoretically refuse a deal from the mafia. Both would do so at great personal expense, however. They are free but mordantly so.

The fact that software inevitability contains bugs is not a valid defense by software manufacturers. On the contrary, the software defects are inevitable explicitly dictates the need for applying strict liability.

The software crisis will be hugely expensive, either in the real cost of ignoring it or in the real cost of migitating its impact. It is up to us determine what costs we are willing to bear and the results we are willing to accept.

Being a designer or architect of a new system calls for very different skills from being the successful operator - or even builder - of an already designed business system.

Beliefs are hard to challenge, and even harder to change, particularly after they become translated into action rules and routines. It is easy to remember a rule, and follow it routinely, but to forget the underlying belief.

Cities, in Milgrim's experience, had a way of revealing themselves in the faces of their inhabitants, and particularly on their way to work in the morning. There was a sort of basic fuckedness index to be read, then, in faces that hadn't yet encountered the reality of whatever they were on their way to do.

Ubiikkiteknologian avulla syntyy nopeasti ja laajasti tietoa keräävä, analysoiva ja näiden tietojen perusteella automaattisesti toimintoja käynnistävä tietoympäristö. Sensorien, lukulaitteiden, valvontakameroiden ja verkkopalvelujen keräämää tietoa voidaan myös yhdistellä ja rakentaa
niistä uudenlaisia palveluja. Tehokkaammat tiedonkeruun, yhdistelyn, analysoinnin ja reagoinnin välineiden yhdistelmänä luovat kokonaan
uudenlaisen tietoympäristön.

Paratiisi vai panoptikon?

Riippuvuutemme teknisistä ratkaisuista antaa tekniikan tuottajille mahdollisuuden hallita arkielämäämme. Erilaiset palveluntuottajat tallentavat ja käsittelevät yhä enemmän henkilökohtaisia tietojamme, jotka liittyvät esimerkiksi maksuliikenteeseemme,valokuva-arkistoihimme ja sähköpostiliikenteeseemme. Halutessaan palvelujen tuottajat pystyvät käyttämään informaatiota tarkoituksiin, joihin emme ole osanneet varautua. Vaikka näin ei tapahtuisikaan, pelkkä tietoisuus mahdollisuudesta informaation hyödyntämiseen käyttäjän tietämättä lisää ihmisten epäluuloa ja voi aiheuttaa tekniikkavastaisuutta.

Silmät auki! Tietoyhteiskunnan uhat ja mahdollisuudet

The ultimate solution can only be an on-line credit transfer type of solution where the payer's bank identifies the customer using some kind of hardware solution with a PIN and some form of biological verification. This would point towards convergence of the identification process towards a general model used by all payment instruments.

Payment habits and trends in the changing e-landscape 2010+

A man's character is what he is; a man's reputation is what other people may imagine him to be.

Words can wound. They can destroy a persons' reputation, and in the process distort that persons' very identity. Nevertheless, we staunchly protect expression even when it can cause great damage because free speech is essential to our autonomy and to a democratic society. But protecting privacy and reputation is also necessary for autonomy and democracy. There is no easy solution to how to balance free speech with privacy and reputation. This balance isn't like the typical balance of civil liberties against the need for order and social control. Instead, it is a balance with liberty on both sides of the scale - freedom to speak and express oneself pitted agains freedom to ensure that our reputations aren't destroyed or our privacy isn't invaded.

The Future of Reputation

Muisto Führerin tapaamisesta oli yksi Rolfin vahvimmista muistikuvista - ja yksi salaisimmista. Hän olisi toisaalta halunnut ennen kuolemaansa siirtää sen jälkipolville sinänsä kiusallisena, mutta yhtä kaikki historiallisena tapahtumana, ellei häpeä olisi pakottanut vaikenemaan. Hän oli ollut lapsellinen ja ajattelematon noina vuosina, tieteellisen kunnianhimon sokaisema.

This is the Curse of Knowledge. Once we know something, we find it hard to imagine what it was like not to know it. Our knowledge has "cursed" us. And it becomes difficult for us to share our knowledge with others, because we can't readily re-create our listeners' state of mind.

 Here's our checklist for creating a successful idea: a Simple Unexcpected Concrete Credentialed Emotional Story (SUCCES).

Secession. What America did to itself. I mean - We fucking invented the modern world, Marsalis. We modelled it, on a continental scale, got it working, sold it to the rest of the world. Credit cards, popular air travel, global dataflow. Spaceflight. Nanotech. We put all that in place, you know? And then we let a bunch of fucking Neanderthal bible-thumping lunatics tear it all to pieces? What the fuck is that, Marsalis?

Tällä hetkellä esimerkiksi raha on siirrettävissä yksilöiden välillä ulkomaille muilla järjestelmillä kuin pankkisiirrolla siten, että se on perillä muutamassa minuutissa. Vastaava toimitus pankkien maksuliikejärjestelmän kautta kestäisi useita päiviä...Perinteiset pankit argumentoivat, että rahanvälitys koskee useimmiten pieniä summia ja että laki rajoittaa heidän rahanvälitysnopeutta. Nämä väitteet pitänevät paikkansa, mutta tämä esimerkki osoittaa, että vanhalla tavalla verkottuneiden pankkien joukosta ei löytynyt riittävästi dynamiikkaa haastamaan omia vanhoja tapoja toimia.

PK-yritys 2.0

No matter how big the company, the majority of the world’s wisdom will always remain outside the company. In order to have all the possible resources available for its use, companies have to open up and invite customers – and even complete strangers – to develop its activities. The only way to get them involved is to give them something that will get them to participate. 

It was pointless trying to second-guess one's opponent, especially in wartime. The enemy rarely did what you wanted. You could study them, and plan for contingencies based on their capabilities, but once you began fantasizing that you actually knew their intentions...well, that was folly for decadent novelists, not for statesmen.

"Robbe, mikä mies se on, jolla ei ole maisterin papereita vaan pistooli?"
"Kusipää, jolla on pistooli."
"Hyvä.  Mikä mies se on, jolla on maisterin paperit muttei pistoolia?"
"Kusipää, jolla on maisterin paperit..."
"Hyvä. Mikä mies se on jolla on sekä maisterin paperit että pistooli?"
"Mies, isä!"
"Hyvä, Robertino!"

But do I worry about whether every little thing we do is ethical? No, because you can rationalize anything as ethical. You talk to criminal - a tax dodger, a serial killer, a child abuser - and every one of them will justify their actions. They'll explain to you, totally seriously, why they had to do what they did. Why they're still good people. That's the thing: when people talk about the importance of ethics, they never include themselves. The day anyone, anywhere, admits that they personally are unethical, I'll start taking that whole issue seriously.

There on the receipt was proof that the injection had worked. Not only had it worked, but he had a viable output windows. He could see the results of the injection. This was so much more than he had hoped for...Just looking at a SQL error on a receipt was strange. Receipts had always been useless pieces of paper, but this one was solid gold.

You can build a company that is virtually error and mistake free. You can build a company that is highly adaptable. But you can't do both. In this sense, perfection is the enemy of progress.

Many people make the mistake of believing that building security into information systems is simply a matter of referring to a checklist of technical and procedural controls and applying the appropriate security measures on the list.

"Well, gentleman," the prime minister said after everyone had taken their seats. "The darkest day is upon us, but if we are marked to die, we are enough to do our country loss; and if to live, the fewer men the greater share of honor."
Shakespeare's words fell though four hundreds years into the taut silence of the room.

Each company has one official org chart because the flow of authority needs to be simple and unambiguous for legal reasons, not just to create an efficient decision structure. The chart works in those capacities because it has so much white space. But in the emptiness that simplicity requires, how many different social networks actually exist? "How many do you want?" Krebs answers promptly. Do you want map who works with whom, who talks with whom, who knows whom, who respects whom, who enjoys whom? Do you want to map the path of memos, emails, instant messages, phone calls, and hallway conversations? Do you want to map it all over time? Social networks are necessarily loose-edged and impossible to make fully explicit. If your aim is to come up with a map as simple, uniform, comprehensive, orderly, and explicit as McCallum's, you need to ask only one question: To whom do you report? But if that's all you see, your world is neat, incomplete, misleading, and boring.

Moraali mitataan yön pimeydessä, raivon ytimessä.

Web 2.0:n suurin ansio onkin ehkä juuri siinä, että se nosti näkyviin ensimmäisen kerran kokonaisvaltaisesti monia, mutta ei läheskään kaikkia, internetin yksittäisiä evoluutiopolkuja. Ne olisivat edenneet ilman erityistä termiäkin. Mutta niiden tarkastelu kokonaisuutena on luonut uusia palveluita, jotka yhdistelevät polkuja aiempaa tehokkaammin ja näin ovat kiihdyttäneet kokonaiskehitystä.

Mktg case study #1: Triple your price. This gives customers the impression of great quality. Helps profits, too.

"You have to remember, Betsy, " Schoendienst would say, "that D.C. is not about solving problems. If we solved problems, there would be nothing else left to do and we would all have to go out and do something honest - like fry hamburgers. No, D.C. is about keeping jobs, which we do by managing problems. There is no higher achievement than making a problem your own, managing that problem, nurtuting that problem along until you've made it to retirement and hopefully mentored a whole new generation of young bureaucrats to whom you can bequeath the problem."

Confucius once said "Who must do hard things? He who can." With Confucius in mind, let's try something hard: mapping information security to the Balanced Scorecard without changing any of the perspectives. In other words, using the Financial, Customer, Internal Process and Learning and Growth Perspectives - straight up.

"They talk about free enterprise but in America it's a myth. They talk about a level playing fields, ha! It's tilted sideways," Sacco declared, "so that every last penny rolls into Bill Gates's pocket. That four-eyed fucker's wired himself a monopoly over the whole damn universe!"

-"You hear what Utrech announced yesterday? They harvested bull stem cells and cultured them in mouse testicles. I would say that is difficult. I would say that is fucking cutting edge."
-"Especially for the bulls."
-"I don't see anything funny here."
-"Can't you imagine the poor mice, dragging around giant purple bulls' balls?"
-"Still not laughing..."

The first and most pervasive cause I see for failures in the software field is our inability to estimate...Why do we so badly at estimation? Probably because we still don't understand this infant field of ours...Why does it matter that our estimates are so bad? Because we are trying to manage to them...I personally believe that the "software crisis," the saying that software is "always over budget, behind schedule, and unreliable," is almost single-handedly caused by poor estimation. If that is so, then this is clearly the most important problem in software engineering.

It wasn't the size of the dog in the fight, it was the size of the fight in the dog.

True sales champions can sit there quietly all day if they have to. It's not easy. You want to say something. but don't. Keep your mouth shut.

You can relax and trust your training. you know you're good.
You can count on coming out of anything alive, you're so damned good.
Say it to yourself: I will live and prosper, and the bad guys will rue the day.

The new art and science of wikinomics is based on four powerful new ideas: openness, peering, sharing, and acting globally.

If God is so smart, why do you fart?

"Tässä tapauksessa salakirjoitusmenetelmä on kokonaan muistiin perustuva yhdistetty korvaus- ja peittomenetelmä numerotekstillä. Siinä otetaan suomenkielisen tekstin ja siihen kuuluvan otsikon merkeille niiden koodiarvot koodiavainsanan mukaan laadittavasta koodipohjasta, jolloin sadaan pohjateksti. Peittojonon avainlauseen merkkien koodipohjasta otetut koodiarvot muodostavat peittopohjan, joka peitetään valitun avainluvun ja siitä muodostuvan täyttöryhmän ohjauksella muodostetulla apupeittojonolla..."
Tönäisin Hirveä olkapäähän niin että se putosi tuolilta.
"Nämä jää joskus soittamaan samaa raitaa. Niitä pitää silloin tällöin hetkauttaa."
Mutka kertoi Pionerskajan radio- ja vakoilukoulussa Moskovan lähellä törmänneensä tyyppiin. Se oli yleismaailmallinen eikä sitä voinut parantaa.

Kolme keskeistä nykyaikaiselta johtajalta vaadittavaa piirrettä (ovat): visioinnin taito, vuorovaikutusorientoituneisuus sekä kyky keskustella niin ylemmän johdon kuin muiden organisaation osien kanssa.

Vielä 1990-luvulla vallinnut teknologiavetoisuus turvallisuuden veturina on muuttunut. Tietotekniikka turvallisuuden veturina on menettänyt määräävän roolinsa ja on osa kokonaisturvallisuutta.

Chief executives don't want a security manager who constantly tells them what they can't do. They want people who will help them to push the boundaries without unduly compromising the company. This means they need people who understand the realities of doing business and who are not security purist.

The Business of Resilience - Corporate security for 21st century 

Point-to-point integraatiossa kokonaisuutta ei voida hahmottaa, ja tietovirtojen tietämys vaipuu hyvin tekniselle asiantuntijatasolle, jolloin prosessien hallinta ei ole lainkaan liiketoiminnasta vastaavien käsissä. Tällaisessa ympäristössä harrastetaan puhdasta asiantuntijavaltaa integraatiotasolla ja toimitaan tekniikan ehdoilla.

She'd often said that without GPS coverage the modern military couldn't find its own arse with both hands in a small, well-lit room. The joke had come back to bite her.

"He has his agents in our city, just as I have in this. So I will do him the courtesy of telling him formally what he will in any case know. That is called politics, Vimes. It is a thing we try to do in the government."
"But...spies? I thought we were chums with the Low King!"
"Of course we are," said Vetenari. "And the more we know about each other, the friendlier we shall remain. We'd hardly bother to spy on our enemies. What would be the point?"

Te suomalaiset olettekin helvetin paljon valmiimpia ottamaan riskejä kuin ruotsalaiset.

The first time an organization deploys an enterprise Web Service, quite a bit of effort will necessary go into answering questions about what the service should provide for itself versus what it should be provided by its underlying infrastructure. Over time, as the organization deploys more services and creates a richer domain and enclave infrastructure, the simpler the questions and their answers become.

"Kun olet komedia-alalla, saat palkkaa jostain, johon sinun todennäköisesti pitäisi saada hoitoa."

Tietoturvallisuus on pieniä tekoja osana jokapäiväistä toimintaa.

The investigation was stale - the poor girl had been dead for more than four years - but it was time to nail someone.

"I want to be clear about this so you understand. If I have to pull my weapon I'll shoot to kill."

Space, let me repeat, is enormous. The average distance between stars out there is over 30 million million kilometers. Even at speeds approaching those of light, these are fantastically challenging distances for any travelling individual. Of course, it is possible that alien beings travel billions of miles to amuse themselves by planting crop circles in Wiltshire or frightening the daylight out of some poor guy in a pickup truck on a lonely road in Arizona, but it does seem unlikely.

If your engineers know nothing about basic security tenets, common security bug types, basic security design, there really is no reasonable change that they will produce secure software. We say this because on average, software engineers know very little about software security. By security, we don't mean understanding security features; we mean understanding what it takes to build and delive secure features.

"All cosmologists know that sun is fueled by fusion fire. What most cosmologists don't know is that only the innermost heart of the sun is fusion reactor. The rest of it is special effects..."

The reasons for this collective failure of the Web development community are many and varied:
- We underestimated the target that Web servers would become
- We rushed too quickly into Web development, forgetting the lessons we had learned from traditional software development projects
- We forgot that the Web is different

The first, and most important ability you can develop in a flat world is the ability to "learn how to learn" - to constantly absorb, and teach yourself, new ways of doing old things or new ways of doing new things.

This is why we fight wars, we humans, he thought; this is why we play this game with the highest of stakes: not for profit, or power, or territory, but for this intense pleasure. Kipling is right: war is fun. It is the dark secret of our kind.

Siniset meret tarkoittavat kaikkia niitä aloja, joita ei vielä ole olemassa; ne ovat tuntemattomia markkinoita.

Sinisille merille ovat ominaisia hyödyntämätön markkinatila, kysynnän aikaansaaminen ja erittäin kannattavan kasvun mahdollisuudet.

You can't hold firewalls and intrusion detection systems accountable. You can only hold people accountable.

Poker is not a game of cards played with money. Poker is a game of money played with cards.

Pokerissa voittamisessa on kyse vain kahdesta asiasta:
1) pistä voittava käsi tienaamaan, ja
2) pistä häviävä käsi voittamaan

Jos pelaa pokeria voittaakseen rahaa, ei pidä haaskata aikaansa hyviin vastustajiin. Voittamalla hyviä pelaajia saat paljon mainetta ja kunnioitusta, mutta vähän mammonaa. Voittamalla heikkoja vastustajia saat vähän mainetta mutta paljon mammonaa.

Jos katsot ympärillesi etkä näe yhtään hölmöä, se olet luultavasti sinä.

"There are three things, and three things only, that can lift the pain of mortality and ease the ravages of life," said Spider. "These things are wine, women and song."

We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are.

Red Hammernut was not a complicated or ruminative person; he was a pragmatist and a fixer and a kicker of asses. He didn't believe in fate or karma or the fortuitous alignment of the constellations. If a tide of bad shit was rolling his way, it meant that somebody down the line has fucked up.

My psychiatrist at the time, Dr. Janet Kim, offered the suggestion that I was "not myself" during this period, and has hinted that "perhaps" drugs and alcohol were "key factors" in what was a "delusional state".

That which is not understood in life is often mistrusted, and there is no reason that information security should be an exception to that rule.

Layer 1 security is rarely an issue on wired networks, but it should always be investigated first on wireless nets.

Use a technolgy which the engineer has developed, but use it with a humble and questioning spirit. Never allow technology to be your master, and never use it to gain mastery over others.

"You don't need to watch everyone if everyone believes they're being watched. Punishment isn't necessary, but the inevitability of punishment has to be programmed into the brain."

"Given all that I've seen, the only possible explanation is that you're a time traveller."
"Ah," Auger said. "That's the problem, you see. I mean, time travel is definitely involved here, but not in quite the way you're thinking."
"It isn't?"
"No. But you're half right. You see, one of the two people in this ship is a time traveller. And it isn't me. Do you want me to carry on?"

Security is an emergent property of a software system. A security problem is more likely to arise because of a problem in a system's standard-issue part (say, the interface to the database module) than in some given security feature.

One cautionary note precedes all others, however, when it comes to security equipment - especially the 'high-tech' variety. Most security equipment salespeople carry business cards identifying them as 'security consultants'. Most of them are not. Salespeople have one interest - to sell you the equipment their company manufactures. If it makes CCTV systems, don't expect them to tell you that what you need is a new alarm system or new gates. You will be told that what you need is CCTV, and that their company is the market leader.

Työyhteisön pitkittyneissä ongelmatilanteisa ihmiset usein tietävät, että jotakin pitäisi tehdä, mutta kukaan ei ota tehtäväkseen tilanteen korjaamista. Syynä on se, että vallitsevien ongelmien kanssa on kuitenkin totuttu elämään ja siksi oletetaan, että niiden kanssa jotenkin selvitään jatkossakin tyytymättömyydestä huolimatta. Sen sijaan ongelmiin tarttuminen nostaa pintaan monenlaisia pelkoja siitä, millaista mielipahaa tai harmia epäkohtien käsittely saattaisi aikaansaada. Siksi työyhteisö kokee turvallisemmaksi pysyä ongelmallisessa mutta tutussa tilanteessa kuin ottaa riski, että saavutettu tasapaino horjuu.

Teksti oli kuin aikakapseli suoraan kristinuskon syntyajalta. Ikämääritys oli lahjomaton. Saara tunsi sisällään täydellisen varmuuden. Tuomaan evankeliumi oli vanhin teksti, ja se oli säilynyt koskemattomana - toisin kuin Uuden testamentin evankeliumit, joita kirkko oli moneen kertaan toimittanut.
Juuri tässä oli yksi syy siihen, miksi kirkko ei ollut tahtonut hyväksyä Tuomaan evankeliumia: siihen kirjatuissa Jeesuksen sanoissa nimenomaan painotetaan, ettei ihmisen tule antaa henkistä ohjaustaan kenenkään ulkopuolisen käsiin.

One of the video camera images caught her eye - a well-heeled fellow walked into the café, ID badge and proxy access card dangling jauntily from his lapel, an proclaiming him an employee of a large nearby investment firm. Natasha zoomed in with the camera, captured the image on the badge, entered it into the databanks, and took several shots of the fellow. The Café had a client who'd expressed interest in marks from this particular firm..even if the fellow declined to pay with a credit card or sign up for their regular biometric coffee service, she now had a name and ID number for them. Natasha made a mental note to investigate more closely the possibility of remote proxy card and RFID readers for the staff to use at moment like this - having the ability to read and duplicate the guy's access card would be a valuable bonus to her clients.

That was an important rule of any game: always make it easy for people to give you money.

The averaging gets to be a problem. I think the single biggest problem afflicting large companies is the difficulty of assigning value to each person's work. For the most part they punt. In a big company you get paid a fairly predictable salary for working fairly hard. You're expected not to be obviously incompetent or lazy, but you're not excpected to devote your whole life to your work.
Companies are not set up to reward people, who want to do this [work harder]. You can't go to your boss and say, I'd like to start working ten times as hard, so will you please pay me ten times as much? For one thing, the official fiction is that you are already working as hard as you can. But a more serious problem is that the company has no way of measuring the value of your work.

Salesmen are exception. It's easy to measure how much revenue their generate, and they're usually paid a percentage of it. If a salesman wants to work harder, he can just start doing it, and he will automatically get paid proportionally more.

There is one other job besides sales where big companies can hire first-rate people: in the top-management jobs. And for the same reason: their performance can be measured.

There is thought and there is action. Do not confuse the two. When the time comes to act, your thought must already be complete. There will be no room for it when the action begins.

They were testing programs that would intercept phone messages - the implication was all phone messages - and would analyze conversations for words and phrases that might indicate illegal activity.
"Wouldn't a terrorist talk in code?"
"I don't know, a lot of them are kinda stupid. Even if it didn't work on terrorists, if they got this set up, it sure would let them fuck with everybody else."

Valveutuneen riskienhallinnan avulla yritys kykenee toimimaan tavanomaisista poikkeavissa tilanteissa. Hyvin laaditut strategiatkaan eivät auta, jos yritys on laiminlyönyt toimintojen jatkuvuuden varmistamisen. Riskienhallinta vaatii pitkäaikaista panostusta, ja riskikysymyksiä on sitouduttava hoitamaan huoellisesti ja kärsivällisesti vuodesta toiseen.

Viestintä on hyvin satunnainen tapahtuma, jossa vastaanottaja viime kädessä antaa sanomalle merkityksen, teki lähettäjä mitä tahansa.

"It's a very simple plan, gentlemen. It's a question of who kills him."

As a purist whose primary is to make your system secure, you might not be willing to give up a single security feature in favor of any other. But with such an outlook you are likely to fail: others will treat you as a security fanatic who is ignorant of what it means to build a practical system. By being adamant about security to the detriment of other features, you will lose most arguments over system design alternatives, and the system you are trying to influence will probably end up with few meaningful security capabilities. You are more likely to succeed in your goal of establishing a secure system if you remain pragmatic, keeping the primary goals of the system in mind and compromising on nonessential points at appropriate times.

One question people frequently ask me is, "What percent of my budget should be allocated to security?" I really hate that question, because it demonstrates an ignorance of risk. A security program budget should be determined by examining where your security program needs to be, where you are now, and then how you will get to where you need to be.

Most hackers are not technically adept. It is no more reasonable to consider a hacker a computer genius than it is to call a teenager holding a gun a master criminal. Both demonstrate the ability to find the tools of their craft and the willingness to use them. This is hardly genius.

Although it is important for an awareness program to ensure that the right things are covered, the critical success factor for an awareness program is the delivery methods. The advice must be simple. It must be made personal. The awareness program must be ongoing and almost ubiquitous to the day-to-day operations. Advice is generally plentiful and useless. Advice that is realistic, understandable, actionable, and repeated is useful.

Jo TERAn aulassa näkyi asenne, joka yksikön luoneilla veteraaneilla oli: ei sormenjälki-, silmänpohja-, tai iiristunnistimia eikä sirukortteja, vaan ihminen, joka tunsi pienen yksikön jokaisen työntekijän.

Landon looked in amazement. One of the free fallers, an obese woman, maneuvered toward the window. She was being buffeted by the air currents but grinned and flashed Langdon the thumbs-up sign. Langdon smiled weakly and returned the gesture, wondering if she knew it was the ancient phallic symbol for masculine virility.

"We used to have saying, ´It's not the heat...´"
"´'s the humidity.´"
"We'd never say anything that stupid," Andreno said.
"We used to say, it's not the heat, it's the assholes. Goddamn hot nights, no air-conditioning, what are you gonna do? You're are gonna whack the old lady around, that's what. You get nights like this one's gonna be, there'll be people smacking people all over town."
"Maybe you oughta provide air-conditioning as a public service," Lucas suggested.
"It'd be a plan," Andreno said, seriously. "It'd stop more bullshit than a lot of other plans."

"Do you really think we can afford to have the developing world develop? You think we could have survived the rise of a modern, articulated Chinese superpower twenty years ago? You think we could manage an Africa full of countries run by intelligent, uncorrupted democrats? Or a Latin America run by men like Barranco? Just imagine it for a moment. Whole populations getting educated, and healthy, and secure, and aspirational. Women's rights, for Christ's sake. We can't afford these things to happen, Chris. Who's going to soak up our subsidised food surplus for us? Who's going to make our shoes and shirts? Who's going to supply us with cheap labour and cheap raw material? Who's going to store our nuclear waste, balance out our CO2 misdemeanours? Who's going to buy our arms?"

I walked into this classroom full of law enforcement officers and said, "Do you guys recognize any of these names?" I read off a list of the names. One federal officer explained, "Those are judges in the U.S. District Court in Seattle." And I said, "Well, I have a password file here with 26 passwords cracked." Those federal officers about turned green.

When implemented properly, SETUP attacks give the manufacturer your private keys in such a way that you cannot detect the transgression without reverse engineering the card. In the case of RSA, for example, by virtue of publishing your public key you are giving your corresponding private key to the manufacturer when the manufacturer implements the malicious key generation algorithm. Given the current state of industry standards there is little reason to trust any smart card whatsoever unless you trust the manufacturer entirely. As PKI takes root, the potential payoff for a company that carries out a SETUP attack will only increase.

As far as solving cases went, shaking down suspects to give up other suspects worked better than ballistics and forensics every time.

"Fire you?" Meacham looked as if I'd said something in Serbo-Croatian. "You think I'm talking about firing you? You're a smart guy, you're good at computers and math, you can add, right? So maybe you can add up these numbers. Embezzling funds, that gets you five years of imprisonment and a two-hundred-fifty-thousand-dollar fine. Wire fraud and mail fraud, that's another five years in prison, but wait - if the fraud affects a financial institution - and lucky you, you fucked with our bank and the recipient bank, your lucky day, you little shit - that brings it up to thirty years in prison and a one-million-dollar fine. you tracking? What's that, thirty-five years in prison? And we haven't even got into forgery and computer crimes, gathering information in a protected computer to steal data, that'll get you anywhere from one year to twenty years in prison and more fines. So what have we got so far, forty, fifty, fifty-five years in prison? You're twenty-six now, you'll be, let's see, eighty-one when you get out."

The suit looks at him, annoyed that he is interrupted in his wonderful promotion-supporting presentation. "What exactly do you mean?" he asks back. "Well," Dizzy says, "let's just for a moment assume that someone broke into the WGate system. What open ports would he see to the AGate box and what protocols will run there?" The question hangs in the room for a moment, then the head of the suit consulting team, probably thirty-something years old and the living incarnation of Barbie's Ken says, "Let's try to not get sidetracked here. The SAP ITS communication architecture is used by many important customers and there have never been any problems with it. And additionally, we already placed a firewall between the two systems. So I don't see how these technical details would help us in the current context. We can provide you with the documentation for the product if you are not familiar with it."

On paradoksi, että ne jotka eniten pelkäävät muutoksen haittapuolia, joutuvat ennen pitkää kokemaan juuri muutoksen haittapuolet.

"Oh, it was quite straightforward once I started thinking about it," said Blouse. "It was excatly the same when I had to redesign the department's filing system, you see. People build something that works. Then circumstances change, and they have to tinker with it to make it continue to work, and they are so busy tinkering, that they cannot see that a much better idea would be to build a whole new system to deal with new circumstances. But to an outsider, the idea is obvious."

"I mean, people don't have drug-dealers any more, or psychoanalysts - they have brokers. At least with getting high or being in analysis, it was about you - you were the subject, to be mangled or untangled or whatever - but playing the markets is like surrendering yourself to this vast, impersonal system. It just generates and then feeds off...greed..and it's not as if it's your own individual greed either, it's the same greed as everyone else's. You ever been to Vegas, Mr Spinola? Ever seen those big rooms with the rows and rows of slot machines? Acres of them? I think the stock market today is like that - all these sad, desperate people planted in front of machines just dreaming of the big score they're going to make."

Mikään kriisi ei ole niin vaikea, ettei sitä voisi epäonnistuneella salaamisella vielä pahentaa.

"I am leading to the notion of social control, Peter. To the requirement of every sovereign state to exert control over the behaviour ot its citizens, to keep them orderly and reasonably docile. To keep them driving on the right side of the road - or the left, as the case may be. To keep them paying taxes. And of course we know that social control is best managed through fear."

Generally, as out society relies more on having Internet communications ubiquitously available, the motivations for selectively disrupting them will increase. In the future, the preferred elementary school student excuse for not having completed an assignment might switch from "the dog ate my network" to "DDoS took down the class Web site."

There is a fundamental flaw with the approach that most organizations adopt when it comes to practicing information security. Our natural tendency is to treat information security like  we do many of our other technical practices; throw a lot of money, a handful of technologies, and a lineup of gurus in for a few weeks and then wait for an ending whistle to blow and a nice pie chart to print out. Unfortunately, this is not the way security works.

"You have a lot of faith in your [virus] checker," Violet said, "for a product with buffer-overrun issues."

Lääkkeet, pankkikortti ja matkapuhelin. Niillä pärjää.

Intelligence is nothing more than discussing things with others. Limitless wisdom comes from this. Humanity is something done for the sake of others, simply comparing oneself with them and putting them in the fore. Courage is gritting one's teeth; it is simply doing that and pushing ahead, paying no attention to the circumstances. Anything that seems above these three is not necessary to be known.

Kaikkien aikojen mahtavin imperiumi raiskasi meitä moraalisesti mutta kun aloimme vaatia säännöllisistä raiskauksista säännöllistä korvausta, se ei enää ollut raiskausta vaan maailman vanhimman ammatin harjoittamista valtiotasolla. Me tarjosimme päiväkahvia ja kyllä me otimme pullaa.
Ostakaa meiltä viisi miljoonaa taskutonta toppatakkia.
Ostakaa meiltä jäänmurtajia.
Ostakaa meiltä kombinaatteja.
Ostakaa meiltä koneita ja laitteita.
Ostakaa meiltä vehkeitä ja vekottimia ettei näyttäisi siltä kuin myisimme itsenäisyyttämme.
Ryssä pysähtyi kesällä 1944 Kannakselle, mutta sen varjo jatkoi matkaa ja peitti koko maan.

A good threat model cannot be created by simply brainstorming an adversary's possible intentions. Creating a good threat model requires a more systematic approach. Threats must be determined not by revelations or luck, but by understanding the application's entry points, assets of interest, and requisite trust levels.

If you're winnin', never quit. If you're losin', never quit. If you're hurt, never quit.

Since it is logistically impossible to expect everything, we will teach you not to expect anything. That way, you will be ready for it.

Because attacks are becoming more sophisticated, the notion of what kind of vulnerabilities actually matter is constantly changing. Timing attacks are now common, whereas only a few years ago they were considered exotic. Similarly, two-stage buffer overflow attacks involving the use of trampolines were once the domain of software scientists, but are now used in 0day exploits.

Rather than being reactive, "playing the hand of cards they are dealt," DR planners will need to become more proactive in their efforts. They will need to begin to interact with application architects on an ongoing basis and to begin addressing the recoverability of applications, storage, and IT infrastructure while they are still in their initial design phases. DR planning can no longer be conceived as a "bolt on" or an afterthought: it must become an integral part of systems development.

Perusoikeudet velvoittavat ennen kaikkea lainsäätäjää, eli valtion on huolehdittava lainsäädäntötoimin siitä, että perustuslaissa taatut oikeudet toteutuvat eri elämänalueilla. Lisäksi perusoikeudet on otettava huomioon käytännön hallinnossa ja tuomioistuintoiminnassa. Perusoikeuksilla on siten ollut merkitystä erityisesti julkisen vallan ja yksilön välisissä suhteissa. Tätä kutsutaan perusoikeuksien vertikaalivaikutukseksi.

Vertikaalivaikutusten lisäksi perusoikeuksilla katsotaan olevan horisontaalivaikutus, eli niillä on merkitystä myös yksilöiden keskinäisissä suhteissa. Horisontaalivaikutus voi tulla esiin esimerkiksi yksityisen työntekijän ja työnantajan välisessä oikeussuhteessa. Horisontaalivaikutuksen käytännön merkitys ei kuitenkaan ole osoitettavissa selvästi. Se voi periaatteessa olla välitöntä, jolloin yksilö voi vedota tuomioistuimessa suoraan perustuslain mukaisiin oikeuksiinsa ilman alemmanasteisen lainsäädännön välitystä. Välillinen horisontaalivaikutus taas tarkoittaa sitä, että perusoikeuksiin ei voi vedota suoraan, mutta tavallista lakia sovellettaessa on otettava huomioon perusoikeuksien olemassaolo. Välillinen horisontaalivaikutus vaikuttaa esimerkiksi tavallisen lain tulkintaan, ja tämän ajattelutavan mukaan laki saa sisältöä perusoikeuksista.

Suomen perusoikeusuudistuksessa on lähdetty siitä, että perusoikeuksilla on tietty horisontaalivaikutus, mutta yleensä se on välillistä. Yksilö ei näin ollen voisi vedota tuomioistuimessa suoraan ja pelkästään perustuslain mukaisiin oikeuksiinsa.

Security personnel for politicians never understood the situation, and they hated that fact. They were hired guns, kept in the dark, never sure whether to stand firm in their orders or risk losing their jobs by mule-headely ignoring some obvious crisis.

"Gentlemen, not only does the face of Mona Lisa look androgynous, but her name is an anagram of the divine union of male and female. And that, my friends, is Da Vinci's little secret, and the reason for Mona Lisa's knowing smile."

RBAC is more general than either MAC or DAC. Unlike MAC, which was designed to prevent unauthorized information flow, RBAC is policy-independent, meaning that it can support a variety of policies.

The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it.

Alä koskaan anna kahta nuolta aloittelijalle. Jos hänelle antaa kaksi nuolta, tulee hänen mielessään aina olemaan ajatus, että hänellä on vielä varanuoli...

"So who were the guys that grabbed me in the parking lot? Mister Wood and Mister Stone? Who were they?"
Wednesday grunted. "Just spooks. Members of opposition. Black hats."
"I think," said Shadow, "that they think they're the white hats."
"Of course they do. There's never been a true war that wasn't fought between two sets of people who were certain they were in right. The really dangerous people believe that they are doing whatever they are doing solely and only because it is without question the right thing to do. And that is what makes them dangerous."

- Kuolema on varjo, josta emme koskaan pääse eroon. jonakin päivänä tuo varjo muuttuu villieläimeksi, jota emme enää pysty pitämään poissa kimpustamme.
- Toivon, että paranen.
- Jos ette parane, niin suosittelen Bachia. Se on ainut lääke, josta on jotain apua. Siitä saa lohdutusta, hitusen kivunlievitystä, tietyn määrän rohkeutta.

You realize that the important parts of culture are essentially invisible. Culture at this deeper level can be thought of as the shared mental model that the members of an organization hold and take for granted. They cannot readily tell you what their culture is, any more than fish, if they could talk, could tell you what water is.

See, there was the hard way to do things and there was the easy way. The hard way looked good at the time; in fact, it looked like the only way. But it upset your stomach and could break your knuckles. It produces blind spots that could mess you up and cause pain, not to mention losing your ass. The easy way required thinking and remaining cool. Not standing-around cool, but authentic genuine cool. Cool when you wanted to smash something or break down a door. No, hold it right there. Think how to do it the easy way. Then turn the knob gently and the door opens.

To be somebody or to do something. In life there is often a roll call. that's when you will have to make a decision. To be or to do? Which way will you go?

U.N. law governing transfer and ownership of war viruses was clear to the point of bluntness. Inert viral forms could be owned as subjects for study, or even, as one bizarre test case had proved, private trophies. Ownership or sale of an active military virus, or the codes whereby a dormant virus could be activated, was a U.N. indictable offense, punishable with anything between a hundred and two hundred years storage. In the event of the virus actually being deployed, the sentence could be upped to erasure. Naturally these penalties were applicable only to private citizens, not military commanders or govenment executives. The powerful are jealous of their toys.

Information is a product. You can buy it, trick someone out of it, extort it. Muscle it over to your side of the table...even dig for it yourself. But there's no Consumer Reports for the product. You don't always get what you pay for. You have to put it together, piece by piece, always testing the next chunk against what you've got so far. One little flaw in the logic chain, and the gun doesn't fire. Or it blows up in your hand.

The maddog left the recorder's office an walked through another glorious fall day to the library, to the crime section, and began pulling out confessional books by burglars. They were intended, their authors said, to help homeowners protect their property.

From a different perspective, they were also a short course in burglary. He has studied a couple of them before he went into Carla Ruiz' studio. They helped. The maddog believed in libraries.

"And you learned?"

"What breeds respect. Not to walk away from a fight. Take a beating if you have to, but a beating's never as bad as the feeling of shame you get when you back off."

"That's your youth talking right there," said Strange. "One day you're gonna learn, it's all right to walk away."

Similar to software debugging, reverse engineering by definition goes in reverse. In other words, you must be able to think backward. Zen meditation skills will serve you better than many years of formal education training. If you are good at solving verbal brain-teaser riddles on long trips with friends, you will be probably good at RCE. In fact, master reverses like +Fravia recommend cracking while intoxicated with a mixture of strong alcoholic beverages. While for health reasons we cannot recommend this method, you may find that a relaxing cup of hot tea unwinds your mind and allows you to think in revers.

Nick Naylor had been called many things since becoming chief skokesman for the Academy of Tobacco Studies, but until now no one had actually compared him to Satan.

Little did I care. I was telling the truth and damning the consequences. I was a local hero. Subscriptions jumped to almost three thousand. Ad revenue doubled. Not only was I shining a new ligh into the county, I was making money at the same time.

Intelligence gathering had never been easier. Codes intercepted by the NSA entered TRANSLTR as totally illegible ciphers and were spit out minutes later as perfectly readable cleartext. No more secrets.

I guess it would even be possible to knock the server down just by visiting http://payment.example/default.asp?id=3;SHUTDOWN  (Hey, don't do it!)

Individuals, as we've seen, don't care much about privacy in the aggregate at all: Faced with a choice between privacy and exposure, many people would rather be exposed than be private, because the crowd demands no less. Concerned mainly about controlling the conditions of their own exposure, many people are only too happy to reveal themselves promiscuously if they have the illusion of control.

Lyhyesti sanottuna ihmisen elämä on kriisistä toiseen etenevää matkaa. Aivan kuin olisitte tivolin kummitusjunassa seisaallanne ja selkä menosuuntaan: näette vain menneen ja tämän hetken ettekä koskaan tiedä, milloin iskette takaraivonne seuraavaan kattoparruun. Mutta varmasti iskette. Sellaista on elämä.

At the core of the design in the superworm is the use of an anonymous Chord network. Through the use of the Chord system, each node in the network can be reached by any other node at a maximum of O (log N) hops. Furthermore, any node only has to keep track of O (log N) of its peers. For a network of 10 million nodes, a maximum distance of 23 hops separates any two nodes or entries in its host table. The dramatic reduction in the network view for any node immediately assists in the scaling of the worm network for a fully connected system.

A security pattern describes a particular recurring security problem that arises in a specific security context and presents a well-proven generic scheme for a security solution.

Monessa liemessä keitetty: Positiivinen ilmaus henkilöstä, jonka elämänkokemus on karttunut monissa ammateissa. Executive product program manager, joka on työskennellyt viiden viime vuoden aikana viidessä työpaikassa, on monessa liemessä keitetty. Siivousteknikko, jolla on samassa ajassa yhtä monta työnantajaa, on tiimityöskentelyyn sopeutumaton tulevaisuuden syrjäytyjä. Sanonnan gastronomisesta ilmiasusta huolimatta elintarvikealalla ei tunneta useammassa liemessä keittämistä.

"I can't believe she'd kill her husband for money. She seemed so devoted to him."

"Sean, for you all intelligence and sophistication, sweetie, you really know shit about women."

That was always the dream, wasn't it? I wish I'd known then what I know now? But when you got older you found out that you now wasn't you then. You then was a twerp. You then was what you had to be to start out on the rocky road of becoming you now, and one of the rocky patches on that road was being a twerp.

Phrenology, as everyone knows, is a way of reading someone's character, aptitude and abilities by examining the bumps and hollows on their head. Therefore - according to the kind of logical thinking that characterizes the Ankh-Morpok mind - it should be possible to mould someone's character by giving them carefully graded bumps in all the right places. You can go into a shop and order an artistic temperament with a tendency to introspection and side order of hysteria. What you actually get is hit on the head with the selection of diferent size mallets, but it creates employment and keeps the money in circulation, and that's the main thing.

If you want to spend your time "putting out fires," do it right - join the fire department because you will not be a successful ISSO.

Kaiken kaikkiaan Sonera on varoittava esimerkki siitä, mitä tapahtuu, kun omistajaohjaus ontuu ja sisäinen hallinto romahtaa. Pörssiyhtiölle valtio-omistus on edelleen riski. Kun ministeri vaihtuu, yhtiön strategia voi vaihtua sen mukana. Politiikka ja populismi alkavat ohjata yhtiön käyttäytymistä, kuten Soneran optiopäätös ja päätöksen peruminen keväällää 2001 osoittavat.

Moottorit ovat esimerkiksi miehisiä....Mutta voiko mies ommella ompelukoneella? Vispata kermaa sähkövatkaimella? Lypsää lehmiä lypsykoneella? Tai tyhjentää astioita pesukoneesta? Voiko tosimies imuroida autonsa ja silti säilyttää kasvonsa. Siinäpä teille muutama kysymys pohdittavaksi.

It's strange how hacker's mind work. You might think that white hat hackers would be on one end of the spectrum and black hat hackers on the other. On the contrary, they are both at the same end of the spectrum, with the rest of the world on the other end. There really is no difference between responsible hacking and evil hacking. Either way, it's hacking. The only difference is the content. Perhaps that's why it's so natural for a black hat to go white, and why it's so easy for a white hat to go black. The line between the two is fine, mostly defined by ethics and law. To the hacker, ethics and laws have holes, just like anything else.

What the journalists don't understand is that, given a slightly different set of chilhood influences, hackers would be wearing rubber forehead prostheses and talking Klingon at Start Trek conventions. They're just immature, poorly socialized punks; they are not a military or social threat to the world order.

When the new U.S. Embassy building in Moscow was being constructed in the 1980s, Navy Seabees (construction specialists) were brought in to monitor the movements of the Russian workers, some of whom were thought to be KGB spies. One Seabee considered himself an expert in the field of espionage - after all, he'd read nearly every James Bond novel. He suggested to his fellow Seabees that each day, while they were working at the embassy site, the KGB was entering their hotel rooms and searching their luggage. So the clever Seabee devised a trap: He rigged a piece of luggage with a can of shaving cream that would discharge on the person attempting an unauthorized opening.

At the conclusion of work that day, he and his colleagues rushed back to his room to see if the trap had worked. And it had. The suitcase was partially open, and shaving cream was all over the place. While congratulating himself for outwitting the KGB, the Seabee detected an odd odor. He opened the luggage and discovered that someone had defecated on his packed clothes. Moral of the story: Never claim to know spy shit unless you really do.

Snort is dependent on libpcap to be portable to almost every OS. Libpcap is a great sniffing library, but it was never intended to acquire traffic beyond a saturated 100 Mb pipe. Snort really starts to gasp for air above 100 Mb, even with Barnyard installed.

Muori virnisti. "Sekin on eräänlaista magiaa."

"Mitä, asioiden tietäminen vai?"

"Sellaisten asioiden, mitä toiset ihmiset eivät tiedä."

When the technology is changing beneath your feet daily, there is not much point in hiring for a specific, soon-to-be-obsolete set of skills. You have to try to hire for a general problem-solving capacity, however difficult that may be.

Five pirates on an island have one hundred gold coins to split among themselves. They divide the loot as follows: The senior pirate proposes a division, and everyone votes on it. Provided at least half the pirates vote for the proposal, they split the coins that way. If not, they kill the senior pirate and start over. The most senior (surviving) pirate proposes his own division plan, and they vote by the same rule and either divide the loot of kill the senior pirate, as the case may be. The process continues until one plan is accepted. Suppose you are the senior pirate. What division do you propose? (The pirates are all extremely logical and greedy, and all want to live.)

Suomessa tehtiin maailman ensimmäinen graafinen web-selain, Erwise.

Erwise oli suomalaisen tietoyhteiskuntakehityksen käännekohta. Se tehtiin TKK:n opiskelijatyönä hypertekstin selaamiseen. Sitten se heitettiin roskiin. Kenellekään ei tullut mieleen tuotteistaa järjestelmää. Erwisen demossa kerrottiin, että "World Wide Web on työkaluohjelmisto, jonka avulla on mahdollista toteuttaa sähköinen tietosanakirja".

Web Services change the risk levels associated with deploying software because of the increased ability to access data, and as a consequence, security is becoming an important design issue for any e-business software component.

Critical security vulnerabilities can often result not from coding or design mistakes, but merely from unanticipated interactions between system elements that by themselves are neither unsecure nor badly engineered.

As a bridge-playing expert that we know observed after a disastrous tournament result, "No one made any mistakes. Only the result was ridiculous."

Nokia spends about a hundred times more money per phone on battery security than on communications security. The security system senses when a consumer uses a third-party battery and switches the phone into maximum power-consumption mode; the point is to ensure that consumers buy only Nokia batteries. Nokia is prepared to spend a considerable amount of money solving a security problem it perceives - it loses revenue if customers buy batteries from someone else - even thought that solution is detrimential to consumers. Nokia is much less willing to make trade-offs for a security problem that consumers have.

"You know, Kidd, you told me once that revenge doesn't make any sense, because the dead guy won't know what you're doing and won't care, because he's dead. So what I'm wondering is, What are we doing?. Jack won't know and Jack won't care."

Though the intent of the Movie [War Games] was to warn audiences across North America that crackers could break into any computer system, as the 414-gang had, many viewers walked away from the film perceiving that attractive youg women could actually become attracted to previously ignored computer geeks.

In the world of computers, he was Zyklon, the aggressive "cracker" named after a poison gas, who had the skill to break into the Web sites of movie studios, universities, and even the Chinese government.
But on the other side of the monitor - according to federal prosecutors-Zyklon was really Eric Burns, a lanky, shy 19-year-old, a former student at Shorewood High School with few friends, several run-ins with the law, and an unhealthy obsession with a woman who didn't know anything about him.

He had some classes with her and she was dating someone else and he would tell you how much he loved her on these sites. One of his friends showed her [what he'd done] and I don't think she liked it very much. I don't think many high school girls are impressed with someone hacking a Web site in their name...Flowers and a poem might have gotten the job done better.

Jälleen yksi opetus, hän sanoi.  - Vaikka asiat suunnittelisi kuinka hyvin, aina tapahtuu jotain yllättävää. Mutta juuri siksi tarkka suunitelma on välttämätön. Jos sellainen on olemassa, niin on olemassa myös improvisoinnin mahdollisuus. Jos asiat eivät ole järjetyksessä, yllätykset aiheuttavat vain kaaosta ja sekaannusta.

Security has discovered an extra bag and was now determined to match it with a passanger - a primitive, yet effective deterrent to nonsuicidal bombers. Simon chukled to himself - in the hightech world of computers, X-ray scanners, and bomb-sniffing machines, the ultimate safety measure came down to each passanger having to step forward, stick out a finger, and point.

Solutions nearly always come from the direction you least expect, which means there's no point trying to look in that direction because it won't be coming from there.

The Master said, 'To lead uninstructed people to war, is to throw them away.'

'I always hate having to do that,' Palloid muttered. 'Goddam lawyers.'

'Signatures can be forged, Pal. Same with fingerprints, cryptociphers, and retinal scans. But a soul-seal is unique.'

"Look, that's why there's rules, understand? So that you think before you break 'em." 
-- Lu-Tze

Turner showed him how to press his palm against a glass pad and stare into a retinal scanner. "It knows you", Turner said. "Better still, it likes you."

"Thank god," Dicken said

"Security is god here," Turner said. "The atomic age was a firecracker compared with what's on the other side of that door."

Without numbers, there are no odds and no probabilities; without odds and probabilities, the only way to deal with risk is to appeal to the gods and the fates. Without numbers, risk is wholly a matter of gut.

Traditional bugs are found by looking for behaviors that don't work as specified. Security bugs are found by ignoring the specifications and looking instead at additional behaviors, their side effects, and the implications of interactions between the software and its environment.

The battle analogy is a useful way to think about software testing. A good wartime general can get into the mind of his enemy, understand what capabilities the enemy possesses, and create ways of disrupting those capabilities.

There is a misguided belief in the market that people who can break into systems are also the people who can secure them. Hence, there a lot of would-be consultants who believe that they need some trophies mounted on their wall for people to take them seriously. You don't want your product to be a head on someone's wall!

There has been a gradual paradigm shift in the way security is viewed, from one of risk to reward.

Buffer overflow problems have been known for 40 years. Perfectly good solutions to avoid them have been available for the same amount of time. Some of the earliest high-level programming languages, such as Algol 60, completely solved the problem by introducing mandatory array bounds checking. Even so, buffer overflows cause about half of the security problems on the Internet. And still people refuse to banish them by using better tools. We consider this criminal negligence. It is comparable to a car manufacturer making the gas tank out of waxed paper. Sure, if everything goes right, there's no problem, but we'd throw the CEO into jail all the same. For some reason, large part of our IT industry act as if they were not responsible for the consequences of their actions. With this prevailing attitude, we sometimes wonder whether it's worth attempting something as advanced as cryptography at all.

Because the XMLDSIG standard provides a very flexible digital signature mechanism, there are lots of ways to misuse it and produce insecure or misleading results.

Luotettavuus, toimintavarmuus on määritelty "kohteen kykynä pystyä suorittamaan vaaditut toiminnat määritellyissä olosuhteissa ja määrättynä ajanjaksona. Teknologian alue, joka pyrkii paikallistamaan kohteen viat ja löytämään keinoja niiden eliminoimiseksi".

Delivery on a new Gulfstream 5 would be a minimum of twenty-two months, probably more, but the delay was not the biggest obstacle. The current price tag was $44 million, fully loaded, of course, with all the latest gadgets and toys.

They (Arkan, Basaev, Catli) all began with back-alley shooting and ended up in economics. This is the natural career arc of a modern warlord. Sooner or later he comes to realize that true domination is about the money and not about the guns. Because money will get you guns much more easily than guns will ever get you money. Some dealt drugs, some dealt arms, but all three of them dealt in oil. Drugs are toxic, and arms often more trouble than they are worth. But no modern society can exist without oil.

In the world's black markets, the dieselashi is king. Even the squeamish Americans will climb out of their Stealth planes and risk a bloody land war for the black gold of the oil fields. For both the New World Order and the New World Disorder, oil is the number one source of global insecurity. Without question, oil is the most dangerous contraband in the world.

The challenge is to ensure that the firewall rules are in sync with the Web Services themselves - and it seems obvious that UDDI and WDSL should be used for this purpose.

The next challenge is to ensure that only permitted traffic travels out of the network to third-party Web Services.

A fact about JAR files that many developers don't know is that they can also be used for security purposes, both allowing code to be signed and by allowing the packages they contain to be sealed.

When Hans Kruuk studied hyenas in the Serengeti, he found that putting paint on an animal quaranteed it would be killed in the next attack. That was the power of difference.

So the message was simple. Stay together. Stay the same.

She knows, now, absolutely, hearing the white noise that is London, that Damien's theory of jet lag is correct: that her mortal soul is leagues behind her, being reeled in on some ghostly umbilical down the vanished wake of the plane that brought her here, hundreds of thousands of feet above Atlantic. Souls can't move quickly, and are left behind, and must be awaited, upon arrival, like lost luggage.

There are many things experts can see that are invisible to everyone else:

There are two guidelines for a reliable alerting mechanism: Keep it simple, and keep it redundant. Keeping alerts simple means to use known, stable technology that consistently works. Yes, it would be great to have XML-based alerting mechanism that tunnel over the Internet, using SSL for encryption and certificate keys for authentication. Then these alerting mechanisms would upload into an interactive database that calls a user's home phone number and in a computer-generated voice explains the situation to the security administration. While highly secure and functional, would it work? The more complexity and pieces you add to the process, the more likely something will break down somewhere.

There's a fine line between healthy mistrust of humanity and outright paranoia. It's perfectly okay to think that Microsoft is cloning huge attack dogs to further its goal of total global domination, but you don't want to say it out loud. Then, when the dogs attack, and you're the only one wearing Kevlar underpants, you'll have the last laugh.

They say a lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on.

He watched Lamar move slowly through the courtyard, not too fast like he was scared, chin level, squared up. Strange thinking, You learned early, Lamar, and well. To know how to walk in a place like this was a key, a basic tool for survival. Your body language showed fear, you weren't nothin' but prey.

Finally Brian spoke. "Why didn't you say something when I sent that email with the product specs and source code?"

"What email!?"

Brian stiffened. "Oh...shit!"

(see the missing chapter,,1284,56187,00.html

Hunter's First Law: The network is an amplifier

Hunter's Second Law: When everything is known, no one knows everything

Second Corollary: People see only what they want to see, and that's usually what lies on the path of least resistance.

Third Corollary: People mostly see the exceptions: those things at the very bottom, or very top, of any scale.

What a laugh, though. To think that one human being could ever really know another. You could get used to each other, get so habituated that you could speak their words along with them, but you never knew why other people said what they said or did what they did, because they never even knew themselves. Nobody understands nobody.

And yet somehow we live together, mostly in peace, and get things done with a high enough success rate that people keep trying. Human beings get married and a lot of marriages work, and they have children and most of them grow up to be decent people, and they have schools and businesses and factories and farms that have results at some level of acceptability - all without having a clue what's going on inside anybody's head.

Muddling through, that's what human beings do.

Suurin harppaus sitten SIM-korttien käyttöönoton tullaan ottamaan lähivuosina pankkimaailmassa. EMV-standardin käyttöönotto tulee korvaamaan nykyiset magneettijuovat älykorteilla vuoteen 2002 mennessä.

We start confusing quality with elegance, brightness, weight, and other subjective things. Then even those get compared when we talk about good quality, bad quality, high and low quality, and all those things. So far today we've used the word quality fifteen or twenty times, and each meaning has been different. If we're going to have a quality improvement program, we have to agree on what the word means. We don't want an elegance improvement program, do we?

For anyone who has assempled even the most rudimentary Web site, you know this is a daunting task. Faced with the security limitations of existing protocols like HTTP, as well as the ever-accelerating onslaught of new technologies like WebDAV and XML Web Services, the act of designing and implementing a secure Web application can present a challenge of Gordian complexity.

Sekä TSM (Total Safety Management) että TSEM (Total Safety and Environmental Management System)  ovat sellaisenaan ominaisuuksiltaan rajoittuneita soveltumaan joustavasti kokonaisvaltaisen yritysturvallisuusjohtamisen malleiksi...laadunkehittämisen mallit (ISO9000, TQM) kokonaisuutena soveltuvat selkeästi paremmin yritysturvallisuuden johtamisen malliksi kuin perinteiset turvallisuusjohtamisen mallit.

Kun kansalaisten toiminta paljastuu yhä selvemmin valvojille, näiden tulee paljastaa vastaavasti omaa toimintaansa ja sitä, mitä kerätyillä tiedoilla tehdään. Valvonta ei saa johtaa yksipuoliseen kontrolliin, vaan molemminpuolisen avoimuuden lisääntymiseen.

Most software process definitions lump security into the same class as other non-functional system requirements, such as reliability, availability, portability, performance, and testability. Security does not belong within a system in a same manner as these other non-funtional requirements, however, and cannot be treated in a uniform manner.

We believe that this situation is a fundamental cause of many of the difficulties associated with introducing security into a system's architecture.

I imagine one could say: "Why don't you leave me alone?! I want no part of your Internet, of your technological civilization, of your network society! I just want to live my life!"  Well, if this is your position, I have bad news for you. If you do not care about the networks, the networks will care about you, anyway. For as long as you want to live in society, at this time and in this place, you will have to deal with the network society. Beacuse we live in the Internet Galaxy.

Mortlach 16-year-old 43%

Massiivinen tuoksu: lihaisa, savuinen ja nahkainen, siitä löytyy myös mehiläisvahaa, kuivattua luumua ja palo cortado-sherryä. Maku tulvii pitkin kitalakea jättäen jälkeensä parkittua nahkaa, mustaherukkaa ja kriikunaa. Suunnaton. ****

Remember, the enemy's gate is down

A belief in God would demand one hundred percent obsessive devotion, influencing every waking moment of this brief life on earth. But your four billion so-called believers do not live their lives in that fashion, except for a few. The majority believe in the usefulness of their beliefs - an earthly and practical utility - but they don't believe in the underlying reality.

Maybe the hardest game on the planet is convincing a hooker you're not a trick.

If there's no punishment, there's no discipline.

Harri Koponen toimi aiemmin Ericssonin USA:n matkapuhelinmyynnin vice presidenttinä eli hän ei ollut Ericssonin ylimmän johdon jäsen, vaan kuului välijohtoon. Koposella ei ole akateemista loppututkintoa. Markkinat ja asiantuntijat olivat pettyneitä siihen, että Soneran oli pakko tyytyä näin kevyen sarjan toimitusjohtajaan. Koponen on kuitenkin huimasti parempi ratkaisu Soneran toimitusjohtajana kuin Relanderin jatko tehtävässään. Jos Relanderin tilalla Soneraa olisi vuosina 2000–2001 johtanut vaikkapa kummituseläin Papua Uusi Guineasta, olisi Sonera nyt kaikin puolin huimasti paremmassa kunnossa.

Pakkanen on tappanut enemmän suomalaisia kuin sota.

I have also been involved in numerous dot-com companies and high-tech firms throughout the country where nobody but the original programmer ever sees the computer code that gets installed in the final system.

But Hiram, his troubles dismissed, grasped the implications immediately. He glared into the air. "I wonder how many of them are watching us right now?"
Mavens said, "Who?"
"In the future. Don't you see? If he's right this is a turning point in history, this moment, right here and right now, the invention of this, this past viewer. Probably the air around us is fizzing with WormCam viewpoints, sent by future historians. Biographers. Hagiographers."
He lifted up his head and bared his teeth. "Are you watching me? Are you? Do you remember my name? I'm Hiram Patterson! Hah! See what I did, you arseholes!"

And in the corridors of the future, innumerable watchers met his challenging gaze.

There is simply no substitute for applications that employ secure defaults.

The coding cowboy's day is done. There was a time when everyone admired the brilliant programmer who worked in self-imposed isolation, creating powerful functions and elegant user interfaces, ingratiating himself with the user community while ignoring his colleagues and his project manager. He had the panache of a rock star and the vanity of a prima donna. Unfortunately, when he rode off into the sunset his code turned out to be undocumented, unextendable, and unmaintainable.

If death could snatch such heavy hitters as Elvis and JFK, a nobody like me is easy pickings.

Never trust anyone you don't understand.

"Did you get a phone call from someone you love?" Cousins asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Your dead wife?"


"What was your cut?" Ray asked.

"Fifty percent off the top for the lawyers, then expenses, the rest went to the clients. That's the bad part of a contingency contract - you have to give half to the client. Anyway, I had other lawyers to deal with, but I walked away with three hundred million and some change. That's the beauty of mass torts, Ray. Sign 'em up by the truckload, settle 'em by the trainload, take half off the top"

So the Web is moving from what we could call the HTML Web - the Web that Tim Berners-Lee developed to publish information - to what will be a next-generation semantic Web, in which information will still be linked and so forth but won't be intended principally for human consumption. It will be intended and structured for processing by software, and if that happens we'll still call it the Web but it will be based not on HTML but on XML. Still, my guess is that the next big Web will be something more - something that we haven't thought of yet or that Tim Berners-Lee hasn't thought of yet, because that's the way it usually goes on the Web. Surprise, surprise, surprise.


"The Internet was never built for commerce!" they swoon. "The purpose of the Internet was..." - and then they simply make up stuff about what the purpose was, as if it matters what the purpose was at the beginning. It doesn't matter what was, it just matters what is. And what the Internet has proven, despite the inflation and deflation of the dot-com bubble, is the future of commerce.

Bob Metcalfe

An investment is not a statement of who you are. Stocks are simply a way to increase your wealth.

Sivistys, niin kuin sen itse ymmärrän, on ensisijaisesti vapaa-ajan tuote. Sivistyksen taito on siis ennen kaikkea vetelehtimisen taitoa. Se, joka on kaikkein viisaimmin jouten, on kiinalaisesta näkökulmasta kaikkein sivistynein. Kiireen ja viisauden välillä näyttää nimittäin olevan filosofinen ristiriita. Viisaat eivät pidä kiirettä, ja liian kiireiset eivät voi olla viisaita. Viisain on siis se, joka vetelehtii kaikkein kauneimmin.

Lin Yutang, 1938

Even if you trust a man not to play certain cards, there's no point in dealing them to him.

Suomessa analyytikot ovat tuttuja vieraita yritysten hiihtomatkoilla Saariselällä. Jopa viikon kestävät kevätseminaarit sisältävät vähän asiaa ja paljon vapaa-aikaa. Analyytikot ovat päässeet nauttimaan yritysten vieraanvaraisuudesta myös formulakisoihin maailman kilparadoille. Kyllä toimitajiakin Lappiin kutsutaan ja heihin yritetään vaikuttaa, mutta yritysjohdon ja analyytikkojen välinen kanssakäyminen on suoraviivaisempaa. Jos analyytikko pettää luottamuksen, ja laatii negatiivisen raportin, sen tuntee helposti nahoissan.

"Here, my dear, is what we did last Christmas. Six thousand, one hundred dollars we spent on Christmas. Six thousand, one hundred dollars."

"I heard you the first time."

"And precious little to show for it. The vast majority of it down the drain. Wasted. And that , of course, does not include my time, your time, the traffic, stress, worry, bickering, ill-will, sleep loss - all the wonderful things that we pour into the holiday season."

Oma periaatteeni on aina ollut, ettei mulkkujen kanssa tehdä päivääkään töitä, ja  uskon että valtaosalla wapitilaisista oli sama filosofia. Niinpä yksi tärkeimmistä keinoista pitää ihmiset töissä on olla olematta mulkku.

Bad software is to blame.

Viime kädessä yrityksen tai palveluyrityksen toimitusjohtaja vastaa siitä, että yrityksen järjestelmät tuottavat oikeaa tietoa.

Kuten vanha sijoitussääntö kuuluu: sijoittamisessa täytyy muistaa vain kaksi asiaa.

1) Älä koskaan häviä rahaa.
2) Muista aina sääntö numero 1.

Laitakari puhui kiihkeästi."...jos analysoitte meidän tuotteitamme, huomaatte että olemme edelläkävijöitä. Olemme kehittäneet ensimmäisen langattomien lähiverkkojen tietoturvan takaavan..."

Tommilan kuiva nauru keskeytti Laitakarin vuodatuksen: "Ensimmäinen ei mekitse mitään. Boeing 747:n siipien väli on pidempi kuin Wrightin veljesten ensimmäinen lento. Me olemme kehittänet teidän ainoan kunnollisen tuotteenne toimivaksi", hän sanoi.

Nyt alkaa juhlivan viherväen ja jopa rauhallisuudestaan kuuluisan kuuluttajan kärsivällisyys pettää. Kun osallistutaan tällaisille päiville, joilla pohditaan maapallon tulevaisuutta, niin kannattaa vähän miettiä, miten käyttäytyy. Muut on otettava huomioon. Siis kerran vielä. Olkaamme toistemme veljiä. Ystävällisesti pyydämme tätä mulkkua, joka ei voi millään siirtää Ford Escortia Yleisradion auton edestä, siirtämään sen purkkinsa ja sassiin. Tiedonvälitys kärsii. Sananvapautta rajotetaan. Siirrä heti, kuka oletkin arvoisa kansalainen, autosi vittuun.

Four basic values of project management:

Overnight the Finns had gone from being celebrated mainly for their tendency to drink too much and then kill themselves to being heralded as the geniuses who built the most advanced communications industry on the planet. They done this in spite of being personally uncommunicative, the only people I have ever met who, as they become drunk, grew even more silent.

Vuonna 1986 Kairamo puhui Tukholmassa suomalais-ruotsalaisen kauppakamarin 50-vuotisjuhlilla. Hänen aiheensa oli varsinaisesti "Pohjoismainen teollisuus ja pohjoismaiset yritykset". Puhe saavutti huippukohtansa, kun Kairamo otti taskustaan kännykkänsä, joka oli liitetty puhujapöntön mikrofoniin. Hän soitti Tukholman taksikeskukseen tilatakseen taksin. Hän odotti ja odotti. Mitään ei tapahtunut. Sitten puhelunvälittäjä vastaa:
- Ei ole vapaita autoja. Joudutte odottamaan hetken.
Näin Kari Kairamo havainnollisti, mihin kilpailun rajoitukset johtavat.

People in the computer industry are well aware of the innumerable difficulties, but they sometimes defend their failed practices as part of the price we must pay for progress and innovation. One often hears the statement "There are always bugs." Such an outlook makes it sound as if defective products and flawed systems are inevitable. And it quickly becomes an excuse for shoddy work - software products that are badly designed, poorly tested and rushed into the marketplace.

A recurring theme is the correlation between quality and security. For example, it has been shown that investment in software quality will reduce the incidence of computer security problems, regardless of whether security was a target of a quality program or not; and that most effective quality measure from the security point of view is the code walk through.

Yhtiön tärkein yksittäinen menestystekijä on sen toimitusjohtaja. Loppujen lopuksi yhtiön menestys tai menestymättömyys riippuu ratkaisevasti yhden henkilön taitavuudesta ja tarmokkuudesta. Sijoitus pörssiosakkeeseen on samalla sijoitus ihmiseen. Pörssiyhtiöitä verrataan tunnuslukujen valossa, mutta yhtä tärkeää on selvittää tunnuslukujen taustat. Liikeyritys ei ole mitään ilman ihmisiä ja erityisesti sen avainhenkilöä, joka kantaa vastuun päätöksistä.

Anyway, my sister was telling me how she thought that Stephen was a cyber virgin, or did she say virtual virgin?

Oh dear, now what was the distinction again?

You know, a cyber virgin has never had intercourse outside of virtual reality, whereas a virtual virgin has never had intercourse with a real person, even in virtual reality.

How about someone who has never been intimate with a real or simulated person in real or virtual reality?

Hmm, we don't seem to have a term for that.

There has never been a lack of hostile people with a motive to attack. Aggression is as old as Cain and Abel. Until recently, very few people had the means or the opportunity. The geometric growth of the Internet has provided attackers with these last two ingredients.

One result of the Internet's growth has been an upsurge of attacks against people, products, and institutions that can be launched anonymously and, therefore, with impunity. Fake names and addresses easily conceal the true identity of the user. The Internet thus allow anyone to make fun of Mike Tyson's lisp from the safety of his own den, something he would never do if he saw Tyson on the street.

What would be the point of cyphering messages that very clever enemies couldn't break? You'd end up not knowing what they thought you thought they were thinking...

On May 3, 1863, Idestam visited Lüders's factory and persuaded his colleagues to demonstrate the operations of the mill. As they were displaying the new manufacturing equipment, Lüders heard of the presentation and rushed to the scene. He had spent years designing the new process, had invested significant capital in the new machinery. and had no desire to be a gracious host. Lüders ejected Idestam for trying to gather information on a proprietary technology - what he deemed to be industrial espionage. Despite the precipitous end to Idestam's visit, he had seen and heard enough to believe he could create in Finland what he had seen in Germany.

Humans are destined to be party animals, and technology will follow.

Don't design your CRM systems from the inside out to serve your employees. Design them from the outside in to serve your customers...Then give that same information and assistance to the employees who serve your customers...Once you've provided customers and customer-facing employees with the information and streamlined processes that customers care about, you can add functionality that may be of value to your direct sales organization or to your marketing department.

That's the thing about being a Labrador retriever - you were born to fun. Seldom was you loopy, freewheeling mind cluttered by contemplation, and never at all by somber worry; every day was a romp. What else could there possibly be to life? Eating was a thrill. Pissing was a treat. Shitting was joy. And licking your own balls? Bliss. And everywhere you went were gullible humans who patted and hugged and fussed over you.

Security staff are paid to be paranoid. It's a definite job requirement and should be listed in the job advertisements.

The NSA, the CIA, and the FBI all want to prove they are the best at apprehending criminals, so the president gives them a test. He releases a rabbit into the forest and commands each of them to catch it. The NSA places animal informants throughout the forest and interrogates all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigation, it concludes that rabbits do not exist. The CIA, after two weeks with no leads, burns down the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, which an unnamed agency source announces had it coming. The FBI takes only two hours to emerge from the forest with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: "Okay, okay, I'm the rabbit, I'm the rabbit."

None of the architectures is perfect for all situations. Each PKI architechture has its own strengths and weaknesses. By understanding your organization and its requirements, you will be able to choose the architecture that best meets those needs: 

Did these pioneers of cryptography indeed use their own system to protect their ideas? "I remember our decision was, 'Naaah, it's too much trouble,' " says Adleman. "Too much work to encrypt it. And we never did." The irony was lost on them. But the reality was they were harboring big-time hopes for a technology that even its inventors considered a pain in the ass to use!

In the past, you belonged to the elite when you no longer had to run from one place to the next, working all the time; nowadays, the elite consists of people perennially on the move, taking care of urgent business on their mobile phones and always trying to survive some deadline.

GNU/Linux and the open source projects are not about software code only - they are also about freedom, sharing, and community; they are about creation, beauty, and what hackers call "fun" - though "joy" would be nearer the mark. They are about the code within that is at the root of all that is best in us, that rebels against the worst, and that will exist as long as humanity endures.

He'd have furnished it (the gun) with no questions asked. But now I'd have to get it somewhere else. Because now he would know what I wanted it for. He might provide it, but my asking for it would be an abuse of our friendship. And that is something I take seriously. like sobriety, or suicide.

They were farmers, hardworking men who embraced pessimism only when discussing the weather and the crops. There were too much sun, or too much rain, or the threat of floods in the lowlands, or the rising prices of seed and fertilizer, or the uncertainties of the markets. On the most perfect of days, my mother would quietly say to me, "Don't worry. The men will find something to worry about."

While inside DeTeMobil, SKiMo also learned how to interpret some of the mapping and signal-strength data. The result? If one of the company's customers has his mobile turned on, SKiMo says he can pinpoint the customer's geographic location to within one kilometre. The customer doesn't even have to be talking on the mobile. All he has to do is have the phone turned on, waiting to receive calls. 

SKiMo tracked one customer for an afternoon, as the man travelled across Germany, then called the customer up. It turned out they spoke the same European language. 

`Why are you driving from Hamburg to Bremen with your phone on stand-by mode?' SKiMo asked. 

The customer freaked out. How did this stranger at the end of the phone know where he had been travelling? 

SKiMo said he was from Greenpeace. `Don't drive around so much. It creates pollution,' he told the bewildered mobile customer. Then he told the customer about the importance of conserving energy and how prolonged used of mobile phones affected certain parts of one's brain. 

From start the finish, it took the Bank of Bermuda 25 months to implement the PKI.

From start to finish, Perot Systems implemented PKI for VPN within 25 months.

Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory took just 17 months from conception to its first PKI production rollout.

It took U.S. Patent and Trademark Office just three months from the time it finished developing its master plan to deploying its first PKI pilot, and an additional 15 months for its first deployment for internal operations.

Where Ruesch knew that it would use some form of authentication and encryption, it took the company only six months to implement its PKI from start to finish.

The law and justice are not synonymous, amigo. Not in this country, not in my country, not in any country. Never have been. Never will be.

Mundus vult decipi

Poliitikolle ja sudelle oli yhteistä se, että molemmat hakivat johtajuutta. Oli raaka luonnonhistoriallinen totuus, että johdettavuus on ihmiselle ja monille muille nisäkkäille kuuluva tärkeä yhteinen biologinen ja periytyvä ominaisuus. Nisäkäs nimeltä Homo sapiens alistui vaistomaisesti johdettavaksi - ilman johtajuuden kunnioittamista lauma ja yhteisö ei toimisi.

Fermentaatio on taianomainen kemiallinen prosessi, jonka monimutkaista kulkua ei täysin tunneta. Tupakan kemiallinen koostumus muuttuu jokaisen fermentaatiovaiheen aikana. Nikotiinin, tervan, ammoniakin ynnä muiden epäpuhtauksien määrä vähenee ja tupakan happamuusaste alenee. Tämän seurauksena sikaritupakka on maukkaampaa, miellyttävämpää ja yleisen arvion  mukaan myös vähemmän haitallista kuin vähemmän käynyt tavallinen savuketupakka.

I have nothing more to say than this: We are all of us standing on the brink of Hell.

"Bless me, Fatha, for I have sin. I kill seven people that time I'm still a boy and we kill the inyenzi, the cockroaches. I kill four persons in the church the time you saying the Mass there and you see it happen. You know we kill five hundred in Nyundo before we come here and kill I think one hundred in this village before everybody run away."

This is the nature of the Internet. Flame wars target people with unpopular views, attack the weak networks, ignore the web sites with nothing to offer, and support an ecommerce engine bound to continue creating untold billions in paper wealth as we learn how to coexist with this global network we have built.

Dabbling in U.S. domestic politics, hackers have made their presence felt. In the early days of her campaign, some Web surfers found it impossible to reach Hillary Clinton's Web site ( Their browsers would go automatically to a rival site (, maintained by Friends of Giuliani (her former potential rival for a New your Seanate seat) instead.

Information security laws:

If J. Random Websurfer clicks on a button that promises dancing pigs on his computer monitor, and instead gets a hortatory message describing the potential dangers of the applet - he's going to choose dancing pigs over computer security any day.

The users of an intrusion detection system hold the keys to the ultimate success or failure of the technology. Knowledgeable users can compensate for the inherent weaknesses of a particular package, whereas inept or hostile users can nullify the value of even the best system design and implementation.

"Yksi tuttu investointipankkiiri kertoi minulle hiljattain, että heille oli tullut taas kolme kappaletta hakemuksia, joissa haettiin riskirahoitusta wappi-deitti-palvelun tekemiseen."

"Minähän olin revetä, kun tietää, miten vähän wappeja on ja minkälaisilla ihmisillä. Mieletön nissipalvelu: homoinsinöörit voi deittailla keskenään! Miksi rakentaa deittipalvelu sellaisille laitteille, joiden käyttäjäkunnassa ei ole yhtään naista?"

 Sallamaari Muhonen

A consistent directory strategy across and between enterprises is becoming more critical. This is due to the changing nature of business relationships and the need for more accurate information, reduced administration costs, and better security, as well as the complexity of distributed computing platforms.

Our boss came in and asked, "Wendl! What are you doing?"
 Wendl said, "I'm thinking." 
And the boss said, "Can't you do that at home?"

There's three things in software: quality, features and schedule. The problem is that you only get to pick two.

Unfortunately, this category of secrecy is itself so secret that its very existence is secret, and so he can't actually reveal it to anyone - unless he finds someone else with Ultra Mega clearance.

She was talking to a kid with brain damage, right? A kid who doesn't get out of the house too much, right, because he gets lost in the neighborhood? And she asked him if he had ever found a system that he couldn't eventually get into. And Matt Singer paused a long time before giving his considered response: No.

There are infinitely many ways to lose a day...but not even one to get one back.

Intrusion detection is the process of identifying and responding to malicious activitys targeted at computing and networking resources.

"Matter of fact, I got a car. An American fuckin' car. Made in the motor city US-fuckin'-A, out of sweat and American steel" - Wayne's voice began to rise - " not some fuckin' wop, faggot, greaseball-built pile of tin shit for queers! A Lamborghini! Bruce, I am surprised at you."

At conferences, the number one question people ask me is, "How much does it cost to build a good web
site?" What do these people want to hear? They want to hear some low number, so they can go ahead
with their plans. They expect me to say something like, "Well, for a small site, it's this much; for a
medium-sized site with a shopping cart, this much." They want to hear the secret to saving money.
Instead, I give the same answer every time: "How much does it cost to have a baby? The lifetime cost of
keeping your commitment is much higher than the initial cost of delivery."


The history of computing is littered with unsuccessful standards that sought reliability through specification rather than experience.

IP networks and security technology will become increasingly integrated over the next several years. Regardless of organizational or philosophical barriers, network and security managers should plan on being bunkmates and close collaborators for the long term.

Networks become less like fixed plumbing and more like ad hoc furniture arrangements configured for particular, temporary purposes.

"It's called extortion, Quince, and you're caught. It's cruel and mean and criminal, and I don't care. I need money, and you have it."

She guessed that was what they meant by it being addictive. That she'd gotten just that little edge of it off the country singer sticking his tongue in her mouth and now the actual molecules of diz were twanging at receptor sites in her brain, saying gimme, gimme.

suomalaisten yritysten tietoturvallisuusasioiden ylläpitoon ja kehittämiseen liittyvät asiat ovat huonolla tasolla verrattuna vastaaviin hyvin hoidettuihin ulkomaalaisiin yrityksiin

You're too busy "doing business" to answer our e-mail? Oh gosh, sorry, gee, we'll come back later. Maybe.

Enterprise Javabeans promises to revolutionize the way we think about developing mission-critical enterprise software. It combines server-side components with distributed object technologies such as CORBA and Java RMI to greatly simplify the task of application development. It automatically takes into account many of the requirements of business systems: security, resource pooling, persistence, concurrency, and tranactional integrity.

Within a day and a half, I had compromised twenty-eight of the company's twenty-nine top development projects and collected over a billion dollars' worth of sensitive information. And no one even noticed me.

En halunnut riitaa. En sanonut, että vain naiset pitivät keskustelua muusta elämästä irrallisena tapahtumana, jossa istutaan sohvalla, pidetään toista kädestä ja ynistään moneen kertaan sovittuja asioita. Tajusin, että minun pitäisi lähiaikoina käydä keskustelu, jossa käytetään ilmauksia "avautua" ja "voimmeko me kohdata ihmisinä". Otin kynän ruukusta ja merkitsin asian muistiin Hesarin kulmaan, jonka repäisin taskuuni. Vaimo kysyi mitä tein. Sanoin pelastavamme liittomme.

I just sat there and took it. The way I always do - fear and rage dancing inside me, nothing showing on my face.

"You're saying you get an indicator that she is returning before she has left?"

Security should present no impediment to the user in terms of hindering him/her from doing the tasks
that need to be done. Security should require of the user no special knowledge, should demand of the
user no special procedures, and should burden the user with no special delays.

"For years I've been waiting for nature to react our environmental bullshit, tell us to stop overpopulating
and depleting resources, to shut up and stop messing around and just die. Species-level apoptosis. I think
this could be the final warning - a real species killer"

"Time is a gentle deity," said Sophocles. Perhaps it was, for him. These days it cracks the whip.

The krewe always played poker with European cash. There was American cash around, flimsy plastic stuff, but most people wouldn't take American cash anymore. It was hard to take American cash seriously when it was no longer convertible outside U.S. borders. Besides, all the bigger bills were bugged.

Kun myynti sujuu, elämä hymyilee. Kun myynti ei suju, pyhimmätkin lehmät teurastetaan.

Out of the box, NT is configured to give away just about any piece of information a hacker would desire, and then some.

Nowhere is the labor market so twisted as in Silicon Valley. At the Shoreline Cineples in Mountain View, before the lights go down and the previews roll, all the ad slides between movie trivia questions are for jobs. Outside every expresso shop stand shiny blue news racks stuffed with thick, free career magazines: zero percent editorial, 100 percent recruitment advertising. One of the best ways to get rid of a troublesome coworker is simply to give out his name to a few headhunters, who will quickly bombard the guy with so many offers that he will resign on his own within the month. In the ultimate perversion, companies hire headhunters to telephone their own employees (without identifying that's who they're really working for), in order to discover which ones are unhappy and vulnerable to being picked off. Do they fire these troublemakers? Odds are they'll be placated with a raise or a spontaneous performance bonus of two thousand stock options.

The venator had looked at him. Peter had sensed the wildness and the pent-up fury. He felt as if he had stared into the throat of a tornado and just barely escaped.

1.Build a Brand That Stands for Solving Problems 
2.Allow Your prices to Fluctuate Freely with Supply and Demand 
3.Let Affiliate Partners Do Your Marketing for You 
4.Create Valuable Bundles of Information and Services 
5.Sell Custom-Made Products Online, Then Manufacture Them 
6.Add New Value to Transactions Between Buyers and Sellers 
7.Integrate Digital Commerce with Absolute Everything 

Roy looks at me, he says, "I'm getting out of here before I catch that new kind of AIDS." Boylan says, "What kind is that?" Roy says, "Hearing AIDS. You get it from listening to assholes."

You sure that's what you want to say? `If I was fucking with you, man, you'd know it?´ The `If I was fucking with you´ part is okay, if that's the way you want to go. But then,`you'd know it´- come on, you can do better than that.

The incident handling team needs to have a senior executive in the organization as its sponsor or champion. The handler must be able to look that very young, very successful program manager droid, who has axed many a promising technical person on a whim, in the eye and say, "Yes, I know how important this system is . We will save as much of data as your people have properly backed up, but the operating system is toast."

And down whirr I grew up, in Baker County, theh's a saying: "When the tailgate drops, the bullshit stops".

Yritykset, jotka hallitsevat asiakkuuksia verkossa, voivat ottaa vahvan roolin verkkokaupassa ilman, että niiden tarvitsee rakentaa toimitusketjua ja asiakaspalveluun liittyviä järjestelmiä. Nämä toiminnot voidaan ulkoistaa näille alueille erikoistuneille yrityksille.

Software is always whining at me with confirmation dialog boxes and bragging to me with unnecessary little status bars. I don't want or need to know how hard the computer is working. I am not interested in program's crisis of confidence about whether or not to purge its recycle bin. I don't want to hear its whining about not being sure where to put a file on disk. I don't need to hear the modem whistling or see information about computer's data transfer rates and it's loading sequence, any more than I need information about the bartender's divorce, the hairdresser's broken down car, or the doctor's alimony payments.

A system needed to be developed that has all the benefits of X.500, but which is easy to implement and runs on the widespread TCP/IP protocols. This is where LDAP comes in.

Information security is mostly an inarticulate, incomplete, incorrect folk art disguised as an engineering and business discipline.

"Victor," JD shouts from behind me. "Can you tell the difference between a platitude and a platypus?"
"One's a ... beaver?"
"Which one?"
"Oh god, this is hard," I moan. "Where's my publicist?"

Hyvän salausjärjestelmän tulee toteuttaa Kerckhoffin periaate (Auguste Kerckhoff, 1835-1903), minkä mukaan järjestelmä on varma, vaikka kaikki sen salaus- ja purkuprosessien yksityiskohdat julkistetaan lukuunottamatta salaista avainta.

Wow, look at all the places someone can screw up security!

LDAP directories have risen from a relatively obscure offshoot of an equally obscure field to become oneof the linchpins of modern computing on the Internet. Increasingly, LDAP directories are becoming the nerve center of an organization's computing infrastructure, providing naming, location, management, security and other services that have traditionally been provided by network operating systems.

Rottakuningas tarkoittaa sitä, että liian monta rottaa elää liian pienessä tilassa liian kovan paineen alaisena. Niiden hännät kietoutuvat yhteen ja mitä enemmän ne yrittävät ponnistella päästäkseen vapaiksi, sitä tiukemmaksi kiristyy solmu, joka sitoo ne yhteen, kunnes tuloksena on tiukasti yhteen kasvanutta kudosta,

I don't care who gets the money. But I do care very much who doesn't get it.

It is clear that over the next 10 to 20 years, the role and function of government will change more than it has over the previous 200 years.

Lähivuosina television, tietokoneiden, pelikoneiden ja pelihallien viihdetuotantoon on tulossa useita uusia muotoja (kyberelämät, pelimaailmat, virtuaaliseikkailut, oppimismaailmat, verkkoviihteen uudet muodot jne.). Oleellista on, että suuri osa niiden tuotannosta edellyttää isoja investointeja. Koska ihmisten elmästä todennäköisesti yhä suurempi osa kuluu viihteen parissa, viihteen tuotantotavoilla on huomattava merkitys. Tämä vaikuttaa mm. ihmisten asenteisiin ja arvoihin, maailmankuvaan, viihdetuottamisen muotoihin ja rakenteisiin, taloudellisiin rakenteisiin sekä jopa politiikan tekemisen muotoihin.

Noihin aikoihin hän löysi laboratorion roskakorista palkkashekin kannan. Se kuului eräälle teknikolle, joka oli tullut paikalle Portsmouhtista. He olivat ensiluokkaisia teknikkoja, ja koska he olivat teknikkoja, he saivat maksun ylitöistä. Insinöörit olivat ammattilaisia, heille ei niistä maksettu. 

Holberger silmäili kantaa. Hän ei voinut asialle mitään. Hän oli ällistynyt. Mekaanikot saivat yli kaksi kertaa enemmän kuin hän noiden ylitöidensä ansioista.

"Savolainen yritti kaapata lentokoneen - Finnair ei ostanut!"

"Kun alkaa vittuilla, pitää kanssa osata."

"Miten mehiläispuusta saa hunajaa", sanoi Puh kiireesti, koska hän ei halunnut jäädä keskustelusta syrjään
ja sitä paitsi halusi todella kuulla ratkaisun. "Se on pohdittava kysymys ja myös vaikeasti ratkaistava asia
jota koetetaan selvittää, jos mehiläiset ovat vastahakoisia."

If a civil liberties group can build a DES Cracker for $200,000, it's pretty likely that governments can do the same thing for under a million dollars. (That's a joke.) Given the budget and mission of the US National Security Agency, they must have started building DES Crackers many years ago. We would guess that they are now on their fourth or fifth generation of such devices. They are probably using chips that are much faster than the ones we used; modern processor chips can run at more than 300 MHz, eight times as fast as our 40 MHz chips. They probably have small "field" units that fit into a suitcase and crack DES in well under a day; as well as massive central units buried under Ft. Meade, that find the average DES key in seconds, or find thousands of DES keys in parallel, examining thousands of independent intercepted messages.

XML doesn't go nearly as far as SGML in requiring conformance to standards, but it may still come as a shock to HTML developers. XML standards refer to processors (parsers), not to browsers, because much XML development will be intended for machine-readable data applications rather than graphically exciting web pages.

- "All I can do is to quote Confucius's greatest line."
- "What's that?"
- "It beats the shit out of me, baby."

The most effective way to improve the performance of PC hardware running Windows is to erase Windows and install a version of Unix for Intel, such as Linux, Solaris x86, FreeBSD, BSDI, or SCO Unix.

It is a very humbling experience to make a multimillion-dollar mistake, but it is also very memorable.

The man-month is a fallacious and dangerous myth, for it implies that men and months are interchangeable.

How does a project get to be a year late?
...One day at a time.

Three axioms of insecurity:
1. Insecurity exists
2. Insecurity cannot be destroyed
3. Insecurity can be moved around

If you have to add a sign that says push or pull then this indicates that the door is not as simple as is possible; it's design is faulty. 

I perform keiko in order to strike just one perfect men.

Anything that make employees unhappy makes the stock price go up.

Search engines become bandages for sites with poorly designed browsing system.

How in hell can anyone disguise an entire star system?

Most projects are 10% ideas, 20% implementing them, and 70% communication.

Few false ideas have more firmly gripped the minds of so many intelligent men than the one that, if they just tried, they could invent a cipher that no one could break.